Day 23

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Trigger Warnings: Slight Panic Attack, Choking

It was nearing the end of the day. My hand was laced in Roman's as we watched Logan and Patton move their bodies in ridiculous ways. We were paying couple charades, which I learned I'm not very good at.

Currently however, Patton and Logan were acting out a scene which ended in Logan getting down on one knees and pretend proposing to Patton. "Oh, you guys are doing an e-enGAYgement!" I shouted. Both the boys nodded as Roman and I marked a point for our little team. I let out a tiny yawn as I cheered, leaning more into Roman.

"Aw, you're tired, aren't you?" Roman asked, cuddling me more.

"Nah, I g-got one more round in me." I struggled to say, sitting back up.

"Well, you're not the only one who's tired." Damion said, turning his head downward to a sleeping Remus head rested on his crotch.

"God, where's a camera when you need it!" Roman said, making all of us laugh.

"I think we should clock out for the night." Patton suggested, rubbing his eyes. We all agreed, standing ourselves up. Roman helped Damion pick Remus up as we all trudged back to The Sleeping Quarters. Roman set Remus down on his bed before following me back to our room.

As soon as we were inside, I fell onto my bed, face first. Roman laughed, rubbing my back. "S-Stop!" I groaned. "I still need to take my medication, you ca-can't put me to sleep yet!" I teased. He put his hands up in surrender as he walked into the bathroom. I loosely chuckled, grabbing my water and medication cup. I had gotten pretty good at dry swallowing like Damion, but I didn't want to do it while I was tired. Last thing I needed to do was choke.

I felt the pills fall down my throat. I set my water back down and tucked myself into bed. I shut my eyes, hearing Roman come over and kiss my forehead. After that, I was whisked away into a world of darkness.

I opened my eyes as I saw I was back in my room. Wait, my room? I rubbed my eyes, thinking they were playing some cruel trick on me. But when I looked around again, my room was still there. The same dark purple walls littered with band posters and edgy poems that Mother insisted I hang up. I sat upon the same black bed frame with a fuzzy black duvet with stars on it. The same black bookshelves that had all my favorite books and few plushies from my childhood.

Why was I here?

There a knock at the door, making me jump in fright. I moved my legs around and gripped the silver doorknob tightly. I expected to see Mother but, there stood Roman in some white prince outfit that looked like something pulled out of a pre-made Halloween costume. "Hey, Virgil!" He greeted with a wave. I must've had the most confused look on my face because he shot the same look back at me. "Something wrong?" He asked.

"What the hell are you wearing, Roman? It's like...August." I said, watching his face drop a little.

"Why, I'm wearing what I always wear. And, if we're going to talk clothing, you're one to talk." I opened my mouth to question him, but instead I looked now at my ensemble. I wore ripped, black skinny jeans with a black jacket with purple patches on it, held together by thick white thread. This was the jacket I brought with me. But, I was wearing my uniform today. How am I wearing this? "Seriously though, black skinny jeans? What about a lighter, more fun color?" Roman chimed in again.

"Where are we?" I asked him. He stifled a laugh, raising his eyebrows.

"What, you'd hit your head or something? We're inside Thomas' mind." He said, as if it was a well known fact.

"Warden Sanders?" I shot back.

"I...I guess you could call him that." I pushed past Roman, stomping down the hallway. I didn't recognize this house. But, I felt like I lived here for years. But I couldn't have. Why was my room in someone else's house! "Virgil, are you alright?" Roman ask, putting his hand on my shoulder.

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