🌹 Chapter 07 🌹

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A/N - Oho, notice the change? Hehehe, the sticker will change base on the genre of the chapter!

These past few chapters only have fluff and hilarity, so lets get a little intense, shall we? :D

(Though I feel bad to do this to Izuku............ ;-;)


Shie Hassaikai's hideout, Underground,

Third Person's POV

"K-Kai..." Izuku managed out in fear, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. Kai's fingers were twitching in anger, desperated to annihilate Rappa here and now. But he did his hardest to hold back the desire to kill him.

However, he certainly couldn't bear to see his dearest in the arms of another man. His golden irises were blazing with flame of fury.

"Izuku. Come with me. Now." The yakuza leader husked, emphasizing the last word. Izuku gulped down her saliva in nervousness.

Obeying his demand, Izuku gently pushed Rappa, signing him to put her down. The fighting maniac sighed in defeat, hesitantly putting down Izuku back. Man, he was about to have fun with her.

The female greenette slowly walked over to the brown-haired male. "Chrono, I'm done with today's work. I will meet you back tomorrow." He reminded. The right-hand man nodded his head in understanding.

Kai extended his arm to Izuku. "Hold my hand, sweetheart." He commanded, earning a look of confusion from her. This was her first time hearing him calling her with such a sweet nickname.

With uneasiness, Izuku accepted his offer. The man led her out of the common area, closing the door silently. "U-um, Kai... Where are we going?" She built up the courage to ask him.

"Just follow me." Kai said, his voice had darkened with what sounded like malice. Izuku shuddered in terror when she heard the tone of his voice.

Kai quietly led Izuku to his bedroom, having his own plan in his mind. 'Here I thought I made the right decision to introduce Izuku to them... I was wrong. I made the incorrect choice. I was a fool to let her hanging out with that..idiot.Rappa I mean. He obviously tried to steal her from me..!' His eyebrows furrowed in rage.

Kai Chisaki. A man who was well-known for being merciless and emotionless among his subordinates. He rarely showed his emotions to his underlings. No one... No one had ever seen him expressing his feelings, except one person.

Izuku was special. Too special for Kai. To him, Izuku was clean from a disease called "Quirk", because she was Quirkless. When he discovered this fact for the first time, he was overjoyed. Meeting with Izuku made him thought...

"She is made to be with me."

His hatred for Quirks, plus his germaphobic caused him to view everyone around him as "diseased" and "dirty", just because they wielded Quirks. They were nothing but mere filthy animals.

But Izuku.... Izuku was a girl who was deemed Quirkless and freed from all sorts of filthiness in this world.

She was perfect. A real human being. No, an angel to Kai.

The only one he dared to lay his finger on, the only person in this world he let to touch him.

The only one who made him feel... Like a human being.

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