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After they had taken the time to reconnect with each other, Jongho's pack worked hard to keep growing closer and building their bond.

Wooyoung was in a noticeably better mood now that he felt the connection with the others and his confidence with Finn was growing.

Yunho loved watching the two of them interact. Finn was definitely a mini Jongho and during the times when he wasn't screaming his head off, his eyes followed Wooyoung without blinking. Just like his father.

Jongho hardly let Wooyoung out of his sight unless he was hunting, and if that was the case, San always stayed behind. He had proven himself enough to Jongho that he was trusted enough to guard their Luna and first born pup.

It was nice having everyone together again too. There were many evenings spent with the two packs coming together and enjoying a meal. Yunho and Wooyoung felt a different connection with Hongjoong now, and the three of them always seemed to drift together when gathered.

Which also meant that Yunho got to see Hongjoong's next freak out first hand.

Jongho's pack was walking over to Mingi's house when they noticed the midwife Mingi had found quickly leaving the house. They were still several feet away when they heard Hongjoong shouting from inside.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" The oldest beta's voice came from inside.

"Hongjoong, calm down." Mingi said, but there was something to the tone of his voice that told Yunho he was either really happy or laughing.

"NO! I will NOT CALM DOWN! How DARE you do this to me!! You know I didn't even want this in the first place you fucking asshole!!!"

A window shattered next to them and Yunho watched as a shoe rolled across the forest floor. "Oh boy. What happened now?" He turned to look at his pack and Wooyoung held Finn close to his chest. "I'll go check it out."

He hurried inside and saw Mingi hiding in the kitchen while Hongjoong, looking very pregnant for only being two months along, marched after him with another shoe in his hand. "For fucks sake STOP LAUGHING!"

Mingi covered his mouth and ducked when the next shoe was thrown at him, knocking several things off the counter. "Joong, please, you need to calm down. This isn't a bad thing."

"Maybe not for you mister 'I want to just fuck my pack full of fucking pups and be the perfect fucking father without having to go through the pain of giving birth'! And now you expect me to do it with three? THREE?!!" Hongjoong picked up a vase and was about to hurl it against the wall when Yunho rushed over and took it from his hand.

"Joongie! Calm down!" He said, placing his hands on the older's shoulders. "What on earth is going on?" Hongjoong ground his teeth together, but took a deep breathe and kept looking at Yunho. "What did the midwife say?"

That must have been the wrong thing to ask, because Hongjoong's face grew red again and he stormed out of the room, making a point to slam every single door he passed, even if he wasn't going in the room.

Mingi snickered and stepped out from behind the counter. "We are going to have a pretty full house soon."

The front door opened and San poked his head in. "He said three, does that mean what I think it means?"

"Yup!" Mingi beamed and clapped his hands. "Hongjoong is pregnant with triplets!"

"Oh shit." Yunho covered his mouth and tried to stop himself from laughing. Fate had truly been cruel to his friend if Hongjoong was supposed to have three pups instead of the standard one. No wonder the midwife hurried out of the house as fast as possible. "I'll just go check on him."

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