☁ Chapter 09 ☁

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In front of zuku's room,

Third Person's POV

Both Izuku and Hari breathed raggedly after running all the way back to her bedroom. "We...are...safe..." The female greenette uttered between panting. The masked male was still trying to catch his breath.

"We are done here, right? I'm going back to Overhaul." Hari said monotonously as he brushed off the dust dirtying his favourite white raincoat. Hearing his demand, Izuku quickly raised her head up. She gripped his wrist in hurry, not wanting him to leave her alone.

Feeling her soft hand holding his wrist desperately, Hari turned to look at the young lady. Pink blushes creeped up to her freckled-face, her round harlequin irises avertes from meeting his cold gaze.

"Don't leave me...alone." She begged, staring at his masked-face with her glimmering puppy eyes. Hari, who was determined to leave her behind, began hesitating with his selfish decision.

Heaving a deep sigh of defeat, Hari gave in to her desire. "I got it. Just this time, okay? I'm quite busy currently." His answer made Izuku smile ear-to-ear.

The adorable girl surged forward and wrapped her arms around his body. Receiving such a loving hug from her caused him to blush madly. Luckily, his plague mask covered his face.

Izuku untangled herself from Hari before holding his big hand eagerly. "Now, come in, come in! It has been a while since you come here!" She dragged him into her luxurious, spacious bedroom.

Izuku shut the door behind them and shook off the coat belonged to Kai that she wore. She threw the high-quality garment on her study table.

"Wait a minute, I want to change my clothes." Izuku said as she unbuttoned the black shirt. Hari, who was silent from the beginning, mentally gasped in shock. He immediately looked away to avoid staring at her bare body. Izuku completely forgot he was there.

After she finished changing into her own garments, she turned to look at Hari back. "I'm done— Hari, are you okay? Why are you staring at the wall?" She got confused when she noticed him staring at the wall silently.

"Nothing. I'm fine." Hari tried to sound calm, even though his heart was racing at an inhuman speed. The tone of his voice was no longer cold and monotonous. Instead, it was shaky and filled with nervousness.

Noticing the drastic change in him, Izuku was saddened. "You want to avoid me that bad, huh?" She started, her head hanging low. Her bangs foreshadowed her eyes that were fixed on the floor.

The arrow-headed man's eyes slightly widened upon hearing her sad words. He turned to her back, quietly observing her attitude and expression. Obviously, she was heartbroken...and offended.

"I don't know what I have done that cause you to hate me... And I won't ask the reason. You can leave if you want." Izuku turned around, now facing her opened-closet.

"I'm only annoying you with my selfish requests... Sorry, Hari. I won't force you to follow my order anymore." Her darkened-voice began to get Hari worried. Without he realizing, tears fell from her eyes. That was why she turned around. She didn't want him to see her weak side.

'What am I thinking? Forcing him to follow me would only annoy him more. I'm such an idiot. A nuisance... Hari is gonna hate me for the rest of my life now.' The thought ringing in her mind hurt her feelings. She hid her tears with her palms.

Hari wouldn't lie anymore. He heard her soft sobbing though she tried to hide it. It pained his heart, it pained his eyes to see her crying like this.

Slowly, walked over to the crying girl. Instantly, he hugged her body from behind. "You are not annoying. You are not forcing me. I came along with my own will. So please... Don't cry, Izuku." He uttered kindly.

She could hear her heart skipped a beat as those words left his mouth. She held his arms tightly. After some moments passed, he removed his arms from her shoulder.

Izuku shifted her gaze to the raincoat-wearing man. "Um, if you say so... Can I tell you my selfish request...?" She shyly asked, her fingers fiddling in nerviusness. Hari nodded his head obediently.

"Anything you wish, I will do my best to fulfill, my Young Lady." Hari bowed down slightly, his hand placed on the left side of his chest. He was acting like a real butler, which made Izuku blushed madly.

'He looks so cool—!' She covered her reddened face as she held back the urge to squeal like a crazy fangirl.

"T-then... Can I... Take... Take off your mask?" Eventually, her request escaped her throat. "My mask?" Hari was still baffled by her odd demand.

"I-I haven't seen your face for a long time... So...." She was extremely embarrassed by her own request. 'I hope he didn't think I'm a pervert or something...' She internally panicked.

"Very well." Hari said calmly and he removed the hood of his raincoat, revealing his arrow-shaped hair. Izuku gasped in amazement, awed by the unique shape. She remembered the moment she played with his hair when they were still young.

It was a good old time.

Izuku reached out her hand to his face, carefully unclipping the mask. She held it neatly and took off the mask from his feature.

Her eyes sparkled with astonishment when his face was fully revealed. Hari, surprisingly, was blushing deeply while his dark irises darted to somewhere else.

'It had been so long since I see his face... That I forgot how handsome he was under that plague mask...' The female teenager thought, her gaze never averted from his features.

"You are as handsome as usual, Hari. It is such a shame that you have to hide your face with this mask." Izuku praised him sincerely, a happy smile mustered on her cute face.

"This mask is our trademark. Of course I have to wear it, as a symbol that I'm one of Shie Hassaikai." Hari stated, now looking back to Izuku.
"Is that so? Then, can I have my own plague mask too?" Excitement rose in the tone of her mellow voice.

"That is...Um..." Hari didn't know how to reply to her question. "Of course, you can have one too. I will ask Overhaul to make a mask for you too." He smiled softly at the teenage girl.

"Yeay! Yeay! I will have my own plague mask! Thank you, Hari!" Izuku attacked Hari with a gentle bear hug. She nuzzled her head in his neck. Hari giggled slightly at the ticklish sensation he felt. At last, his cold demeanor disappeared.

'He is back to his cheerful self... I'm glad.' Izuku shut her eyes on happiness.

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