Chapter Seven: Wiki-How

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P.O.V: Thomas
I got even more angry when Hamilton whispered in my ear "I didn't even try my best, Jeffershit." I stormed off to my dorm and slammed the door. "What's wrong, Thomas?" James asks me as I throw my debate notebook and binder onto the ground. "Stupid Hamilshit fucking won the debate in debate class!" I yelled. "Is he really that bad, man?" James said as he got a box of cereal. "Yes he fucking is!" Yea. I tend to curse a lot when I'm really mad. And I am really ,really mad. I start to rant to James about Hamilton and how he slapped me 'countless' times, even if he only slapped me twice and slapped him like, five times. That earned me a kick where the sun don't shine. "Calm down Thomas. Why don't you make some Mac n Cheese and watch a movie?" I nodded as I started to make my way into the kitchen.
P.O.V: Alexander
I was on my computer with John and Lafayette searching up the weirdest shit ever, when there was a slam on the other side of the room. We all turned our heads and all in unison we said "Thomas." "What is Jefferfuck mad about this time?" John asked, clearly annoyed. "Uh, so I kinda pissed Jefferson off in debate class and he's mad at me, So I took advantage of that and whispered something like 'I wasn't even trying' or something like that in his ear." I said, proud of myself. "Mon ami! Did you win the debate?!" Lafayette said with excitement in his voice. "Why yes I did, Laf." I said in a sassy voice. "Alex! No one ever wins a debate against Thomas! You're like, the first!"  Lafayette said, impressed. We heard yelling from the other dorm and someone trying to calm the situation. Lafayette sighed, "I'll go text then saying to la ferme, putain (Shut the fuck up)" he said, pulling out his phone from his back pocket. John and I went back to searching up 'How to jump off a building' on wiki-how.

Baguette Boi: Merde, Thomas, stop yelling. We can hear you from the other room.

Mac n Cheese: Well Lafayette, I don't give 2 shits.

Baguette boi: I'll block you and I'll remove you from all the group chats if you don't stfu

Mac n Cheese: Fine.

Baguette boi: Yay. Bye now

Mac n Cheese: Bye. Fuck You Lafayette

"There!" Laf says as he throws his phone on my bed. "C'mon French fry! We are searching up how to become a cannibal on wiki-how!" John said as he gestured Laf to come with us. He plopped down, squishing John towards me. "Really French fry? Just sit next to Alex, he has more space on the beam bag!" John said, pushing Laf onto my bean bag. I playfully frowned and pushed Laf towards John again, and that went on for about 5 minutes before Laf ran to the sink and threw up his lunch. "Merde, MOTION SICKNESS JOHN!" Laf yelled at John, flipping him off in a playful, yet a little serious way. John flipped him off as well and we went back to searching up how to become a cannibal on wiki-how.
-Kinda big time skip to like, late October-

P.O.V: Thomas
My relationship with Hamilton didn't really change that much durning September and most of October, but that changed.
This is a short chapter, but I really wanted this cliff-hanger so yea. Also - WINTER BREAK IS HERE SO I CAN UPDATE MORE! And a early chapter lol
Word count: 610
Hell yea
Have a nice day/night!

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