Chapter Twenty Five: Uneasy - Part One

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P.O.V: Alexander
"THOMAS!" I yelled into my boyfriend's ear. I hear a yawn and a groan. "What, Alex? It's like," Thomas turned to the hanging clock on my wall. He squinted and finished his sentence. "Six-twenty one. Seriously?" I nodded and gave him a peck on his cheek.

I put my head at his ear and whispered, "I want breakfast at the café." Thomas sat up and looked at me with disappointment in his eyes. "Lex, I don't think the café is even open!" He said to me. I furrowed my eyebrows and replied "Lin's Café is open from six o'clock to eleven thirty, you giraffe."

I grinned as he sighed and staggered to the bathroom. I realized that I'm in Thomas' dorm so I leave and get dressed. I come back into the dorm wearing a grey shirt and denim jeans. It was paired with dark green converse and my hair was tied into a messy bun.

I sit on a stool in the kitchen, waiting for Thomas to come out. After what seems like forever Thomas comes out. He's wearing a white shirt with a magenta stripe in the middle with dark blue jeans. I smile and put on my coat.

I personally think going to a cozy café is a great way to start off a new year. Especially with my boyfriend. I skip out of the dorm with a weird feeling of delight. I don't know, I have just a sudden burst of energy in me.

I felt great coming out of the dorm and into the unit, but that feeling ended when I got out of the unit. The sky was covered in grey clouds. It sent shivers down my spine.

Now, time to take a break from reality and tell you why I'm so uneasy. I grew up on a island called Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean. One day, when I was about nineteen, a hurricane washed over my town. People drowned. I was on a rooftop, but the wind blew me into the water. I couldn't swim, I was helpless. But my brother saved me. I just couldn't seem to die.

And now, ever since then, any sort of precipitation leaves me in a panic attack, curling up into a ball and sobbing until my throat is dry. I slow down my pace until Thomas catches up to me. As soon as he catches up, I quickly grip on to his hand.

I calm myself down as we go into the café. "Hello! Welcome to Lin's Café How May I help you?" A woman asks me as I approach the counter. "Uhm, I'll get a extra large coffee with five cups of sugar," I start. I glance over at Thomas to see what he wants. "Black coffee's fine." He says. "Okay, and your names?" She asked. "Alexander on the extra large and Thomas on the other." She nods and walks away from the counter.

Thomas leads me to a table near the right side of the shop, near a window. As we wait, I play with my fingers to keep my mind from thinking about storms and rain. "Hey, Lex, are you okay? You today." I flinch at the sound of Thomas asking me a question.

"Yea, Yea! I'm fine, just, bored!" I say with a fake smile. "We can go if you want, if this makes you uncomfortable." He says to me. "No, really! I'm fine." I respond.
-Time skip all the way to like, 6:00-
Thomas and I have been in and out of classes all day, starting with my having my French class at 8:30, and Thomas having writing class at 10:00, me and him having debate class at 2:00, and now that leads us here, Thomas at law class at 5:00 in the evening! Law class is a really long class, like, almost two hours. Right now, I closed all the curtains and locked the door in Thomas' dorm.

I heard there is going to me a eighty percent chance of a storm happening at five-thirty. All was going well until I heard a crash of thunder. I quickly grab my phone and ear buds and I run to the bathroom. I blast loud music in my ears, trying to down out the thunder and rain that was pouring. There music didn't really help because I still heard loud, booming crashes of thunder.

I was a sobbing mess. My eyes were red and puffy, my hair was a mess from me pulling on it. I swear I could hear faint screams. Cries for help. I shut my eyes, drowning myself in my own thoughts.

I stayed like this for the next thirty minutes or so. Sobbing, pulling on my hair, chewing my sweater string. That's how it went until-

Is thing considered angst? I don't know. But I am a sucker for storm chapters. In any ship including Hamilton really.
Word Count: 853
Have a lovely day/night!

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