💧 Chapter 03 💧

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A/N - WARNING!!! Contain Mention of suicide and self-harm ahead!

(Because of our sad boy, Toya Setsuno. ;-;)


Shie Hassaikai's base,

Third Person's POV


One word to describe the whole situation.

After introducing themselves to their young mistress, they resulted to quick silence.

Izuku was totally out of ideas. The yakuzas refused to start a conversation with her since they didn't even know what kind of topic to talk about. Not to mention, they didn't have that much experience with girls, except for one man.

Toya kept his gaze on the green bunny standing before them nervously. A glint of interest glowed in his amber irises. He studied her curvy figure carefully.

'Young Lady is surprisingly beautiful. She has such a gorgeous hourglass figure. Not to mention, her chest are so big! Her face looks so cute and innocent... Her big green eyes are adorable too. .. Man, she is blessed with everything.' He nodded along with his thoughts, eyes narrowing at her in amazement.

'Young Lady Izuku is much more beautiful than that lowlife bastard.' He thought in disgust, remembering the darkest time in his life that was caused by his ex-lover. Shivers ran down through his spines when his mind reminded him of that sly woman. A surge of negative emotions flowed in his system.

Izuku was creeped out by the way Toya stared at her body intensely. 'What is with that creepy stare? He had been acting like this ever since I arrived. Don't tell me he is mad about just now?' She remembered the moment she told Kai about Toya who had stolen her limited-edition pudding.

To be exact, he didn't steal it but he ate it without thinking it was owned by someone. Izuku happened to walk past the kitchen to grab her pudding, only to see that delicious sweet was slaughtered by a blonde-haired man. She froze in shock for a while before running into her room, crying her heart out. The precious pudding Kai bought for her was eaten by someone else.


Toya's face gradually grew pale. His eyes became wide, filled with despair and horror. His fingers were twitching and shaking violently, which wasn't a good sign. Izuku noticed the drastic change in his behavior.

"Um... Setsuno-san...?" The female teenager uttered his name worriedly. But Toya didn't bother to respond to her. Instead, he walked past her in complete silence. He opened the door and exited the hall, ignoring Izuku and his friends. Yu and Soramitsu didn't say anything to stop him, knowing that their effort would turn out futile.

A gasp of concern left Izuku's throat. She could tell that the young man was distressed and devastated by the negative aura he radiated. This made her felt uneasy within.

'What is wrong with him? Just now, he has a normal vibe... But now... The aura and atmosphere... Are totally different!' the young lady clenched her fist close to her chest. Her heart was beating rapidly at unusual speed.

Deciding to follow Toya in secret, Izuku skidded toward the door and opened it slowly. "Wait, Young Lady. Where are you going?" Shin spoke up at last, curious about the girl's sudden change in attitude.

Izuku turned to the bowler hat-wearing man. Her eyebrows were furrowing, worry evident on her face. "I have some stuffs to do." She answered shortly and hurriedly ran out of the hall to chase after Toya, leaving the yakuzas in turbulence.

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