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The winter was long and rough on the household of eight. Shortly after they put in the door and windows for their home, the first snowfall came and it came down hard, covering the ground in four inches of snow. It made hunting a lot more difficult to say the least, animals hibernated and deer and elk had resorted to hunkering down for the weather.

Mingi didn't want to have to get into their extra stash in the freezer, but he was having no choice but to do so.

Jongho has mentioned making traps to scavenge a few squirrels and rabbits, so they've made due with those, but it was still hard to feed eight people, a baby, and a pregnant Omega. They made due with this method till the snow melted away. The winter was still cold though, so Mingi had set up a few space heaters in the new home for the others to keep warm.

But once the trees and flowers started blossoming and the cold started to disperse, the packs were functioning once more building up their meat supply for the rest of the year. And house building was quicker now that everything was warming up.

Not to mention that Ana was now a year old, and crawling around behind everyone. She's managed to stand just fine with some help, but her death grip on your fingers refuse to loosen when you try to get her to stand on her on. She can even say a few words such as, "Mama," "Dada," and "Uh Oh!"

And as spring turned into early summer, a new family member was ready to join.

Yeosang moans in pain as he sways side to side, Mingi's hands cup his hips and massage his lower back, hips, and sides. Yeosang's hands were rubbing constant circles on his belly, trying to ease the discomfort from the Braxton Hicks contractions he was going through.

"You're doing good Sangie," Seonghwa coos, timing the contraction on a timer, "Just keep breathing. In and out."

Yeosang lets out a gush of air before nodding, "It's over."

Seonghwa stops it and writes it down for the midwife who was currently on her way, "Ten minutes apart. And your water hasn't broke yet?"

"Not that I know of," Yeosang holds his belly as he sighs, "I'm going to go lay down, my back is hurting really badly."

"Okay honey," Seonghwa kisses his forehead, taking the Omega in his arms and leading him to the room, "Mingi, you might want go ahead and get some towels and everything ready for the midwife."

Mingi nods, watching the Omegas until they're out of sight before he moves to gather up supplies. Jongho was in the kitchen with Wooyoung and Yunho, they had offered to take care of the house and the cooking while Hongjoong baby sat Ana and San ran patrol. Seonghwa and Yeosang were a little busy as well, so they gladly stepped up to take their spots.

Jongho looks up, arching his eyebrow as he helps cut vegetables for a deer roast Wooyoung wanted to make for them all, "How's Yeosang?"

"Braxton Hicks are currently ten minutes apart, and his water has yet to break," Mingi sighs, "I hope this baby gets here soon, I've been up since two this morning with giving him back rubs and helping make him comfortable."

"Babies don't always come quickly," Yunho smiles, searing the meat for Wooyoung before they cook it, "I doubt the little guy will take his time. Sounds like from what I understand he's due right around the time the midwife predicted. It's up to him if he's going to take his time or not."

Jongho chuckles, "Well, if you guys need help, let me know."

"Will do," Mingi smiles, he was tired but he was excited for his son to get here. He gathered towels, and everything else he would possibly need and he can always grab it once the midwife gets here. He decided to go in the living room and rest for a bit, even if it's just to shut his eyes for a moment.

He enters the living room to see Hongjoong fast asleep in the recliner, Ana on his chest fast asleep with her head of brown hair stinking up in all directions as she snores against his chest. Mingi smiles, kissing her head softly then kissing Hongjoong's forehead. Hongjoong opens his eyes, squinting slightly as he looks around, "Oh.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"It's okay, you'll need it," Mingi sighs, running his hand through his hair, "It may possibly be a long night ahead of us."

"Still no progress?"

"Hardly any, his water hasn't broken yet that I know of. Midwife is on her way here."

"Good," Hongjoong nods, closing his eyes once more, "Now leave me be, I have a warm cuddle bug on my chest and I'm sleepy." Mingi chuckles, grabbing a spare blanket and laying down on the couch. As soon as his head hit the arm rest of the couch, he closes his eyes and falls fast asleep.

He doesn't know how long he has been asleep, but he awoke with a start when someone shook his arm gently. He groans, opening his eyes and being swamped instantly with his mate's caramel scent. He gasps, sitting up, seeing Seonghwa smiling at him, "Oh my god how long was I-"

"Mingi, shut up for now and come to the bedroom," Seonghwa whispers, looking over to Hongjoong and Ana, seeing they're still sleeping, "It's time."

Mingi instantly stands, following Seonghwa into the bedroom just in time to see the midwife instructing Yeosang to push. The Omega whimpers, burring his chin in his chest as he held the back of his knees with with hands.

Mingi gawks at the sight as he hurried over to take one of Yeosang's hand in his, "When did his water break!?"

"A few hours ago," Seonghwa answers, "He dilated quickly right after it did."

Mingi felt his hand being crushed as Yeosang grunts, throwing his head back as he pushes and pushes. Time felt like it seemed to slow as his son slowly enters the world, Yeosang wasn't a screamer like Seonghwa was when he gave birth. The most noise he made was when he released a powerful yet loud grunt when he pushed out his son's head.

"Come on Sangie! You're doing well sweetie," Seonghwa praises, dabbing his forehead and bare chest with a cool towel so he wouldn't get too heated, "He's almost here!"

Yeosang sobs, once more pushing to expel the foreign object in his body. He was getting exhausted, and wanted this all to be over with. All too soon, a large pressure was released from his body, and he gasps at the sudden release. A weight was placed on his chest and when he looks down he sobs harder, "Oh! Hi baby!"

The tiny baby boy squeals loudly, clearly he was Mingi's son and had his daddy's lungs. Looking at him, he hardly had resemblance to Mingi. Looking right at him, he looked like an exact replica of Yeosang. His little face shape was like Yeosang's, his eye shape, chin, and jawline. Everything but his nose, lips, and eyebrows belonged to Yeosang. Everything else was Mingi.

He even had a tiny birthmark on his neck that was the same shape as Yeosang's.

"Hello Parker," Mingi smiles, brushing a gentle finger down his arm that was still covered in amniotic debris. He was instructed to cut the cord before Seonghwa takes the baby and cleaned him off for the midwife, Yeosang was then instructed to deliver the afterbirth, and soon after he was cleaned up he got to hold his baby boy again.

He looks down at the now calm baby, smiling brightly, "Oh Mingi," he sniffles, his voice wavered as he looks down at his beautiful baby, "He's perfect."

"He is," Mingi whispers, wanting to desperately hold his son, but he wasn't about to remove him from Yeosang.

The Omega smiles though and gently hands him over, "You're horrible at hiding your impatience," Yeosang giggles, "hold you son, Alpha."

Mingi gently takes him in his arms, looking down at the small baby with pride as his wolf purrs. Yeosang's Wolf churns as well, feeling ecstatic from the pride rolling off of his Alpha. Seonghwa smiles from the end of the bed, giving the parents a moment to fawn over their baby. But it stirred something with his wolf.

His wolf wants another pup.


Written by @luckyhwa98

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