☁ Chapter 17 ☁

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A few days later,
Shie Hassaikai hideout,
Underground passage,

Third Person's POV

After her little talk with Shin, Izuku returned to her normal cheerful. She didn't keep her distant anymore or shunned anyone who tried to approach her. Instead, she greeted them with open arms and with her angelic smile.

Kai, Hari and the Eight Bullets of Hassai group were relieved to see her change in mood and personality. Now, they can communicate normally like before.

At least that is what everyone (except Izuku) thought.

Izuku was scrolling through her phone, making research about loves and romantic relationship online. Ever since that night – the time she talked to Shin – she was strongly determined to understand herself better, and made the right choice when the time came. And she was prepared for the consequences awaiting her in the future.

The green-haired female tapped on an orange and white button with the letter "W" written on it. It was a famous novel-reading app, Wattpad. She recently downloaded it after she stumbled upon the interesting app while researching about love.

Using this app, Izuku read love stories to understand about romance and love better. And she realized, the symptoms the female protagonist had were the same ones she experienced. This caused her to be nervous, knowing that she was very close to reaching the climax of her research.

The teenage girl proceeded to read one of the famous romance novel on Wattpad, when her eyebrows suddenly furrowed in confusion. She tilted her head, trying to understand the foreign word.

Several minutes passed, no matter how many times she re-read the sentence, she couldn't understand the meaning. Frustrated and desperated to know, Izuku walked over to Tengai who was talking to Hojo. The two adults stopped talking upon seeing their young lady.

"Yes, Young Lady. How can I help you?" The monk-like man asked politely. Izuku seemed quite troubled, since her lips were curling up in dissatisfaction.

"Tengai-san, what does "make love" mean?"

Only with that one question caused everyone in the room to choke on the air. Tengai already turned into a stone statue, not expecting such innocent question from her. Toya, Soramitsu and Rappa stared at Izuku with extremely wide eyes. It looked like their eyeballs would pop out of their heads.

Hojo was massaging his head in perplexity, half-believed in his hearing. Did he hear it wrong? Did Izuku just ask what make love meant?

"Pardon for the intrusion, Young Lady. Can you repeat your question?" The bald-headed man asked with pure curiosity. "I'm asking what "make love" mean. I don't understand it." She breathed out a sigh of dismay, feeling disappointed in herself for her lack of knowledge.

Hojo facepalmed.

Meanwhile, Rappa had a big mischievous smirk plastered on his face. Toya's eyes were twitching in disbelief, while Soramitsu shook his head.

"Okay, I know Young Lady is innocent, but I never expected she is this innocent." The blond-haired man exclaimed, surprise evident in his yellow eyes.

Izuku was still staring at Tengai's face, eagerly waiting for his answer. The man regained his sense. He opened his left eye, looking at the confused girl silently as his mind tried to find a way to explain the meaning properly; without tainting her innocence.

"Um... "Make love" means... A person spends their night together with their partner alone." He carefully worded his clarification. But Izuku was unsatisfied.

The Young Lady || Fem!Izuku X Shie HassaikaiWhere stories live. Discover now