ch 24!

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Kira pov

When they got comfortable in the bed I put on a good movie which is the Nightmare before Christmas. ( I think that this is a great movie) the light automatically dimmed down. I held on Blake and Crow's hand. I smiled I finally feel safe with them, I can finally relax and not worry about being attacked by an infected or special infected.

An hour later

The movie finally finished, Xero and Aiden fell asleep. Blake and Crow, we're half asleep. Axel fell asleep as well. I looked at the time and it was getting late. I turned off the tv and snuggled closer to Crow.

"Goodnight everyone." I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

The next day

I woke up the next day feeling fresh. I noticed that the hunters weren't in the bed with me. I felt sad, I got up and walked to the kitchen. When I walked in there I noticed that they were there and it was a huge mess. I was shocked. Aiden noticed me and yelped. When the others heard this they all turned and they saw me.

I tilted my head in confusion. That is when Axel tried to speak.

"Make... Food... U" I thought of what he was trying to say until I put the two and two together. I smiled.

"That is so sweet of you guys but maybe next time you can ask me to help you." They all nodded

"Well let's clean this mess up first and I will teach you how to make something simple like eggs and bacon."

We all started cleaning the kitchen which took us a few minutes. once we were done cleaning I got out the stuff that we needed and sat them down in the table.

"Okay you watch me do it first and then you will copy got it?" They nodded

I started the stove and set the pan down. I started with the bacon and then the eggs. They all watched me cook. I was done making my breakfast.

"Okay, who wants to go first?" I looked at them." Blake was the first one.

Another time skip cause why not

After a few hours, I gave up. The hunters weren't made to cook or be near a stove. I sighed my food was already gone since they got hungry. I remembered what we had to do today. We left our home to go to the experimenting room. I opened the door and went in first there was some male and female doctors and scientist, Ava was there as well. She noticed me and waved.

"Everyone this is Kira Dragneel and her mates are the Hunter pack." They all said hi to me. 

Ava then looked at the hunters. 

"If you guys don't mind can you sit there. We are going to teach you to speak, read and other basic human knowledge. Kira will have to leave you guys because she needs to do some other things." The hunters all whined. 

I looked at them and smiled.

"Hey don't worry I will come back for you guys. I just need to get some blood taken from me. I will come back once they are done." I said reassuringly.

They just kept on whining. 

"Hey if you don't do this you won't be able to properly communicate with your mate and we won't be able to proceed to the next level," Ava said.

The hunters looked down and nodded. They knew that they needed to do this.  I gave all of them a kiss on the cheek and left the room.  I started walking to another room so I can get my blood drawn out. I found the room and went inside. I was greeted by a female nurse. She smiled at me.

"Hello My name is Emily. Can you sit over there for me?" I nodded and sat down on the chair. 

I put my arm on the table, she came back with a needle and a tub. She put a blue rubber tourniquet around the upper part of my arms. She pressed on my arm to make the veins pop out. Once one did She put the needle in, Blood started coming out of my arm. It started filling in the small tub. Once it was filled she immediately took it out and put another one in.

I manage to fill in 3 tubs of my blood. She took out the needle and put a band-aid on. I was feeling kinda dizzy. 

"You should rest for a little bit, here drink some orange juice it will help out." I nodded. 

I took the orange juice and drank some. after a few minutes of resting, I was feeling less dizzy. I stood up and left the room to go back with the hunters. There were some scientists and doctors going room to room with some papers. I turned the corner and out of nowhere an arm wrapped around me and they put a cloth over my mouth. I struggled to get out and not breathing in the chloroform. 

After 6 minutes it finally took over and I fell asleep. 

Axel pov

One of the doctors was teaching me how to pronounce a few words and make a sentence out of it. The others were either learning how to read or speak. I was happy that I was learning how to speak. We would be able to finally speak with our mate instead of just growling. 

"Okay, Axel so far you are doing well. You are a fast learner. You will probably finish in a few months or so." I nodded. 

The doctor looked at the others. 

"They should also be able to finish in a couple of months or so." I was glad to hear that.

"Welp we are done for today you can take a break for a while until Kira comes back." He smiled at left me. 

Soon enough the other doctors left. Blake crawled to me. 

"Do you know when our mate is coming back. it has been an hour." I shook my head. I didn't like the feeling of this. I looked at the others and they also felt uneasy.

Ava walked into the room with a panicked expression. She looked so out of breath.

"Guys... Kira h-has been taken."  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hello guys I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Merry Christmas everyone if you don't celebrate Christmas then Idk happy enjoying your week off of school or day off of work. Hope you guys have a nice day and see you guys next time!~

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