Chapter Twenty Two: Bets and Popcorn

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P.O.V: Angelica (Aye another new one)
I was on YouTube, looking up random stuff when Eliza bursted I to the room. "ANGIE YOU OWE ME TEN BUCKS!" She yelled. I flinch at the loud sound and say "Eliza, stop screaming in my dorm." crossing my arms.

"ALEXANDER AND JEFFERSON ARE DATING!!" She yells once again. My eyes widen. I really don't want to give her ten bucks right now. I knew Jefferson. He was a player. Back in high school, he dated many girls, but he never seemed satisfied ;) with anybody them. I sure hope he doesn't break Alexander's heart. He's a good guy, from what Eliza told me.

I guess he's gay now. I sigh and pull out a ten dollar bill ;) and give it to Eliza. She cheers in happiness and skips off to her dorm. I wave her goodbye and shut the door.

"Babe, who was that?" My boyfriend John Church asked me, coming out of the kitchen. "Oh it's nothing, just my sister..." I say. I hug him goodbye as he walks out of our dorm, going to his classes.

P.O.V: Alexander
"C'mooooon! Go get drunk with us! It'd be fun!" I plead as I grip onto Thomas' sleeve. "Like I said, I'm already going to the bar with you guys, I'm just not gonna get drunk." He said flatly. "You can get drunk! Laf is gonna drive us to our dorms!" I beg.

He sighed and said "Fine, ill have a few shots." "Yay! Now, we're going at around 7:30." I skip off to the kitchen and get a granola bar. I could feel his eyes staring at me. I hear footsteps coming into the kitchen. Then I feel someone grab my ass.

"Thomas! What the hell!?" I yell at him. "Oh nothing Lexi, just...doing something." He says, smirking. "nO. We already had sex last night." I said, crossing my arms. "Oh c'mon. You know your gonna be begging for my cock when your drunk, aren't you..?" He said seductively.

"Non. Nada. nO." I shot back at him. He already have enough of my screaming last night. And my ass isn't really up for it again. "Fine, I'll drop the subject. Now, do you have any Mac n Cheese?" Thomas asked me. "Nope we do not serve Macaroni and Cheese in this dorm." I gave him a cocky smile.

"Jesus, Lexi, fuck you. After all the times I've been in your dorm and you still have Mac n Cheese?" He complained. I smiled at him a smile said "You can have some pop secret popcorn if you'd like." His eyes widened and he grinned like an idiot. "Yay!" He searchers through all the tall the cabinets first and then the bottom ones.

He finally found it and put it in the microwave. Then he left the room to ya the bathroom. "Thomas I am NOT taking the popcorn out for you!" I yell after him. Let me tell you, Thomas takes a while in the bathroom. I don't know why, but he just does.

The microwave beeped and I just sat there. Keeping my word, I did not take the popcorn packet out, just left it there. After a few minutes Thomas came back and asked me "Did you take out the popcorn?" I stared at him blankly. "Oh why yes I did, Mr. Jefferson, I obviously did take out the hot packet of popcorn." I said, sarcasm showing in my voice.

Thomas sighed and looked at the microwave. "I'm guessing you didn't." He crosses his arms. He took out the popcorn and poured it in a bowl. Without hesitation, I snatched the bowl out of his hands and ran out the dorm. "HEY YOU GREMLIN GET BACK HERE!" He yelled after me. I race to Lafayette's dorm and shut the door, locking also. "Laf, let me hide here."

He stared at me with confusion. "Why is that, mon ami?" He asked. I gestured to the bowl and then to the pounding outside. "Oh, Jefferson." Laf's lit up. He exclaimed saying "Let's eat it all, then replace it with gommes (erasers), and then give it to Jefferson!" "Why erasers though?" I ask. "Je ne sais pas (I don't know), I just have a bunch of gommes." He replied.

I nod in confirmation, and then the plan is a go. We butter the popcorn and start to eat it. While Thomas is still yelling my name, Laf takes out a basket full of erasers and dumps them into the bowl. We snicker as I open the door, shove the bowl into his hands and lock the door shut.

I think Thomas noticed the erasers in the bowl because he started to knock furiously on the door. I take a step-stool and look through the door window. Thomas notices my state and I could see the playfulness and anger in his eyes.

After a few minutes of me sticking out my tongue at him, I open the door. I am immediately tackled by a six foot tall man. I have a giggle fit at the action. He gets off me and stares at me with anger in his eyes. "Look it was Lafayette's idea to put the erasers in the bowl, okay?!" I put my hands up in defense. He chuckles and throws the bowl at Laf. He yelped, even though it didn't hit him.

Thomas scooped me up bridal style and carries me back to my dorm. It felt quite nice.
I really don't know what this chapter is about to be honest. And double update!
Word Count: 942
Have a lovely day/night!

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