☁ Chapter 06 ☁

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A/N - *lowkey curious about how Rappa's real face looks like* I have never seen his full face. Anyone has seen his face?


In a nearby store,

Midoriya's POV

"Aww... My favourite pad brand isn't here..." I whined in dissatisfaction while my eyes still scanned the high shelf full of various brands of pads. I heaved a heavy sigh of disappointment and straightened up my body posture back. I turned to look at Nemoto-san with frown expression.

"How it is going?" The bespectacled man asked, his amber irises fixed on me. "I will try to ask the cashier if they have the brand or not. Sorry to trouble you like this, Nemoto-san." I bowed down to him apologetically.

"No, you don't need to apologize. It is my job to protect you from danger after all." Nemoto-san averted his gaze from meeting mine. A small smile carved my face before I walked over to the cashier.

"Excuse me, I have a question to ask." I greeted the female cashier. She lifted her head up from the book she was reading and responded to me with a friendly smile. "How can I help you, Miss?" She started.

"Um, is the pad brand, "Kimochi", sold here?" I asked in curiosity, my eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Ah, my apology but we haven't restocked that brand yet." She answered truthfully.

"Oh, I see..." I looked down to the tiled floor sadly. I loved that brand because the pad was comfortable to wear. Not to mention, the quality was good.

"Miss, why don't you try out this new pad brand? It is called "Pixie Kiseki". The quality is promising and almost similar to "Kimochi"." The cashier offered while showing to me a new brand of pad.

I studied the box containing the pads and smiled at the cashier. "I will take this one!" I pulled out some notes, getting ready to pay. "That is glad to hear." She smiled gratefully at me.

The female cashier scanned the transiction code before telling me the price, "The price is 435 yen."

I was about to hand over a 1000 yen bill to her when Nemoto-san suddenly showed up next to me. "Are you okay, Young Lady? Do you need any help?" He asked as soon as he approached me.

"No, it's fine. I'm almost done. Sorry to keep you waiting." I grinned at Nemoto-san and then gave the cashier the 1000 yen bill. "The total of the change is 565 yen. Thank you for your purchase. " She handed over a few yen coins to me and a plastic containing my newly-bought pads.

I bowed down slightly as a sign of gratitude. "Let's go back, Nemoto-san." I told him. He silently nodded his head and we both walked out of the store.


Shie Hassaikai's base,

Third Person's POV

"We are back, everyone—"

As soon as Izuku walked into the common area, a table flew toward her direction. Shin hurriedly held her body and jumped to the other side to save her.

Izuku looked like she had frozen in shock and also fear. She lifted her head up, staring at his face with scared expression. The sandy blonde-haired man turned to look at his comrades in anger.

Rappa had a sly smirk on his half-masked face. His mouth was exposed so the other could see his sickening smirk. He didn't seem guilty at all.

Turned out, Rappa was the one who threw the table at Izuku, not on purpose though. He was aiming for Tengai, but the close-eyed male managed to evade his harmful attack. He activated his Barrier in time and the table bounced on the top of his battier. Hence, it flew toward Izuku's direction.

"Rappa... What are you thinking? You could hurt Young Lady!" Shin exclaimed furiously. It wasn't like he cared for the young lady, but because it was Kai's order. He needed to perfectly fulfill his duty as her bodyguard, so he could please the yakuza leader. Yes, he did this all for his boss.

"Young Lady, are you—"

Shin dropped into dead silence when he turned to the female greenette. She was staring at two boxes of cakes that had been smashed by the table. She accidentally let go of the plastic since she was too shocked. She bought the cakes on her way back to the base.

'Ah... The cakes I bought for everyone... Are gone. I even bought those limited edition super delicious red velvet cakes for Kai and Hari. I was hoping to surprise them... But... Now... It was only a distant dream...' Her face darkened with despair. Slowly, she picked up the boxes containing the demolished cakes. She stood on her two feet back and shuffled toward Rappa.

Without warning, Izuku threw the slimy-looking cakes into Rappa's masked-face. Some of the cakes cream got into his mouth while the rest of the cakes dirtied his mask.

"Rappa-san, you are the worst!" Izuku snapped, stomping her foot angrily. Shin, Toya and the rest of the members gasped in astonishment.

Veins had popped up on Izuku's forehead. She was furious, really furious. Rappa made the wrong move to mess with a lady who was on her period.

Rappa wiped off some of the cream on his mask. There was only a little bit of cream left. He licked his mouth clean, his gaze fixed on the small girl standing before him. A smile of thrill formed on his lips.

"Ya' are quite a feisty girl. I like that... Why don't we fight for real, Young Miss?!" All of a sudden, he tried to land a strong punch on Izuku. The girl sensed the dangerous aura emiting from him. Swiftly, she dodged his attack.

'He is so fast! I will definitely become a flat pancake if he did punch me just now!' She thought. Her body suddenly shuddered when the thought of being smashed to flat popped up in her mind.

"Ya' are pretty great, girl! I like ya'!" Rappa admitted in amazement. This was his first time witnessing a woman managed to avoid his attack with such graceful movement. This excited him more.

Shin watched the duo in disbelief. To think that the soft-hearted, innocent girl could get as angry as a lion stupefied him. Plus, she successfully avoided Rappa's bullets of punches.His eyes were still wide with amazement.

Footsteps outside alerted the bespectacled-male. He knew the footsteps belonged to his boss and the right-hand man, who directly coming over to the common area to check on Izuku after their mission ended.

"Overjerk is here, huh? Then this is a perfect chance!" Rappa exclaimed exictedly. Suddenly, he gripped Izuku's wrist with his big hand and picked her up bridal style. Izuku's face flushed out of embarrassment.

'W-what is he doing— This is so embarrassing!' Steam fume out of her ears. Rappa leaned closer to her face and smirked at the innocent girl. He gently gestured her arms to lock around his neck. "If Overhole see ya' holding me like this, he will become Overjealous and then fight me, right?" He whispered in excitement while Izuku already gulped down her saliva. She was about to remove her arms from his neck but Rappa was quick to grasp her wrists, holding them still.

"Wait, Rappa-san! Don't do this—"

Cricking noise from the door caused Izuku to gasp in horror. She turned to look at the door....

... And her heart pumped faster at the sight of shocked Kai.

This is going to be ugly.

AN - Next chapter is going to be a little... Steamy. ;)


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