Chapter Thirty: The Jeffersons Come Back

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I saw this and I was like "This is so hot-"P

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I saw this and I was like "This is so hot-"
P.O.V: Alexander
I was looking through a wedding magazine before someone knocked on the door. With confusion, I walk up to the door and open it. "Ms. Jeffers-" "OH MY GOODNESS MY NEW SON-IN-LAW!" Ms. Jefferson crushes me into a hug.

I quickly hug back and chuckled. We let go and I see Martha, Lucy, Jane jr., Randolph and Anna (I think they are his siblings).  "Hey guys." I say, waving to them. They all flash a smile, and I motion them to come in. "I'll go get Thomas." I say, walking to our room.

I open the door and I see him, sleeping in a very odd position, softly snoring. I glance at my engagement ring and mumble to myself 'I guess this is what I'm marrying to.' I nudge Thomas' shoulder and say "Babe, get up."

He fluttered his eyes open and locked eyes with mine. "What?" He asked groggily. "Half of your family is here." I say, pointing to He dining room. As if on cue, his family started to talk really loudly. He sighed and headed off to the bathroom. I turn off the t.v that was on auto play and changed my own shirt.

I guess I don't think things through because I took my shirt off before actually picking out a shirt. I stared blankly at my closet, scanning the shirts. I groan to see that I have no good shirts to put on, and I law my head on one of the shelves. Seconds later, I feel a hand move down my back, the other holding my waist.

I flinch before realizing it's just Thomas. I sigh in relief but quickly tense up when he grabs my ass. "Thomas! Family it here!" I whisper-shout to him, turning my head. He chuckled and said "This is more fun." I sigh and ask "What shirt should I wear?"

There was a brief silence before Thomas picked out a green shirt that said 'Writing is more important than you.' I groan as I put it on. I mean, I have nothing else to wear. After a few minutes of waiting for Thomas to put on an outfit that wasn't his pajamas, I hear a snap coming from outside our bedroom. I turn my head to see Lucy taking a picture of us. She notices me and runs away saying "JANE I GOT THE PICTURES!"

I giggle and walk out of the room, making my way to the dining room. I come back to the dining room to see Randolph and Anna fighting on the tabletop over a Mario kart game, Martha making Mac n cheese in the kitchen, Jane jr. and Lucy on the balcony, looking at pictures and Jane sr. with a terrified look on her face. I burst out laughing, and Thomas stares in shock how immature his family is.

"Why did I have so many children." I hear Jane sr. mumble. "Mom...why didn't you stop, this?" Thomas asked, gesturing towards Randolph and Anna. "They're gonna rip my into pieces in I interfere." She said, fear laced in her voice. "I made Mac n Cheese!" Martha called out. Everyone turned their heads to Martha. They all scrambled over to the kitchen.

One by one, they all get served a plate of Mac n Cheese. When it was my time to get served, I asked "Is this like Thomas' Mac n Cheese?" She shook her head and whispered "Nah, mine is way better than his." I grinned and got served. I sat down on the couch and took a hesitantly took a bite into the Mac n Cheese.

It was heaven.

I ate it all in like, three minutes. Everyone stared at me when I was done. "What? This is actually good Mac n Cheese!" I exclaim. I went back for another serving when Martha asked me "You look so skinny yet you devoured the plate! How does that happen?" I giggle and say "I just have a fast metabolism." I get my serving and sit back down.

Before I could eat anything, Thomas took a bite out of my Mac n cheese. I gasp, and said "How dare you! If you want your own, there is about half a plate of Mac n Cheese left!" He chuckled and took another piece, this time even bigger. I pout like a baby playfully and he stopped,chuckling at my facial expression.

I see Anna tug on Thomas' shirt and said "Tom-Tom? What's your job?" Thomas hesitates before answering. "I don't have one yet, but I will get a job soon." He replied, patting her head. "But don't you need money to pay for this house?" She asked. "We use Daddy's money, remember?" She stared blankly at Thomas before nodding. She does back to fighting with Randolph.

After about an hour of talking, Lucy and Jane jr. checking out my ring and beating Thomas' ass at Mario Kart, they all said their goodbyes and left. I flopped on the couch and yawned. "You're cleaning the dishes." I said flatly. "HEY!" I heard Thomas yell as I race to our bedroom locking the door.

I don't know if I got all the Jefferfucks right. Also, I have a tik tok account lol. It's @Elenxlol
Word Count: 906
Have a nice day/night!

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