Ch 25!!!

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Kira pov 

I woke up to my head pounding. I slowly opened my eyes and it blurry at first, but I blinked a few more times until everything was clear. I looked around the room and it was empty except for a few things. I tried to move but I couldn't my hands and feet were tied to the chair. Oh no, this is bad. It's Luke, what the hell does he want with me. What will happen to the hunters? More and more questions were running through my head. All of a sudden I heard the door close. They were walking towards me. I heard heels clicking. wait heels?!

"well well well look who has finally woken up." The girl then appeared in front of me^^^. 

"w-who are you," I said to her.

"Oh me I'm sorry my name is Mia, I'm Dr. Stein's wife." Wife! He was married how come I didn't know this. 

"You must be wondering how you didn't know about me. Well, it's simple. He kept me a secret from everyone. We both were secretly married. I loved that man so much." She said dreamily.

She walked in front of me and then glared at me. 

"That is when you came. You just had to come here and steal my husband from me. Those stupid hunters killed my husband in cold blood!" she grabbed my shoulders and squeezed them tightly. I winced in pain.

  "Why did you take my husband away from me you fucking slut." She spat at me angrily.

She let go of me and went to one of the desks. I was getting scared. I'm going to die. She then grabbed a wrench. I shook my head no, tears falling out. 

"No no no! Please no!" I panicked.

She looked at me and smirked. 

"Let's have some fun~!" She walked up to me, ready to attack and I screamed.

Axel pov

I was livid at this. Luke fucking took my mate. He is going to pay for this! Ava was scared. She spoke in a calm voice trying to calm us down.

" Right now everyone is looking for Luke and Kira. Don't worry we will find them." I shook my head no. I was heading towards the door. Ava stopped me.

"You can't leave." I was getting angrier.

"Why... not!" 

"Because you will get in trouble again if you kill another person." That is when Blake spoke. 

"He... t-took our m-mate!" 

She looked down sadly.

" I know that! But I don't want you guys to get killed by Luke!" 

Ava looked down at the ground and sat on the floor.

"I wish I can do something about this as well. I want to kill Luke for doing this but I can't." She started to cry.

"K-Kira I see her as my friend. I don't want to lose her as well. but I'm afraid that they won't find her in time." My heart dropped.

Our mate was going to be killed. I brought my arms to head and tried to suppress my tears but it was too late they were coming out already. I let out a loud shriek of sadness and anger. Crow went up to me and gave me and a pat on the shoulder. He was crying as well. Aiden and Xero were hitting the walls. Blake stood there silently crying. That is when a knock came through the door. We all looked up and it was the other special infected including their mates.

They all looked worried.

"We heard what happen to Kira," James said. 

"We were wondering if we can help you guys find her," Eli said.

"We can't do anything about it," Ava said.

That is when Timothy smirked.

"Yes, we can." He said in a happy voice.

I looked up at them. waiting for them to say something else. I need to save her now. 

" The higher-ups wouldn't want to lose someone valuable to the hunters and especially for the experiments," Katelyn said.

Ava looked up light shining in her eyes. She stood up from the ground and looked at us. 

"Your right." She smirked. 

I smiled. I got up from the ground and looked at my pack. They all nodded. they were determined as well. 

"We should go find that fucker and make sure he pays for what he did to Kira," I growled lowly and nodded. 

They opened the door and we immediately went out and started looking for our mate. 

Kira pov

I was in pain. My whole body hurts. I want this to all end already. I want to go back to them. I don't want to die without them. Mia was humming a small tune. She was smiling. Why did this have to happen to me? It was his fault for messing with me. I don't deserve this, he does!  Everything was getting blurry. I coughed out blood and that made my body hurt more. I guess this is where I will die. I smiled to myself. 

Before I could let the darkness consume me, I was slapped in the face. I looked up at it was Luke. He smiled at me.

"Now don't give up on me baby." I gave him a disgusted look.

"Now don't give me that look. I know your body hurts and I'm sorry, I should have told Mia to go a little easier on you." He chuckled.

"She got what she deserves. I wasn't planning on going easy on her." Mia spat back.

"Hey calm down, Your husband died because he tried to rape my baby." Luke got up and walked up to her slowly.

"I don't care about that! My husband died because of her and the goddamn hunters!" Luke laughed and patted her on the shoulder. 

"Oh well, that's to bad for you. You will be joining him as well." She looked up at him surprised but before she can say anything she was stabbed. 

She gasped and held on to him. He repeatedly stabbed her and pushed her body off of him. He then turned around and smiled at me. 

"Now that she is gone, how about we talk about us." 

"There is no us!" I said angrily.

He looked hurt by this but he smirked. He was now in front of my face.

"Now don't say that. My plan is working so far. All I need to do now is kill your precious mates and once they are gone you can be with me!" He kissed me on the lips.

He looked at me and stroked my face. He smiled. 

"We will be together forever!" 

My blood went cold. They are going to die, I need to stop this! I can't let them die. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Happy New Year's eve or Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you guys have a good year. Now, this is kinda important news so please read this. 

I will be making a new story! Now this story I have been working is already 11 chapters in. If you guys love the walking dead and the character Daryl Dixion well your in luck because that is what I wrote. I will upload the first few chapters tomorrow so be prepared for that. If you know anyone that love Daryl then send them that story. 

I will still be working on this story so don't worry. I'm not planning on giving up on this story until the very end. If you want to know more about the story then message me or put it down on the comments.

Well, that is all I have to say. Have you a great day everyone!!!~~

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