Chapter Twenty Seven: Graduation Days

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P.O.V: Thomas
Just a few days ago, Alex met my family. And all I have to say is, damn he is short compared to my siblings. Like, he's the only person who's five foot five. It's amazing.
P.O.V: Alexander
It's nowhere near amazing.
-A big ass time skip to the end of their third year. Yea-
P.O.V: Alexander
"WE ARE GRADUATING, BITCHES!" I screeched from back stage (I actually just squeaked from that sentence. I don't know why). The whole squad was wearing navy blue robes with those graduation caps that have a string on top.

Parents, teachers and students were filling the auditorium. I glance at Thomas. He looked so confident in himself. Even though he complained to me about his exams and how he was gonna fail. "Hey, Lex, I found this picture of us in freshman year." Thomas budged me by my shoulder.

He showed me a picture of us. I giggled at how stupid we looked. I had just started to grow a beard and my hair was down. Thomas as his hair down also, and it was in my face. "We look so young...and stupid." I said. We both chuckled.

"And now to present these graduates!" I hear someone say. "Ugh. I'm sitting next to none of you guys." I complain. "It's okay!" Eliza said, placing her hand in my shoulder. I chuckle as we walk to our assigned seats. I had to sit somewhere near the middle while the rest of my friends, and my boyfriend, sat more towards the back because my last name started before theirs! bULLSHIT if you ask me.

After about fifteen minutes of names being called and diplomas being handed out, it was my turn. "This young man majored in law and minored in French, he plans on becoming either a lawyer or a politician. This fellow peers call him 'Non-Stop.' I shall give this diploma to Alexander Hamilton!"  I stood up from my chair, and hear people clapping.

But I can really hear Ms. Jefferson screaming "YES! THERE WE GO!" And Thomas screeching "THAT'S WHO I'M GAY FOR!" And John Adams saying "BULLSHIT." I got my diploma and sit back down, beaming with pride.

I wish ma could see this...

About an hour of names being called, me screeching on the top of my lungs every time my friend was called, we all got handed our best assignment from the whole three years. We all stood up and we counted down from five


We all threw our caps and assignment in the air, screeching with pride that we finished college. "YEEEAAAAAH BABY! TIME TO BE THE PRESIDENT!" Thomas screamed. I tackled him and smothered him with kisses. It was an awesome time.

Now we had to pack our stuff and get the hell out of this place.

I bought five suit cases for this. The sentences "JOHN, WHERE THE HELL IS MY TOOTHBRUSH?" And "ELIZA HELP ME STUFF THE PANTRY IN MY FOURTH SUITCASE!" Could be heard from our dorm. You must be wondering, 'Hamilton, where are you gonna live?' Well, I already got that covered. Me and Thomas bought an apartment just by Madison square garden.

It has a small balcony, two bedrooms and a workspace for me. Eliza and Peggy, Eliza sister, ate gonna move in together with that flirty cashier, Maria. John was gonna live in the floor above us while Laf and Herc lived across from me and Thomas. As for Madison? He's living next to us.

Yea we are very close

After an hour of packing up, we said our goodbyes to our dorm. Eliza gave out cards to all the teachers and all the graduating students. "I'll miss you son." Mr. Washington said. "I'll miss you too, and I'm not cha son." I replied. He hugged and that was it.

I was officially done with college.

I ran to Thomas, who was sitting on a bench nearby. "TOMMY! LET'S GO!" I yelled. He laughed and said "Did you just call me 'Tommy'" "Shut up," I said, embarrassed. "let's just get in the car and gO." The car ride was fun. I threw pens at Thomas while he cursed at drivers for not 'driving right.' We arrive at the apartment and I skip into it.

I fumble with my keys and open my apartment. It was beautiful. I was met with a long, white hallway that lead in two directions. One was a short hallway that lead to the master bedroom, and the other lead to a spacious entertainment area with doors along the hallway. On the right, there was a small dining room with a door that lead to the small balcony. There was a big ass kitchen next to the dining room. As for the hallway, there were five doors.

Four normal ones, and one double door. The double door lead to the laundry room. The other four lead to two bedrooms, one office space and a bathroom. I waltzed into the apartment like I owned it, which I did, and Thomas followed me in. There was already a couch in the living room that Thomas had ordered, so I laid on it. Then Thomas flopped on me. I screeched, making him get off.

I giggle as he peppers my neck with kisses. "Thomas! We need to get the luggages." I say. He gets off me and we make our way to the outside of the apartment.

"Whoever carries the most luggages gets to pick dinner!"
Word count: 932
Have a lovely day/night!

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