☁ Chapter 21 ☁

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A/N - So, we almost reach the serious and the last arc of this book; League of Villains Arc!

Something is going to happen in this arc that involve League of Villains. What is it? Stay tuned and keep reading! :3


Next day,
Underground lair,
Living area...

Third Person's POV

"....hey, Rappa. I think Young Lady.... Just fell asleep on your shoulders." Toya stated, his finger pointed to Izuku who was sitting on Rappa's shoulders. Her emerald eyes we're shut close, soft snoring escaping her mouth. Rappa, who was about to attack Tengai, stopped on his track. He resulted to silence, paying attention to his surrounding. He could hear her cute snoring.

"Man, you are right. When the hell did she even fall asleep?" The large man spoke up confusedly, but brushed it off. He was about to charge toward Tengai again when Toya stopped him. "Stop moving! You will wake her!" He snapped, hitting his chest angrily with all his strength.

"Nah, Young Miss is a heavy sleeper. No biggie." Rappa assured confidently, only to earn a look of suspicion from Toya.

A smirk suddenly tugged on Rappa's lips. "But still man, her melons are so damn soft! I'm gonna keep her like this until she wakes up—"

"RAPPA. PUT HER DOWN NOW." Toya was on the verge of going berserk. Hearing his statement lit up a flame of envy in his heart. There was no way he would allow anybody else touch her like that, ever again.

"Ya are such a pain. Fine. I'm gonna carry Young Lady to her bedroom." Rappa gently, by gently, I meant he really did GENTLY pick her up from his shoulders and carried her body in his arms. Wow, for the first time in forever, Rappa was being gentle with people.

"I can't trust you so I will tag along." Toya demanded, earning a huff of annoyance from the ex-fighter. Tengai opened his left eye half-lidded, before voicing out his order to the two males. "Make sure to properly cover her with blanket. Young Master will  be upset if Young Lady falls sick next morning—"

"Shut up, blind boomer.  I know what to do." Rappa sent a deadly glare to his babysitter, who only stayed quiet. He and Toya then left the living area, heading to Izuku's room.

- in Izuku's room -

"See, I told ya! She's a heavy sleeper! Not even my scream could freaking wake her up!" Rappa screamed at the blond-haired man victoriously. Toya covered his ears in irritation, feeling extremely annoyed with Rappa's endless screaming.
Toya pulled the blanket till it reached Izuku's shoulders, sheltering her body from the cold weather of the night. "Her body is warm so I will sleep here with Young Lady—" But Rappa's sentence was cut off by an angry Toya.

"Hell no, Rappa. For God's sake, get out of here already! You are disturbing her!" With all his strength, Toya shoved Rappa out of Izuku's bedroom. He slid the door close and locked it immediately. Sure, Rappa could break it as he wished, but considering that this was Izuku's room, he would never do that.

Or Izuku would sulk the moment she wakes up in the morning. And Rappa hated it when she sulked or pouted. He wouldn't be able to have fun time with her.

Sighing, Toya walked back to Izuku's futon. He sat down next to her, staring at her beautiful sleeping face silently. "Young Lady... Izuku..." He unclipped his mask, putting it down on the ground. He bent over to her face and lovingly pecked her forehead.

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