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Okay, please read this carefully everyone!

So, you see...

I'm actually torn between two choices.

You guys knew how we are reaching the tensed moment of the story.

And I have two ideas on how this story will end.

So basically, there are two paths Izuku can choose on how her journey will end;

1. White Carnation

2. Black Rose

For these two paths, I'm going to make TWO SEPERATE BOOKS for EACH PATH.

Meaning that, after I publish chapter 27,this book will stop there.

I will continue the rest of the stories in two different books with two different paths and endings;

White Carnation is happy ending, of course.(a little spoiler). It involves League of Villains.

Black Rose is... Well, sad, dark path. It involves heroes.

That's all I can say for now. But yes, once Izuku runs away with Eri, this book will stop there.

The rest of the stories will be continued in two seperate books.

I hope everyone understands! UwU

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