☁ Chapter 08 ☁

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A/N - For your information, they didn't do "that"! Kai and Izuku fell asleep after he saw her crying.


Several hours passed,
Dusk time,
Shie Hassaikai's base,

Midoriya's POV

Huh...? When did I... Fall asleep?

My eyelashes fluttered open after I fully woke up. My vision was still blurry, but I could make up the whole surrounding.

This room... Isn't my room?

Wait a minute, just now-

Memories from earlier morning flooded my mind when a rush of realization hit me. My cheeks heated up instantly. I immediately tucked the blanket covering my body close to my face, resisting the urge to scream loudly out of embarrassment.

Kai... Just what in the world was he doing to me? I'm confused... Really confused!

This experience... Is entirely new to me.

The feelings I experienced... Pain and pleasure... Are really strange.

"Ah, Izuku. You are awoken." Kai's voice interrupted my thoughts. I snapped my head turning to him. He already put on his black shirt back, but his face was still bare.

"Kai...?" I uttered his name in perplexity. Kai approached me closer before sitting on the bed facing myself. His gloved fingers caressed my left cheek gently.

"Forgive me... For what I had done to you, Izuku." His hand trailed down to my collarbone. Purple bitemarks fully littered my neck, collarbone and chest. I shivered when his finger grazed my sensitive skin. There was still lingering fear within my heart. I couldn't erase it completely.

Kai stared at my face intently before he heaved a soft sigh. "Um, you realized that I had deconstructed your top, right?" He started. I was baffled by his statement.

"What are you-" Another rush of realization hit me. My face went ablazed and I hurriedly covered my chest with my arms. "You are still wearing your bra, Izuku. No need to panic. Here, put on my shirt and coat. Use them to cover your upper body." Kai handed over his black button-up shirt and fluffy green coat.

"T-thank you..." I shyly managed out, faint pink shades tinted my face. "I'm going to head to a meeting soon. Take care of yourself, Izuku." Kai leaned closely to me before he pecked my forehead. I felt a bit more comfortable since he had returned to his normal self.

"Okay..." I replied in a low tone of voice. I wore the garments he gave to me. Wow, his clothes were surprisingly comfortable. As expected from Kai who only wore high-quality clothes.

This scent... Cologne? Oh yeah, Kai loves to use cologne.

"Izuku, what are you doing?" Kai tapped my shoulder without warning. A soft squeak escapes my throat. "K-Kai! Jeez, stop startling me like that!" I said furiously, puffing my cheeks.

"My apology. I already called you many times... But it seemed like you were in your own world, so I tapped your shoulder to get your attention." He explained the reason behind his action.

"Okay, okay..." I nonchalantly retorted, still puffing my cheek. I skipped toward the door and held the doorknob. "Well then, I'm leaving. Do your best at work!" I grinned at Kai before exiting his room.

I may not seem like it... But my heart feels much lighter just right after I left his room. Gosh, I feel so relieved!!

As I ran through the hallway, I didn't concentrate on where I was heading. The result was, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Kya!" I let out a surprised gasp and lunged backward, falling on my bottom. Pain-filled hisses slipped from my mouth. "I'm sorry, Izuku. Are you alright?" A familiar voice asked me apologetically.

I was astounded to hear that familiar voice, so I lifted my head up. Hari was looking at me through the eyes of his plague mask. "Hari..." I murmured his name.

"Here. Hold my hand." Hari extended his arm, offering his assistance to me. I smiled at him gratefully. "Thank you." I held his big hand. He then pulled me up. We both resulted to heavy silence. Somehow, it felt awkward for both of us.

Ever since he treated me coldly that day... Things have been different between us. I didn't talk to him frequently too.

And Hari looked like he tried his hardest to avoid me.

His actions... Really pain my heart.

What have I done to deserve such treatment from him?

Did he...

"Izuku... Where have you been?" Hari spoke up with cold demeanor in his voice. "I... I..." I was reluctant to tell him about what happened earlier. Because my mind told me not to.

I can't tell him, can I? Something told me to keep it secret from everyone.

"I... Well... Kai was trying to discipline me just now! You know, because I was behaving improperly as a woman. Hahahaha..." I made up a story, sweats rolled down the side of my face.

"... Then why are you wearing Overhaul's attire?" The suspicion in his voice started rising. My eyes twitched before I tried to come up with a lie.
"Ahhh, you mean this? W- well, because I wanted to take revenge on him for nagging me, I stole his clothes! That's all! And now I am running away from him!" I added more... Before a brilliant idea popped up in my mind.

"Oh yeah... Why don't you help me escape from Kai? Let's go to my room!" I gripped his wrist without hesitation and ran at full speed, dragging him along with me. "What— Izuku, I have misison right now—"

"I don't care! I want to save myself so you are going to help me! This is an order from your young lady, Hari!" I used my power as his superior to force him to listen to me.

I could hear Hari breathing out a sigh of defeat. He complied and went along with my plan.

Ah, finally! I get the time to spend with him!

- Meanwhile -

Somewhere in the underground...

Third Person's POV

"Tengai, have you seen Chronostasis anywhere?" Kai asked one of his loyal subordinates. Tengai nodded his head and answered truthfully, "I saw him with Young Lady just now, Young Master."

"Oh..." Kai didn't say anything in response. His mind was filled with thoughts on why Hari was with Izuku. "She must need him for something important. Very well then. Tengai, find Mimic and Nemoto. Tell them to meet me in my office." Kai commanded without wasting any more moment.

Tengai obediently nodded, walking away from his boss to find the two said people. Kai's eyes fixed on his gloved palm. Memories from this morning flashed before his vision.

'Izuku... I wonder what she needs Chrono for. Those two... I haven't seen them communicating as frequent as before.' He thought before leaving the room, heading back to his office for a small meeting with his underlings.

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