☁ Chapter 25 ☁

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Underground base,
Eri's room,

Third Person's POV

Izuku broke apart from Eri, turning to look at Kai and Hari silently. Her usual glimmering irises had lost their shines. Darkness clouded her green gaze.

"What is the meaning of this?" Izuku spoke up, her voice darkened with anger. Kai's eyes widened in shock, not expecting to see her here. Hari was quiet the whole time, not daring to answer her question.

Gritting her teeth in frustration, Izuku yelled at the two yakuza, "ANSWER ME!!!!!!!"

Shin, Toya, Hojo,Tengai, Mimic and Rappa, who were on their way to the living area heard her loud voice. They changed their direction, and went to Eri's room instead. All of them were stupefied to see Izuku in there.

Kai breathed out a sigh of defeat. He had returned to his normal stoic, emotionless self. His lidded golden eyes stared at her calmly. "It's time for you to know the truth now..." He stated, angering her more.

The other members behind him started to grow worry, even Hari. Never once in their lives they saw Izuku this irritated. It seemed like the saying was right. Never messed with the kindest and calmest people in this world.

"You know it yourself, didn't you? Pops' greatest wish... To restore the glory of the yakuza we once had in the past. I'm only trying to realize his dream, Izuku. And Eri is the key to make it come true..." Kai stepped closer to Izuku who was looking down to the ground. Eri shivered in fear upon seeing him getting nearer.

"Why Eri? Why did you have to use Eri for your plan?" Izuku asked, her gaze still fixed on the concrete floor.

"Eri's Quirk is a terrifying, but intriguing one. With her cursed power, I turned it into antidote... An antidote to cure this sickness called... Quirk." Kai paused there, his gloved fingers caressed her soft cheeks delicately.

"Izuku, you understand what I am trying to say, right? For Pops' sake, for the yakuza...and for me, you too, should—"


Izuku slapped Kai's face hard, without mercy or holding back. She used all of her strength and put it into the force of the strong slap. Her bangs foreshadowed her eyes.

Hari and the others (except Mimic) were both surprised and scared when she did that unexpected action toward Kai. Kai's plague mask fell off from his face due to Izuku's slap. The mask landed on the floor, causing a loud thud to echo in the entire room.

"You are crazy, Kai... You are insane! How dare you abuse other people for your own benefits! I hate people like you the most!!!!" Izuku voice out her hatred within censoring her words anymore.

She is done with him.

Izuku clenched her palm into firm shaking fist. "All this time... I have always believed in you. I have always trusted you. I believed every word you said... EVERY. SINGLE. LIE. YOU TOLD ME!"


Izuku's hair suddenly started levitating in the air, her irises glowed bright green. 'This is so unbelievable... So unsightly... I'm such... An idiot to trust every single lie they told me... I'm stupid for not investigating the truth... While I was living my life happily, Eri was suffering behind my back...!!! I'M THE WORST IN THE WORLD!!!' She thought, despair clouding her face.

A loud scream coming from Izuku erupted through the entire room and hallway. Bright greenish light emitted from her, blinding everyone's eye sight.

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