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Wooyoung shivered as he leaned into San and tried to pull his blanket closer around him. He sniffed, earning a soft squeeze around his waist.

But there wasn't a lot of emotion behind it.

The omega looked at both betas and felt his heart constrict. They both looked so heart broken and lost after the fight earlier that day. And now they were sitting outside of a strange house with only the promise of protection from the resident alpha and the threat of violence from his Luna.

With the main part of their own pack was missing.

When Jongho hadn't shown up after a few hours, Wooyoung had wanted to go look for him, but San just held onto him and forced him to stay.

None of them spoke. For hours.

Shortly after Seonghwa had brought them the blankets, Mingi came out of the house and limped into the forest. Wooyoung stared at the spot where the Alpha had vanished and sat up a little straighter.

When the smell of burnt wood hit his nose, he stood up, not letting San hold him back anymore. He ran forward as soon as he saw his alpha storming out of the shadows. He was cradling his hand close to his chest and looked like he was mad again, but Wooyoung didn't care. He was just happy to see him.

The omega and alpha came to a stop, standing about a foot apart, and waited for Mingi to limp past. Once the front door closed, Jongho's façade broke and he whimpered in pain, leaning forward to rest his head against Wooyoung's shoulder.

The older wrapped his arms around around the alpha to hold him for just a moment, his wolf spinning with worry.

"Let me see." Wooyoung said, coaxing Jongho's hand away from his body. It was turning black and blue and there were still some open wounds, which told Wooyoung the alpha had spent some time as a wolf.

Hongjoong came out with a first aid kit and collected their dishes while promising to bring Jongho some food while Wooyoung led Jongho over to where they had set up next to the house.

Tensions were high as San moved to sit next to Yunho and they both looked at the ground.

Jongho hissed as he sat down and closed his eyes while he let Wooyoung start to treat his hand and other wounds. The alpha never flinched as Wooyoung gingerly dabbed at his scrapes. He did, however, whimper when Wooyoung worked to wrap his hand.

No one spoke the entire time.

When Wooyoung left to go see if Mingi's pack had any ice, Jongho took a deep breath and turned to his betas. He didn't even know what to say. It broke his heart when neither one would look at or even acknowledge him.

So he did the one thing alphas hardly ever did.

Jongho threw aside his pride and got down on his hands and knees, keeping his one hand off the ground, and pressed his forehead to the back of his hand. "I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I hope you'll at least accept my apology. I never intended to hurt either of you. I was upset and let my anger get the better of me... I've let you down as an alpha..."

Suddenly, Jongho felt his chest constricting as tears came to his eyes.

He was so weak... And now he was groveling at the feet of betas. His wolf growled at him, wanting him to stop and be the powerful alpha he was. And normally he would have listened to it. But that is what got him into this mess in the first place.

Instead he let the tears flow free.

His shoulders shook from both his sobs and the cold. "I'm s-so s-sorry..."

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