☁ Chapter 05 ☁

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A week later,
Shie Hassaikai's hideout, Underground,

Midoriya's POV

"Hey, Setsuno-san. What is your Quirk?" I asked Setsuno-san curiously while skillfully spinning the pencil in my fingers. The pencil spun around at a lightning speed, since I loved to spin it when I was bored.

"Huh? My Quirk? Um... It's called Larceny." Setsuno-san confusedly responded, his eyes blinked a few times. I nodded my head and jotted down the facts in my notebook. "Can you show to me how you use it?" I asked again, my harlequin pupils had a glint of interest in them.

Setsuno-san clenched his palm neatly. Suddenly, I felt like something in my hand was missing. I shifted my attention to my palm and was shocked to discover my pencil was gone!

Oh no, did I accidentally toss it somewhere in the room?!

"Young Lady, look." Setsuno-san waved his hand in front of my face. I turned my head back to him. My green eyes sparkled with amazement. The pencil was in his palm!
"Wow~ Your Quirk is so cool! How did you do that? How did it work out?" I started bombarding him with many questions at once out of excitement. Setsuno-san shut his eyes happily before explaining, "I can move anything my opponent is wearing to my own hand instantly. Kinda like stealing! But I can only steal small objects."

"Even so, it is an awesome Quirk!" I cheered on him. I grabbed my notebook and wrote down every single words he said about his Quirk. I could feel everyone's eyes on me but it didn't really bother me that much.

"What is your Quirk, Young Lady?" Now it was Setsuno-san's turn to ask me. I looked up from my notebook and stared at his face long. "I'm Quirkless. I have no Quirk." I nonchalantly retorted. His eyes went wide all of a sudden but he didn't say anything back.

Huh? Is it that surprising? I thought they already

"Could it be Kai hadn't told you anything about me?" I quirked an eyebrow peculiarly. He nodded his head in hesitation. I noticed that the other members — who were assigned to accompany me while the others went on mission — were staring at me in disbelief.

"I see. But I don't think it's a big deal. I'm just a little different from everyone else, that's all." I rendered frankly, my gaze locked on my Quirks analysis notebook.

They all still resulted to silence. I heaved a long sigh of defeat. "Listen, I seriously don't mind not having a Quirk so don't feel bad about it. You didn't know and you were only curious about me." I assured Setsuno-san who was looking down to the floor in guilt.

I smiled softly at this blonde-haired man before patting his soft hair. "I told you, didn't I? Don't feel bad about it." My eyelids close while I tugged my biggest smile for him.

Out of the blue, I felt pain shooting through my half bottom. I let out a soft whimper while clenching my stomach. I sensed something drenched my underwear.

No no no! It can't be—!

But I didn't get any symptom!

Oh God, I have to go to the restroom now!

"Young Lady—"

"Pardon me!" I unwillingly pushed Setsuno-san out of my way and rushed out of the common room. I bolted toward the restroom at inhuman speed. Locking the door, I looked at myself in the mirror. I gasped in horror when I noticed the red stain on the back of my shorts.

No way...

My shorts were flooded with my blood!

It came earlier than it should be...

The Young Lady || Fem!Izuku X Shie HassaikaiWhere stories live. Discover now