☁ Chapter 14 ☁

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"Mommy, what is "soulmate"?" Little five year-old Izuku asked her mother who was washing dishes in the kitchen. She was reading a kid's story book about a princess saved by a kind-hearted young man. The two soon realized they were soulmates and were made for each other, thus they got married.

"Soulmate? Oh dear, that is such a sweet question." Inko chuckled heartily. She dried her hand with a small handkerchief before walking over to her curious daughter.

The mother sat next to the little girl, picking her up by the armpits and placed her down on her laps. She wrapped her arms around Izuku's small body.

"Listen, Izuku. Soulmate... Is someone you fated to be with. The one who spend their life with you. Someone who love you no matter who you are..." Inko uttered softly, her hand stroked Izuku's curly hair.

"Someone who love me? Then, Mommy is my soulmate! Because Mommy loves me and I love Mommy too!" The innocent child giggled gleefully. Inko shook her head in amusement.

"You are right. I love you, little pancake. But I'm not your soulmate."

"Eh, why? Mommy love me and I love Mommy too..." Izuku whined in confusion.

"It is true that I love you, but I love you as my daughter. There are many kinds of love, honey." 

"Oh, oh! What is it?" The little green bean asked in excitement.

"There are...love toward family, love toward friends, love toward teachers... But the most special kind of love is..." Inko stared in Izuku's starry emerald eyes.
"Love toward your soulmate ,your lover."


"Yes, lover. Like Mommy ane Daddy. First, we became lovers. After that we got married and become wife and husband... And then, we become proud parents of you, our little princess." She nuzzled her cheek with Izuku's. She giggled adorably.

"Then, Mommy. Who is my soulmate? Where can I meet him?" Izuku started to bombard Inko with many questions, interest sparked in her jade irises.

"That...you have to do by your own, Izuku. Find your soulmate by yourself." Inko caressed her cheek lovingly.
"Ehhhh, how can I find him? There are too many boys, Mommy!" Izuku whined, puffing her cheeks.

"That's true, but you will surely find him. Because that boy is going to be someone special, someone who makes you feel different when you are with him... So you can tell that he is the one you are looking for this whole time, sweetheart." She chuckled.

"Someone who make me feel different?" Izuku tilted her head.

"Hmm, like he makes your heart goes all 'doki-doki'!"

"Doki doki!" Izuku repeated the word because she thought it sounded funny.

"And when he is around, he manages to make you smile with his presence. He cares for you a lot, and he always stay by your side no matter the circumstance is!" Inko eagerly explained, hoping she would understand..


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