Chapter 1

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"Get upppppp were gonna be late!"
Jackson stormed into my room causing me to wake up. Ugh why wake me up now it's only 7 am....... 7 am! I'm going to be late!
"Shit sorry!"
I jump out of bed and chuck my sweat pants on and champion hoodie. I throw my hair up into a loose ponytail, brush my teeth and then chuck my toothbrush back in my bag. I sling my bags over my shoulder and run out the door, grabbing airforce ones to put on in the car. Jackson, my mum and his mum are all waiting and we straight away drive off to the airport once I'm in.

Once we arrive at the airport we get out of the car. My mum and Jackson's mum both look like there going to cry.
"Omg!!!! Where going to miss you!!!"
"Awe don't cry it will be fine. We will be back before you know"
"okay just stay safe. And Jackson take care of Leila okay? She's crazy when she's not under my supervision!"
Jackson laughs and we say our last goodbyes. Jackson and I look at each other and he grabs my hand to walk to the airplane boarding area to Minnesota. The plane hasn't boarded yet so we sit in front of the gates to wait till it is. Finally taylah arrives.
"Hey babe! I'm glad you finally made it! I thought you were ditching me or something"
He just laughs and they kiss.
"Hey leilani. I'm so hyped aha"
"Hey taylah same here aha"
'Now boarding business class, I repeat, business class now boarding'
Jackson and I sit up and board. Of course we arent seared in the same seats but he is in the same row as me. I managed to move down two seats so we are now practically next to each other because the aisle is between us.

"Bruh you might have some fat ass 50 year old dude next to you bahahahah"
I couldn't say anything because he was seated next to taylah. I roll my eyes and he pulls out his earphones and so do I. The plane is still boarding and all of a sudden someone's presence is above me and I look from my phone to see this gorgeous brown haired boy.
"Hi can I squeeze in? I think I'm going to be sitting with you".
"Yeah sorry aha"
I shift my body so he can get through and he quickly puts his back up in the baggage thing and sits down. He smiles at me and puts his hand out to shake. I shake it and tell him my name. "Hi I'm leilani Ferr"
"hey leilani I'm payton. Payton Moormeier. I'm going to this meet and greet in Minneapolis"
my eyes widen.
"No way. That's where I'm going?! Lol what a small world"
"yeah aha".
We talk for a while and he asks if it's fine if he can make a tik tok.
"Yes of course! Can I join? Im kind of bug on it and I would love to make on with you too!"
"That would be great"
We make a few tik toks and he follows me on tik tok. WOW he's BIG BIG. I'm not as popular as him but I do know a lot of misers and a lot of them follow me. The rest of the flight is boring as I doze off to sleep whilst listening to music. After that we get off and exchange numbers as we get off.
"I guess I will see you at the meet?"
For sure"
We smile at each other and go seperate ways. Jackson comes up to me and slings his arm around my shoulder.
"I see you met payton?"
"You know him"
He pops the p and grins at me.  "Damn not gonna lie I wish you told me about him earlier. And he lives in NC?! Dude we have been super close to each other and didn't even know. He kinda cute hehe"
"omg leilani! calm down. He has a girlfriend anyways bahahah"
Taylah just giggles a little. My heart dropped a little. How weird I don't even know him.
"Oooo someone's jelly!!!!"
"No I'm not! You know I'm curious about everything"
She just laughs and we get in an Uber. The trip was silent because we were on our phones the whole time.

694 words. This chapter is super short sorry. My chapters lengths will range it's just that I'm really busy atm and it's Christmas rn as I right this.

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