Ch 27!!!!!

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Kira pov 

I got up and ran towards the door trying to leave, but Ava held me back. 

"No No No! that can't be real! let me see him. Please! I need to see him!" I fell on the ground. 

"Pl-please I need to s-see A-Axel." I began to cry. I couldn't lose him, the pack they couldn't lose him either, We need him.

"I'm sorry Kira it's just the bullet was shot near his heart, the doctors are operating on him right now, but there is a chance he won't make it out alive." This was all my fault.

I cried, even more, this was all my fault. I'm the reason why Axel is about the die, I'm the reason why the pack will die. this is all my fault! I brought my hands to my head and started hitting myself. This was all my fault, Axel is going to die. My fault! my fault! my fault! someone than grabbed my hands and stopped me from hitting myself. 

"Please! don't hit yourself, Kira. I-I know what you're going through. It's not your fault! it's not your fault!" 

I looked up at her with tears falling down my cheeks. She looked at me and gave me a pitiful smile. she was holding back her tears, she drew me into a hug and began to cry even more. Ava pulled away from the hug. The hunters walked towards me, but I backed away from them. I glanced at them and then the floor.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered. 

"It- wasn't y-your fault," Blake said

I nodded and began to cry.

"It was." 

They all went and hugged me. We all cried. We knew that they weren't going to make it without their alpha. 

A few hours later

We stopped crying and were now waiting for Axel operation to be over. Ava left to go check on Axel and help out. Xero and Aiden had fallen asleep on my lap. Crow was looking off into space and will occasionally start crying again, so I would comfort him. Blake was just pacing back and forth. We all weren't in the best of moods. 

The others went back to their apartment after hearing the news, they decided to give us some space. I looked down at Xero and Aiden, I smiled. I played with their hair for a while. That is when we heard a knock at the door. Everyone looked at the door, it was Ava. She looked down at the ground. I already knew what was coming. Axel didn't make it.

I bawled down. Crow went to me and comforted me. 

"I-I um We manage to stop the bleeding. Also, remove the bullets out of him." She looked up at us and smiled.

"He's going to make it." I looked up shocked.

I smiled and ran up to Ava and hugged her. The hunters were celebrating. 

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Ava." I pulled away from the hug. She looked at me and smiled.

"No problem, sweetie. Would you like to see him?" I nodded.

Ava lead me and the pack to Axel room. She opened the door for us and the sight in front of me broke my heart. I walked up to Axel bed and sat on the chair. The others surrounded him. They all whimpered. I held Axel's hand and kissed it. 

"I'm sorry that this happened to you." Aiden kissed my head and rubbed my shoulders.

"Don't be s-sorry. Axel is strong." I looked up at him and he gave me a reassuring smile. 

I nodded. We spent the next few hours in Axel's room. 

"You guys should go to sleep. Don't worry I put some people on watch to make sure no one enters the room except doctors." I shook my head no.

"I'm staying here with Axel." 

"Kira don't worry he's not going to die. Just let him heal. You need to heal as well." I looked at her.

"But what if something happens to Axel while the hunters and I aren't here." 

"Then I and the doctors will handle the situation. we will report to you if anything happens don't worry, we have this under control." I looked at her skeptically.

I just turned back around facing Axel. I'm not leaving his side. That his when someone lifted me from the chair. 

"Hey!" I looked to see that it was Crow.

"You need to r-rest. We need r-rest." Crow looked at the other and nodded. 

We started leaving the room. we were heading back to our home. When we made it, Xero opened the door and started walking towards our room. Crow laid me down on the bed. They all took off there blood-stained sweaters and pants and changed into a new pair. They went to the bathroom to wash their hands and face. They finished and went towards the bed. 

They pulled me down with them. Blake and Xero wrapped their arms around my waist. While Crow and Aiden laid their head on my thighs. 

"Don't b-blame yourself for this," Xero said.

"It wasn't y-your fault," Aiden said. 

"Axel is going to make it. He's our Alpha y-your mate." Crow said.

"He's strong. nothing can Kill Axel." Blake said.

I smiled and nodded. 

"We love you no matter what, Remember that," Crow said.

"I love you too." I kissed them on the lips.

We all soon fell asleep. without Axel.

Axel pov

Where am I? where are the others? where's Kira? I "looked" around the room. it was a hospital room. I looked at the bed and saw myself. I saw that the door was opened it was Kira and my pack. They all looked tired. Kira went up to my unconscious body and held my hand. She kissed it and apologized to me. no this wasn't your fault. don't blame your self for this. I went up to her and tried to hug her, but I just went through her.  

Aiden comforted her. I smiled. I'm glad to see the other at least still take care of her. They soon left after a few hours. I wanted to follow them but I couldn't. I noticed that I was about to fade away. Don't worry I'm coming back for you. Soon everything around me turned black.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter! I was crying making this chapter. you guys thought I was actually going to kill of Axel. well, you guys were right but I didn't because I couldn't do it, he was just a loveable character. Hope this chapter made you happy. See you guys next time!~

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