☁ Chapter 20 ☁

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In the city...

Third Person's POV

"Thank you! Thank you so much for saving me!" The woman -- the victim of the villains -- bowed down to Hari, repeatedly thanking him for his help. Izuku had given her sweater to the woman so she could cover her exposed upper half body.

"No problem. Be careful next time." Hari unenthusiastically retorted, his strong arm wrapped around Izuku's small shoulders, holding her dearly.

The young lady cling on her bodyguard closely, not wanting to let him go. The woman smiled at Izuku. "Could it be... You came here because you wanted to save me?" She asked out of curiosity while tucking a  strand of her brown hair behind her her.

Izuku nodded her head, agreeing with her statement. The young woman's smile widened in amazement. "You are such a brave girl! Thank you too! I will make sure to remember this. " She walked away from the two people in silence, leaving them alone together.

Izuku heaved a sigh of relief after the woman left. "Hari, we should go back to—" But before she could finish her words, Hari pushed her body against the wall, pinning her wrists above her head. She was extremely flabbergasted by his unexpected action.

"Ha-Hari...?" Izuku muttered his name in turbelence, hoping for an explanation behind his rough action. "We are not leaving... Until you tell me everything."

Izuku could practically hear her heartbeat quickening in her chest. She looked away from the masked man, biting down her bottom lip to prevent herself from speaking.

"Izuku...." Hari uttered her name in defeat. He took off his plague mask, revealing his handsome face to her. The male had a disappointed look on his feature. He released her wrists from his firm grip. She looked down to the ground silently, her bangs foreshadowing her face.

"You know it is dangerous for a girl like you to roam in the city alone. Especially at night. You could get hurt easily, Izuku." The raincoat-wearing yakuza sternly stated, angered by her disobedience. He shook his head, causing her to start shedding tears.
"I-I just wanted to clear my mind—"

"I don't want to hear your excuse. We will settle this once we go home. Overhaul needs to be informed too—"


Hari turned to look at Izuku. His eyes widened in shock when he saw the shiny crystal liquid rolling down her cheeks.

The female greenette sobbed sorrowfully, her hands covered her face to hide her tears. "W-why are you mad....? Why are you treating me like this...? Acting cold and being so fierce toward me...You are never l-like this before... I-I was so stupid to believe we have grown closer like we used to be...." She said between her soft sobbing.

Seeing her in such state hurt his heart so much.

Hari gritted his teeth in frustration before he stepped closer to Izuku. He gripped her shoulders firmly and pushed her back against the wall, causing her to gasp in surprise.

Izuku removed her hands from her face, staring at Hari in fear. The young man leaned closer to her face, gazing into her watery emerald eyes deeply with guilt.

Hari's hands traveled down to Izuku's hands, holding them with care. "You are not stupid, Izuku. You are not wrong. We really got closer... I was mad at you because I was worried about your safety... I don't want the woman I love to get hurt..." He stated with low, gentle voice.

Izuku's eyes widened after he finished his words. "The woman... You love....?" She repeated his words in disbelief, heart racing rapidly against the wall of her chest.

The Young Lady || Fem!Izuku X Shie HassaikaiWhere stories live. Discover now