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"Mmmm Mingi," Seonghwa moans softly with a content smile. Mingi's lips were leaving kisses all over his neck and shoulders, while his hand trails down to tease Seonghwa between his legs.

They were still pressed against one another after their nightly affairs, although Mingi's knot went down while they slept. It was quiet in the house, so maybe they could snuggle some more and possibly have another round before their baby needed to be fed.

"Are you up for another round baby?" Mingi morning voice full of sleep moans deeply, rocking his hips slightly before his hand starts to stroke Seonghwa's hardening cock.

"Did you read my mind?" Seonghwa moans quietly, his hips rolling in pleasure and he gasps when Mingi's fingers rub gentle circles on the head of his cock.

"Maybe," Mingi chuckles, kissing Seonghwa's neck before pulling back to watch him disappear and reappear from the Omega's ass. He moans, "I love how tight you are even after you take my knot."

Seonghwa moans softly, biting his lip to keep quiet all while rolling his hips to feel Mingi bury himself over and over again deeper inside of him. Mingi grabs Seonghwa's leg and arches it up to hang over his hip while he rocks his. Both get lost in the pleasure they didn't realize the door was opening until someone chuckles from the doorway.

Mingi stops his movement and looks over his shoulder, snarling, "Get out."

"I just came in to bring your child to you. I believe she's hungry," Hongjoong's voice broke through to Seonghwa, making the Omega instantly feel annoyed and irritated once more. He can practically hear the smirk in the Beta's voice and it made his eyes roll.

He did hear little Ana's whines and he is quick to detach himself from Mingi and cover himself with a blanket, then reaches for her.

Hongjoong hands her over to Seonghwa, the Omega smiles down at her, "Hi baby girl, are we very hungry this morning," he gets her to latch and hisses when she gums down on him angrily, "Oh yeah she's not happy."

Hongjoong looks to Mingi with a smirk, the Alpha hiding his obvious hard on with his pillow as he sat next to his Omega in their bed. The Beta sighs, "Well sorry to ruin the moment, but I'm afraid we'll have to go hunting again Alpha."

"There's no more elk?" Mingi asks, looking up to see Hongjoong leaning against he doorway in his basketball shorts.

"No, Seonghwa used the last of it last night for the steaks," Hongjoong hums, "With both of us though we should be able to take down two elks and have it last longer than a week."

"Perfect, when we get done here we'll go out and scout the perimeter," Mingi nods, clearly stating his dismissal for Hongjoong.

The Beta smirks, "Of course, we don't want an Alpha with blue balls."

"I'll keep getting them if you keep barging in and ruining it," Mingi growls.

"I'd like to go," Seonghwa chimes in, patting Ana's back, "It's been a while since I have went on a hunt."

"A-Are you sure?" Mingi asks.

"Yeah," Seonghwa smiles, "I haven't hunted with my Alpha in a while so why not?"

"What about Ana?" Mingi looks at the baby attached to his mate's chest and gently brushes a finger across her dark hair.

"Well, she has to stay here of course," Seonghwa giggles, "We'll see if Yeosang wants to go. If he does I'll stay home and go next time. If he doesn't I'll see if he'll watch her for a bit while we hunt."

Mingi looks up from Seonghwa to Hongjoong, the Beta shrugs before leaving the room. Hongjoong didn't mind having an Omega come with, and really he would like to have one of the Omegas help. The more deer they bring down, the more stocked they'll stay and the less hunting they'll have to do.

And as far as he's concerned, if Seonghwa wants to come along with them just to keep them apart he didn't mind. Though the Omega may not have those thoughts, it still wouldn't surprise Hongjoong with how he has been the past week.

It was later in the day when the three went out to hunt for their stock pile. Yeosang didn't mind staying home with the baby, he never really found interest in hunting anyway and would rather stay home to cook and clean. Seonghwa shifts into his beautiful white wolf, while the other two shift into their own.

Seonghwa walks over to Mingi and runs his body all along Mingi's, the Alpha purrs as his Omega scents him. Hongjoong practically rolled his eyes as Seonghwa flicks his tail on Mingi's snout, then trots to the woods.

Mingi looks to Hongjoong and the grey and black wolf snorts before trotting after the Omega, "Now you smell of caramel instead of paprika."

Mingi growls, his black wolf runs past the two wolves to scout out his land before they take off. Hongjoong finds himself trotting beside Seonghwa and the Omega didn't make a move to fall behind or run after Mingi. He looks to the Omega, "So, were you trying to prove something back there scenting Mingi?"

Seonghwa flashes his blue eyes to Hongjoong and snorts, "So what if I was?"

"Don't you think it's childish to scent your mate in front of those he claimed? Almost as if you're dangling him in front of us?" Seonghwa rolls his eyes and kept his head forward as he continues to walk, following Mingi's scent. Hongjoong sighs, "Have you ever hunted before?"

"Well that's kind of insulting," Seonghwa snorts.

"Not all Omegas can hunt," Hongjoong points out, "Especially those who become Lunas. They were raised for their title of a typical housewife."

Seonghwa rounds on him instantly, his lip curled in a slight snarl, "I'll have you know that Valentine chose me to be Mingi's Luna because yes I can cook. Yes I can clean. Yes I'm an Omega and I can give him pups. But he also chose me because I was one of the few Omegas who could hunt from my old pack. And I was an exceptional one as well might I add. I was even hunting with Mingi before I got pregnant and convinced him to let me hunt until I started getting bigger. So before you use that term to describe Omegas again, or even Lunas, I suggest you keep your mouth shut," the Omega snaps his jaws at the Beta in warning.

Hongjoong chuckles, his head tilts as he smirks at the Luna, "I'm sorry, did I strike a nerve?"

Seonghwa snarls, which in general causes Mingi to come over to them and roars in both of their ears in warning. His wolf instantly asserted its dominance to both and caused both the Omega and Beta lay on the ground with their ears pressed against their heads in submission. Mingi huffs as he turns away from them, "If you two can't get along then I will make you. When we get back after hunting, I want you both in the bedroom. No ifs, ands, nor buts about it. And if you fight with me over it, the punishment will be severe."


Written by @jinjin0309

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