☁ Chapter 01 ☁

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Shie Hassaikai's base,
Pops' room...

Third Person's POV

Izuku gently put the chrysanthemum bouquet into the light purple vase. She fixed the flowers' posture a little bit before a sigh of satisfaction left her mouth. Then, she pulled a chair and sat on it facing Pops. The old man was laying in the bed. Life supporter machine was attached to him. Every bip sound it made caused Izuku to feel uneasy.

"It had been a while, right, Grandpa? I was a bit busy... Trying to adapt to this new surrounding. You see, Kai recruited more people ever since you fell ill. But all of them look shady and scary... That I have no courage to approach them. I'm only brave enough to talk to the minor yakuzas." Izuku confessed her inner feelings without holding back. She had been keeping them inside for so long.

"Kai and Hari... Those two had grown distant from me. I don't know where did I do wrong. Perhaps I unintentionally offended them before... That they didn't want to talk to me anymore." Her voice began to become more croaky at each second ticked.

"But I'm doing just fine, Grandpa! Everyone treats me nicely and never hurts me. So you don't have to worry about me! I feel a bit lonely from time to time since Kai and Hari aren't around that often though... Well, I can't blame them! They are busy with their works so I don't want to trouble those two with my problem..." She lowered her voice as she reached the end of her sentence. She realized she was trying to force herself to feel better, by imagining that she was fine with everything that was happening...

... But deep inside she knew she wasn't okay.

A crystal tear rolled down her cheek. Izuku started sobbing sorrowfully. 'All this time, I always told myself "I'm fine. This is only temporary. I only need to be patient,".... But the more I tried to comfort myself, the more painful I felt within.' She gripped the collar of her shirt firmly.

" I'm sorry, Grandpa... You always advised me not to lie... But... I just... Lied to you. I'm sorry. The truth is... I feel lonely... I miss you, Grandpa. I miss Kai, I miss Hari... I just want everything to return to normal." Izuku covered her face with her palms.

'Why did... It have to turn out this way? I don't like this...' More tears flowed down from her puffy green eyes.

The door of the room suddenly slid open, ceasing Izuku's cries. She never expected anyone to come over to this room, considering that not all members were allowed to visit Pops, except for some people.

Izuku's emerald eyes widened in shock when the man made his appearance. There at the doorframe, stood still Kai Chisaki, the second leader of Shie Hassaikai.

"K-Kai?!" The girl immediately wiped off her tears with her sleeve, not wanting him to witness her weak side. "........" The said man resulted to silence, keeping his gaze still on the female.

"Sorry. Are you here to see Grandpa?" Izuku started after she finished brushing off the tears in her eyes. "... More or less." Kai unenthusiastically answered her question. He was scanning her whole figure.

"I see." She got up from the chair while smiling awkwardly at the yakuza leader. Hesitantly, she strolled over to the door, walking past Kai. "I will leave you alone." She whispered under her breath and stepped out of the room...

... When Kai grasped her forearm, and then pinned her body against the wall.

Surprise and bewilderment clouded her face. Kai nestled his leg between her thighs. He unclipped his plague mask, letting it fell onto the floor. A loud thud erupted through the hall. There was another mask covering his face ; a black surgery mask.

Leaning closer to her gorgeous face, the man husked out, "Why didn't you tell me...everything...?"
Izuku's heart began thumping loudly in her chest. She shut her lips tight, refusing to tell him the truth of her feelings. "Izuku..." Kai muttered her name in commanding tone, insisting her to respond to him.

"Well, looks like I need... To use a little force on you..." Kai exclaimed darkly, confusing Izuku. His hand suddenly rested on her hip, causing her to blush madly.

"K... Kai...?"

Kai placed his hand on her back, caressing her exposed skin with his latex-gloved hand. Izuku shut her eyelids close, feeling herself trembling under his gentle touch. He slowly moved his hand up to cup her head.

"P-please, Kai... Don't do this..." Izuku begged, tears trickling down her red cheeks. But Kai ignored her pleading. He didn't stop, instead, he leaned closer to her neck. His lips underneath that mask grazed her sensitive spot, making her shuddered.

'Kai always has a bad habit of touching me at unusual spot on my body... But he only does this when I refuse to cooperate with him. And I, being very submissive and timid, give in to him. But this time...' Izuku felt his clothe mask pecking her sensitive spot. She bit on her bottom lip.

'...Is a little different...'

"Jeez, Kai... Stop alre—"

But before she could finish her words, Kai planted a tender, soft kiss on her forehead. Izuku wasn't expecting such a gentle treatment from him.

Kai leaned closely to her ear and whispered a question that made Izuku cried, "Are you scared of me, Izuku?"

Hearing his sad voice, Izuku immediately hugged the tall male. "That's impossible! I don't hate you and would never! I love you, Kai.." She sobbed sadly, tightening her hold around his torso.

Kai narrowed his eyes at the girl hugging him. His hand gently caressed her curly hair before he buried his face in her fluffy locks.

"I see... Sorry for leaving you all alone. I never thought... You felt that way all this time." Kai whispered his words of apology, sincerely from the bottom of his heart.

Izuku shook her head, disagreeing with him. "I-It's fine... You are busy leading the group. I understand, Kai. So please don't blame yourself." She clutched on the back of his top firmly.

"No, I was blamed for making you feel lonely. At least, let me apologize to you more." Kai suddenly picked her up bridal style, his golden eyes gazed into her emerald ones.

"What will... You do...?" Her green irises trembled with curiosity and awe. "By making you feel happy..." He smiled beneath his mask before pecking her forehead again.

Izuku didn't shiver again this time. She let her eyelids fell shut in bliss.

'Even though sometimes he touches me without asking permission first... I don't mind him kissing my forehead... Because... I love to receive his affection like this.' She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest.

"Because I don't want you to feel lonely anymore... I will introduce you to some people." Kai stated, baffling Izuku.

"Huh? Who are you talking about?" She tilted her head like a small child.

"The Eight Bullets of Hassai Group."


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