☁ Chapter 22 ☁

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Several minutes later,
Underground lair,
Kai's office,

Third Person's POV

Kai tapped his index finger on the glass surface of his table, dark golden irises fixed on his loyal subordinate— Shin Nemoto. Hari was glaring at the bawler hat-wearing man too, but thanked to his plague mask, no one noticed his negative expression.

Shin was looking down to the floor, feeling scared to face his boss and the right-hand man. He was standing in front of his two superiors, while Izuku stood behind him. The female greenette was also fidgeting in fear, ever since Kai caught them sleeping in one futon together.

"Well then, Nemoto... Care to explain why are you in Izuku's room last night?" The brown-haired male started, clasping his fingers while his elbow rested comfortably on the glass table. Shin immediately spoke up to give his answer, his voice was shaky and nervous,

"Y-Young Master, I myself wasn't aware of my surrounding... I didn't know how I ended up in Young Lady's room."

Hearing his excuse, Kai's anger grew stronger. He stood up from his cozy chair, glaring dagger at the caped man. His fingers were already traveling to the rim of his latex glove, ready to take it off to blow his subordinate to nothingness.

"How come you aren't aware? You better give me a more logical excuse, Nemoto." His voice darkened with murderous intent.

Shin was about to say something again, but was interrupted by Izuku. "Nemoto-san was drunk so don't blame him! Besides, I'm the one who invited him into my room and let him stayed there for the night, since it was late!" She hollered earnestly to defend her bodyguard. She stood before Shin, extending her arm in front of him in defensive stand.

Shin watched Izuku in heavy silence. Deep down, he was moved by her kindness and was awed by how determined she was to save him from the enraged young master.

"Please, Kai. Don't scold Nemoto-san anymore. It was an accident. Forget about it already!" The teenage girl desperately tried to stop the yellow-eyes male. Her eyebrows were furrowing in sadness, while her emerald eyes trembled with fear.

Noticing this, Kai was dissatisfied. Nonetheless, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his black pants. Izuku instinctively hugged Shin, which caused veins to pop up on Kai's forehead.

"If you intend to hurt Nemoto-san just because he accidentally slept with me, then I will run away from here with him." Izuku threatened in seriousness, strong determination clouding her face.

The two powerful yakuzas were shocked to hear her unexpected threat. But from the way she spoke, they knew she was serious. Shin sensed the tense atmosphere among the three childhood friends. He gulped down his saliva in worry.

'Please... Don't hurt Young Lady, Young Master Overhaul...' He prayed in his heart, hoping the lady didn'g get hurt because of him.

"Nemoto, Chrono, leave. Now. Izuku, stay here." Kai suddenly changed the subject. Chrono, obediently nodded his head, turned to Izuku. The young girl released him from her arms. She looked up to him with a small smile of ressurance.

The subordinate duo exited the office, leaving the two people alone. Izuku stared at Kai, and he did the same to her.

Kai walked over to Izuku silently. She was averting her gaze from meeting his. "You are never like this toward me, Izuku. What have I done to deserve this treatment from you, angel?" He was obviously upset with the way she treated him.

Izuku slowly turned to look at Kai. A rush of sympathy surged in her body. She stepped closer to Kai and leaned her head on his chest. "Kai... I... I'm sorry. It is just... So many things happened lately so I..." She didn't know what to say anymore.

Kai unclipped his plague mask before placing it down on his table. He gently returned the hug, stroking her hair affectionately. "Could it be... You were bothered by my proposal?" He asked, hitting the nail perfectly.

Hesitantly, the green forest-haired girl nodded her head. Tears started leaking out from the corner of her eyes. "I-I'm sorry, Kai. I'm sorry.... I never meant to upset you nor treated you differently..." She clutched on the back of his green coat.

The male tightened the hug. Out of the blue, he scooped her body in his arms, and set her in the couch. "Kai?" Izuku called him out in confusion. She looked up to him with innocent gaze.


Kai leaned closer to her face, before his lips beneath his medical mask came in contact with her face. Dark blushes tinted on her cheeks instantly.

Kai planted a soft kiss on her cheek. Few seconds passed, he then lifted his head up again, eyes staring deeply into hers. She stared at him back in shyness.

"...sorry... Are you mad...?" Kai questioned monotonously. Izuku shook her head, not hating the way he touched her.

The man got off the girl's body and seated himself next to her. Izuku sat up herself too, quietly waiting for him to speak up again.

"About my proposal... Are you ready to give your answer?" Kai's question caught Izuku off guard. She shifted her gaze to the floor. "No, I'm not. Please give me some more time, Kai. I just... Need to sort up myself and my thoughts a little more." She stated nervously.

"I see.. You can leave now. Sorry for troubling you with my selfishness, Izuku." Kai stood up from the couch. He was looking somewhere else, not wanting to meet eyes with her.

Izuku stared at his back in silence. Her fist suddenly started trembling. She brought her fist close to her chest. "Hey, Kai... You... You aren't hiding something from me, right?"

Kai's golden eyes slightly widened upon hearing her unexpected question. Sweat poured down on the side of his head.

"What do you mean?" He pretended not to understand her question. Izuku's eyebrows furrowed again. "I don't know, Kai. I just had a feeling that you are hiding something from me..." She clenched her fist much more firmly.

Kai didn't say anything. He resulted to deep silence, scaring Izuku. "S-sorry, I will leave now, Kai. See you again." Immediately, the girl left his office.

Upon hearing the door close, Kai heaved a heavy sigh of relief. '....did she.... Notice about Eri? No way...'


Outside the office,
In the hallway...

Izuku's POV

That is a close one!

Gosh, what am I thinking?! I only worsen the situation just now!

What a smart move, Izuku Midoriya. You just asked a weird question that made Kai grow suspicious of you!

...though I think he is the suspicious one...

Seriously, I got this feeling that told me he was definitely hiding something from me.

No matter how much I wanted to deny it, the feeling would come back, telling me how Kai was planning something behind me.

... Is it true or is it only my imagination?

 Is it true or is it only my imagination?

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