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Life was good for the two packs.

Everyone slowly got back into the swing of how things are, the three members of the packs were accepted once more and now everyone can mind link one another with no problem.

All of the babies were growing too, and little Finnley seemed to have grown so much for his first month of life. It was hard to believe that within those four weeks, that little boy was already wearing three month to six months infant clothing. His features were more prominent, and the little boy looks so much like his father. The only thing he didn't have of Jongho's was a tiny mole like freckle right underneath his eye, one right by his bottom lip in the corner, and one on his neck close to his jaw.

Same markings as his mother.

Hongjoong was just getting out of bed, groaning at the slight discomfort in his stomach as he barely sits up. It was still early in the morning, everyone was still asleep including his Alpha that had an arm trapped around Hongjoong's waist.

Ever since he had been back home, their Alpha hardly left his side. He spent time with everyone, but after the turn of events that had happened a month ago Mingi was hovering around Hongjoong more. Hongjoong however hasn't been feeling the best lately, he always woke up with stomach cramps and it's always early in the morning.

He's made sure to stay away from the kitchen when dinner was cooking too, sometimes whatever Wooyoung, Yeosang, and Seonghwa made for dinner made him nauseous with just the smell. He's never gotten sick, but his stomach did become uncomfortable and he was always afraid he would.

Today they were supposed to go hunting and restocking their meat fridge for the winter, Mingi wanted to get a couple of bucks and a whatever small game they could find. They were going to for the next few days until they have completely and fully restocked, and Hongjoong was excited to get out and hunt with his pack again.

Mingi groans, stirring slightly before leaning over and kissing Hongjoong's neck, "Good morning."

"Good morning Alpha," Hongjoong whispers, looking over to see the two Omegas still asleep and curled against Mingi's body for warmth. He winces at the cramp in his stomach, groaning, "God my stomach hurts."

"Are you sure you will be able to go hunting?" Mingi asks worriedly, reaching a hand over to gently rub Hongjoong's bare stomach, "I don't want you to stress yourself out if you're uncomfortable-"

"No, I need this," Hongjoong denies, removing Mingi's hand and going to stand, "I'm going to make breakfast. I say those that are going will all leave as soon as we're done eating."

He leaves the room, once more nausea hits him but he doesn't let it stop him from going to the kitchen to make blueberry and banana pancakes and with bacon.

The house was soon filled with sweet and savory smells, eventually it woke everyone up including the two children. Ana squealed when she seen her favorite, running over to Hongjoong while clapping her hands, "Nana cake! Nana cake!"

"Yes pretty girl!" Hongjoong chuckles, picking her up and kissing her cheek obnoxiously while sitting her on his hip, "Banana and blueberry pancakes!" He smiles, handing her a small bite of banana he had cut up, the little girl hums as she chews on it with a small grin.

"Ana, lets get you in your high chair," Seonghwa calls to the toddler, already starting Parker on his applesauce while Yeosang took a shower.

"No!" The little girl giggles, shying away in Hongjoong's shoulder as the Beta snickers.

"Little miss I'm tired of you saying no to me," Seonghwa snorts, only for Mingi to enter the room and walk over to Ana.

The little girl squeals before wiggling in Hongjoong's arms, "Daddy no!!" She giggles, Hongjoong quickly puts her down but the toddler hides away from her father behind him.

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