Chapter Thirty Three: Slipping the ring

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Some of the parts are from 'His Touch' go read it. It has smut-
P.O.V: Thomas
I flutter my eyes open and look around. Then I remember that I'm getting married today. Turning my body towards Alexander's aid of the bed, I don't see him. I'm confused as hell when I hear my phone ring. I turn my body again and pick up the phone.

"Oh god finally! Thomas we are coming in a minute to make you pretty, 'Kay?" I hear a stressed Angelica on the other line. I look at the time and it says nine o'clock. "O-Okay!" I respond and hang up. I race to my closet and find my black suit with magenta tie. I hurry and put it on. I fix my tie when I hear the doorbell ring. I rush over, tripping several times, and flung the door open. I see James, Maria and Angelica hurry into my house. "Okay, we have about an hour or two to get you ready." Angelica said, setting down a bag. "Sit." She orders.

I sit down on a dining chair as Maria and Angelica set up a makeup station and a mirror. "Wait a minute! I'm not wearing makeup!" I protest. Angelica rolls her eyes as she plugs a curling iron to an outlet. "I'm just gonna curl your hair to make it more fluffy and Maria's gonna do some natural makeup." Angelica said, rolling her eyes.

It look about ten minutes for Angelica to do my hair and fifteen minutes for Maria to put on makeup on me. I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is more curly than before and I have some foundation and concealer on my face. I actually feel like I can't move my face with this makeup on. "Okay. Now Lafayette and Hercules should be coming in any-" Maria was cut off my two tall men bursting through the door.

Mulligan and Lafayette raced to the dining room and said in unison "WHERE IS MY SUIT!?" I chuckled and say "In my bathroom." They race to my bedroom and came out about five minutes later. They both wore light grey suits with a light magenta tie. I'm pretty sure that Laurens was wearing the same thing but with a green tie. "Now me and Maria need to change." Angelica said.

"Your dresses are in my bathroom." I say. They both elegantly walk to my bedroom as I start to bite my nails for no apparent reason. Angelica comes out with a floor length gown that has a train. On the side, the dress as a swirly pattern. A few minutes later, Maria comes out wearing a skin tight gown that flow out a bit at the end.

I pace back in forth in the dining room. Then I hear someone blast 'What'd I Miss' from the musical Miranda (I will shoot a penguin if you come at my for this reference) on the Alexa on the counter. I turn to see Lafayette and Mulligan dancing their heads off to it. So I join in.

P.O.V: Alexander
"Stop pulling my hAIR!" I screeched as John tightens my ponytail. "Oh shut it." He says flatly, putting a bow to finish my ponytail. I look at myself in the full length mirror. I'm wearing a dark grey suit with a light green tie. John's wearing a lighter grey suit with a darker green tie. Just as I stand up, I see Eliza walk in.

She's wearing a white flowy dress that has a train in the back. On the side of the dress there is a swirly kind of pattern. Eliza has her hair in a bun with a green flower holding it in place. Then Peggy kicked he door open. She was wearing a tight dress that flowed out a bit at the end. Her hair was in two low pigtails.

"Oh god, it's eleven! WE HAVE TO GET TO THE CHURCH!" Eliza screeched. "SHIIIIT LET'S GO!" I yell. We race out the door and into the lobby. Eliza was about to call her dad to pick us up before I yelled "JUST RUN TO THE CHURCH IT AIN'T FAR." So we did.

We ran two blocks to the church.

We were exhausted but not disheveled. I wonder if Thomas is already here.
P.O.V: Thomas
I stomped on the breaks just as he were about to it a building. Not even caring, we raced into the church. "GET INTO POSITION OR WHATEVER." Angelica screamed. People were just starting to arrive. I speed walked to my spot, James, Mulligan and Lafayette behind me.

We waited for what seemed like an hour before the priest came in (I actually don't know how a wedding work just go with it.). And then after about another hour of waiting, it finally happened. First it was Elizabeth, then it was Margarita, or 'Peggy.' Then it was him. Alexander arms was intertwined with Laurens as he walked down the aisle.

I blushed at the sight of Alexander. Him in his dark grey suit and light green tie. He stood in front of me, staring into my eyes. Then the priest started to say his speech about marriage and shit. "You look nice." He whispered. "You do too." I say. "But I look better." He playfully glared at me as I held his hands.

"Will you, Thomas Jefferson take Alexander Hamilton to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest said. "I most certainly do." I automatically say. "And will you, Alexander Hamilton take Thomas Jefferson to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do with all my heart." He says it quicker than I did.

"Then by the power invested in me, I present to you, husband and man. You may kiss the groom." The priest finally said. Alexander practically smashed his lips into mine. I quickly melted into the kiss. There were screeches and yells and cheers of happiness everywhere.

"YEA, BABY!" Alexander screeched. I laugh as we walk down the aisle. Then we go the reception party. We get wine and Mac n cheese. It felt good having a husband. "LET'S PLAY A GAME!" Laurens screamed. Laurens threw four shoes at us, me catching two shoes and Alexander having a white one and a black one slapped in his face. I hold in a laugh as Laurens explains the rules. "So! Imma ask the newly weds some questions! If you think Alexander would do that, hold up the white shoe! If you think Jefferfuck would do that, hold up the black one."

"Okay! Who's top!" Laurens yelled into the microphone. The black one went up and a roar of laughter followed.

"Who sleeps late?" White shoe went up.

"Who's scared of scary movies?" Black shoe went up. I pout as Alexander giggles.

After about two rounds later, we were all a laughing mess. Now it was time for presents. I got headphones from Angelica and handcuffs, from James. Everyone laughed as I held up he handcuffs. Alexander got few shirts, one saying 'The ocean made me salty' and a calligraphy set from John. And then he wedding was done.

Was walked out of the church, hand in hand. Alexander threw the bouquet of flower and surprisingly Laurens caught it. Instead of driving off 'into the sunset,' we walked somewhere. With complaints from Alex, we finally reach our destination. The train stop. "Where are we going?!" Alexander said, stomping his foot. "Can't you see? Train stop 15." I say. Then he realizes.

It was the place we met.

"Aww, Babe!" He jumped and hugged me. I chuckle and hug back. Then in a whisper he said

"Where are we going for our honeymoon?"
That's it! The last chapter of 'A Certain Train Stop'! There will be an epilogue and a small A/N with some socials you can follow me on.
Word Count: 1323
Have an amazing day/night!

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