☁ Prologue ☁

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Shie Hassaikai base,
In the flower garden,

Third Person's POV

"Jeez, I hate it when he orders us around like that... I wish Pops didn't fall sick and still lead the group, not that Overhaul."

"Yeah, it sucks when he becomes the second head. Back in those days, we were much more independent thanks to Pops' leadership. But now... I feel like Shie Hassaikai is going downhill."

The two minor yakuzas kept on rambling and ranting about their current leader, Kai Chisaki, also known as Overhaul, while keeping their guard up so no one would hear them.

When they walked past the flower garden, their tracks came to a halt. One of the minor yakuzas name Sabito stared at the girl crouching down in the middle of the garden. "O... Oi, that girl is...!!" He pointed to the female teenager in disbelief. His friend, Hoshi, turned to the direction he pointed at.

The universe couldn't describe how astonished he was to see the girl. She stood up on her two feet again with a bouquet of flowers n her hands. They couldn't recognize the flowers she was holding.

She turned her heels to head back into the base, when her gaze fell on the two yakuzas. "Oh. Good morning you two!" A wide smile spread across her freckles-covered face. The underling duo felt their hearts fluttered in bliss.

"G-Good morning, Young Lady Izuku!" They returned the greetings in unison, bowing down to her as a sign of respect. Izuku approached them closer. "How are you doing?" She asked again in such a friendly tone.

"We are doing great! How about you, Young Lady?" Hoshi replied to her first which caused his friend to glare dagger at him. "I'm fine as always." Izuku answered gladly.

"Oh yeah, here take one." The cute greenette gave them a chrysanthemum flower each. "H-huh? But Young Lady... This flowers are yours–"

"It is fine! I have many more in the flower garden!" Izuku cut Sabito off, not wanting him to refuse the present she gave to him. "Well then, I have to take my leave now. See you guys again!" She jogged away from the adult yakuzas.

"Alright..." Hoshi waved a hand at the young lady in silence. "Thanks for the flower!" Sabito yelled at her loudly. Izuku spared a last glance at him while tugging a small smile.

"Well, at least our young lady is kind-hearted and treats us nicely..."

"Yeah, I agree."


In the base...

Izuku's POV

I want to give these flowers to Grandpa.

I continued to walk down the hallway when I heard panic whispering from somewhere. I looked around I curiosity before my irises landed on a door.
What is the commotion?

I spinned the doorknob and opened it slowly. There were three yakuzas in this room. One of them was laying in a futon, sheet covering his body.

"Hey, what happened to him?" I started after I entered the room without asking their permission first. His friends were flustered to see me. "Y-Young Lady." They stammered in nervousness. I observed their friend who was laying in the futon.

"Oh dear, he has such a high fever..." I exclaimed in pity. Digging in my hand into my skirt pocket, I pulled out a small packet and gave it to them. "This is cold medicine. Make sure to give him thrice a day. Take one tablet at one time only!" I told them determinedly.

"Thank you, Young Lady. This is really helpful." His friend repeatedly thanked me. "Okay! Get well soon!" With that, I exited their room and proceeded to head to Grandpa's bedroom.

My name Izuku Midoriya. This year I will turn 17.

For my whole life, I had stayed in this base. Of course, I left this place sometime... Just when I felt the mood to do that.

As I was lost in my own thoughts, I didn't focus in where I was going, which was a bad idea. I stumbled into someone and lunged backward. The flowers bouquet fell off my hands.

"Ouch..." I hissed in pain, rubbing my aching head gently.

Woah, woah, who did I stumble into? I'm dead if I mess with the wrong person—

"I'm sorry, Izuku.. Are you alright?" A familiar man's voice spoke up, guilt was evident in his tone. I saw a hand in front of my face and held it without hesitation.

When I looked up to the man, I smiled softly at him. He was wearing a white raincoat and a black plague mask. "Hari!" I surged forward to hug Hari, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Izuku, not here... People will watch us..." Hari whispered in discomfort but I tightened the hug. "Nope. I want to hug you, because I love you." I expressed my fondness, nuzzling my hair against him.

"Ne, ne. Do you want to come along with me? I was on my way to see Grandpa." I asked eagerly after I lifted my head up. Hari stared at my face through the eyes of his plague mask.

"I'm quite occupied right now. Maybe next time." Hari gripped my shoulders and forcefully broke me apart from his body. I was very surprised by his cold action toward me.

"See you later, Izuku. Be careful." Hari walked away from me in complete silence. The vibe radiating from him was completely different than before.

I picked up the chrysanthemum bouquet back and hugged it close to my chest. My mind was filled with uncertainty and sadness.

Ever since Grandpa was in coma, everyone... Changed. Kai, Hari... Both of them had grown distant from me.
Eri was adopted by someone else since Kai has no time to raise her, saying that he wasn't good with kids.

That really is heartbreaking... He didn't need to give Eri away for adoption. I could take care of her if he didn't want to take the responsibility.

Without I realizing, tears started falling from my eyes. The atmosphere in here always suffocated me and hurt my heart for Thr whole one year.

I wonder... If everything will return to how it used to be...


AN - Hellow!

Well, well, well. Look at you guys. Everyone in here must be Shie Hassaikai Stan and Fem!Izuku fans?

I hope so. OwO

Anyway, thank you for visiting and reading this strange book. 😂


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