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"Another." Jongho said, tapping on the counter in front of him twice to get the bartenders attention.

The beta hesitates and leans forward. "Look, I shouldn't even be serving you. You know that." He started to walk away when a hand flew out and locked onto his wrist.

"I said give me another." The alpha snarled, using his rank to get his point across.

His glass was filled immediately and the beta hurried away before he was forced to submit anymore.

Jongho just scoffed at his cowardice as he tossed back the drink. The liquid ran down his throat and he hummed at the pleasant warmth that filled his body.

When he noticed the bartender intentionally avoiding him, he just reached over behind the counter and grabbed the bottle so he could continue to wallow in his self pity.

Loud cheering could be heard from the next building over, sparking Jongho to start drinking straight from the bottle.
"Such bullshit." He grumbled, letting his head fall with a thunk against the countertop.

When the traditional mating song was played, he proceeded to pound his head over and over.

His oh so perfect 'I can do nothing wrong' half-brother was the star of the evening. Again.

Jongho had watched their father and Luna spend weeks planning this special night for Mingi and Seonghwa. They were showered with well wishes and praise as the prodigal son was ready to mate and head out to start his own pack.
It was everything their father had been training them for, but Jongho knew his moment would be nothing compared to Mingi's.

And he hated it.

He hated it almost as much as he hated his half-brother.

Mingi was always overshadowing Jongho in their father's eyes... All because he was the son of his chosen mate.

The Luna of the pack.

The head alpha had always done a good job of making all of his claimed betas and omegas feel like they belonged and were loved.

But it was painfully obvious that he loved Primrose the most.

Jongho didn't have anything against her, per-say, but he was tired of watching his own mom waste away in the unrequited love he was trapped in.
It just wasn't fair...

Kennedy had been nothing but a loyal beta the entire time he had been a part of the pack. He did everything his head alpha asked of him. Hell... He would die for his alpha.

But he was always pushed aside for 'Perfect Primrose'.

Which in turn pushed Jongho aside in his father's eyes.

It was obvious that he was the disappointment of the pack. The only thing he had going for him was the fact that he was strong. Other than that, he always had to hear about how Mingi was taller, kinder, more charismatic, able to control himself better, a perfect representation of what an alpha should be.

Jongho let out a heavy sigh as he took another swig, enjoying the buzz he was feeling.

Then sweet scent of roasted peanuts filled his nose. Jongho's nose crinkled as he took it in, not having to look to know it was his long time friend coming to sit next to him, "I thought I might find you here."

Jongho grumbled to himself as he took another drink, then relinquished the bottle to his companion. He turned to take in the sight of the beta as his tall, lanky body curved to fit with the counter.

Yunho had been his friend since they were kids, and while he was technically friends with Mingi too, he always spent a little more time with Jongho.
The alpha knew the beta either pitied him or had a massive crush on him, and he couldn't decide which was worse.

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