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The bedroom door slams open, both Hongjoong and Seonghwa were led in the room by Mingi as he gripped their biceps in his hands. He pushes them towards the bed and growls, "Strip. And you both better not say a disgruntled word to one another or the punishment will be worse."

He slams the door shut and Seonghwa huffs, standing and removing his shirt, "Are you going to make snide comments the entire time we're in here?"

"Depends," Hongjoong smirks as he watches the Omega before him strip down to nothing. He was truly beautiful, he can see now why Valentine picked his specifically for Mingi. Even if Mingi didn't want him, Valentine would've gladly taken him. Hongjoong chuckles, "Are you going to throw a hissy fit when Mingi punishes me?"

Seonghwa snarls back at Hongjoong, staying turned away as he strips his pants and underwear off. He ignores the Beta as he throws his clothes in the laundry basket by the door, might as well attempt to clean the room before it gets messy.

Hongjoong stands from the bed and walks over to Seonghwa, he can instantly see goosebumps forming on his body. Hongjoong leans forward to whisper in Seonghwa's ear, "Admit it Seonghwa, me being annoying is a turn on for you."

"No, it's actually unappealing and it makes me want to bash your face in," Seonghwa snaps, trying to hide the fact that his body was shivering from Hongjoong's close proximity.

Hongjoong chuckles, letting a finger trail up from Seonghwa's hip to his side, "Really," he takes in a deep breath and suddenly his finger was trailing on his lower belly, "I can smell your arousal Seonghwa. Your mind may think it's annoying, but your body is telling me that you love it when I'm a pest."

Seonghwa takes in a deep breath, trying to hide the fact his body is shivering all over from Hongjoong's breath. Or maybe it was the sudden aura from the Beta coming up behind him? Either way, he was trying not to show it to the Beta that his body was reacting to his presence.

"I can practically smell your slick coating your inner thighs Seonghwa," Hongjoong whispers, his fingers trail down Seonghwa's hip and down his outer thigh, "Here's the thing, Seonghwa. Back in Mingi's pack, I too was one of the best hunters amongst us Betas. Being a skilled hunter, means that your nose is so keen it's almost as powerful as an Alpha."

His finger trace the bottom of Seonghwa's spine and Seonghwa mentally curses the slick coating his thighs and leaking out of him. Hongjoong chuckles, scooping some up with his finger before showing the Omega, "Still think you're not turned on?"

Seonghwa growls, "So what? If I am what are you going to do about it?"

Hongjoong smirks, spinning Seonghwa around and admiring the blonde's beautiful body. Seonghwa practically shys away under Hongjoong's piercing gaze. The Beta chuckles, pulling their bodies closer and bites back a moan from their crotches rubbing against one another, "How about we give Alpha a show?"

Seonghwa notices Hongjoong looking around him, the Betas eyes flash from the golden honey to bright blue and Seonghwa peeks over his shoulder. He sees Mingi standing in the doorway, his eyes red and he was shirtless. The Alpha moans deeply before looking out of the doorway, "Yeosang, please come join us."

"Why are you punishing Yeosang?" Seonghwa asks, slightly confused on what is happening.

"I'm not," Mingi answers, "I think it's time all of us get... closer to one another. We are a pack after all."

Yeosang steps in the room nervously, looking over to the two by the bed before looking to his Alpha, "Y-Yes Alpha?"

"I say it's time we all had a chance to get closer to one another don't you?" Mingi suggests, tracing the collar of Yeosang's shirt hanging off of his body.

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