Chapter 21

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I took in a sharp breathe as I jolted awake. I could see red and blue lights flashing and Jacob wasn't next to me anymore and Rhett was no longer in the front. I look to my right and see firefighters trying to cut the car so they can get me out. There's also people trying to get Zach out of the car. I still can't hear properly and everything is muffled still with the high pitches noise. I can hear my breathing. Heavy breathing. Blood is dripping up my leg and up my neck, over my face and down my head since I'm still upside down. They can't unbuckle me until they get my leg free and they can't do that until they take the door off. I feel dizzy from all the blood rushing to my head until finally the door is off and a lady lifts my head to try and stop the blood flow. My chest is hurting and it's hard to breathe but hopefully I will be fine. I think my leg is broken and a think my ribs are also broken. My chest is staring to hurt more until I black out again.

I wake up and my hearing is a little better. I'm now lying in a ned in the back of an ambulance. I can't turn my head since I have a brace on but there's three people trying to keep me awake. I have a mask on so I can breathe and my head hurts a lot. I can barley keep my eyes open and things are a little blurry still. I feel like I can't move and I feel like screaming since my leg hurts a lot. I look around and see Jacob at the end of my feet getting checked by another person. I can't tell if we are moving or not but I think we are. I then black out again.

I groan in pain as I'm being lowered out of the ambulance.
"Thank god she's awake again. Sweety can you keep your eyes open please? Look at me"
I can barely hear what's being said but I'm looking around and seeing a whole bunch of people stare as I'm rushed in through doors.
"Wait son you're gonna have to wait here. She has to go into surgery or she won't be able to breathe"
I see Jacob let go of  the bed and get pulled away by someone else telling him to go with her to get checked out. Where are Zach and Rhett? Everything goes to a blur again and I pass out.

It's 12am and I jolt awake. I can't feel my chest or move my legs. My neck is still in a brace. I need to see avani. I need to see nick, chase, Claire, jackson, my mum. Shit where is everyone. I look to my side not moving my head and see the call button so I press it a few times. Within seconds a nurse comes in.
"Oh great your finally awake. Been out for four hours."
He checks the machine and medicine thingo and all that to make sure I'm fine.
"Is there anything you need"
"My- m-mum"
"Yes we are working on getting someone in hear for you. How can we contact her"
"My phone. W-where's m- my phone"
"One second"
He walks out and minutes later Jacob is in the room.
"Shit leilani it so fucking sorry I shouldn't have let you get in the car"
He continued on for a while but I don't listen to what's he said. I just nodded and asked for my phone. He then pulled it out of his pocket.
"You've gotten missed calls. A lot of them. I've been asleep I'm sorry I would've answered them"
"Hey young lady you should'nt really be one your phone too long so make the calls to people you need to them you need to get off"
The nurse looks at me and I nod before he walks out. Jacob sits down next to me and puts his head in his hands. His finger is in a splint and he has a bad angle on his head. I look down at my phone and see missed calls from so many different people. It gets a little blurry here and there but I mange to see Jackson's name and press on it, straight away calling. It picks up straight away.
"Leilani! Where are you! Omg why haven't you picked up! Leilani!?"
I start crying as I start to become stressed.
"Help. You nee- need to call m-mum. Car crashed"
"Omg what the fuck! Where are you?! Omg I think I'm gonna be sick one sec"
I hear the phone get moved around and instantly Claire is on the phone.
"Omg leilani where are you?! We are all worried what happened?! A crash?! What?! Where are you?!"
"I- I don't know- Minneapolis hospital"
Jacob cuts in and I just nod.
"Omg I'm on my way right now omg what the hell"
I can hear a lot of voices in the back ground. Panicked voices in the back and it sounds like everyone is there.
"I- I have to go I can't b- be on the phone any longer"
I hang up and instantly feel tired. Jacob puts my phone on the table next to me and I try to go to sleep. I hope they get here soon and I can go home.

I open my eyes to see no Jacob but Jackson running towards me. Soon followed by Claire.
"We called your mum and she is on her way, she will be here in eight hours she's on a plane right now."
Claire looks at me as I nod. Jackson sits down in the chair and scoots as close as possible to me as he holds my hand. My hand has blood over it still. In a matter of fact I still have blood all over me except for the top of my head, my chest and legs. My hair just feels so gross.
"Omg I'm so happy your okay!! Fuck I can't believe this happened."
I start to cry and so does Jackson. He leans over and hugs me, very careful not to hurt me. I look over at Claire and she is crying as well trying not to bring attention to herself. It's 2am and my body hurts a lot. Claire sits down and within an hour we are all asleep.

I wake up to Claire telling me I have breakfast. It was just juice. What the fuck.
"Your not allowed to eat slid food for the next 24 hours so you have some juice, I sent Jackson to get you some pumpkin soup as well"
I just nod at her and adjust my bed to sit up so I can drink. It's 9 am so my mum should be walking in any time now. Jackson walks in making me all excited because I thought it would be my mum...
I eat my soup and once I'm finished I get a little tired so I close my eyes but don't sleep.
"Everyone wants to make sure your okay and are all worried. I would love to stay here but once your mum gets here I will have to leave to get everyone ready to go home. We all feel miserable and canceled everything we had planned for today and tomorrow. Everyone feels sad so instead they are all going back home tonight. Not sure how long you will be here but Jackson will be keeping you company as well as your mum. I hope you will be okay and I'm a little disappointed in you"
Claire looked at me with sadness as I nod my head.
"I'm sorry..."
I look down until I hear my mum walk in. She immediately starts crying and drops her stuff, running over to me so she can engulf me into a massive hug.
I screamed as she hurt my chest too much.
"Omg baby I'm so sorry!!"
She pulls away and starts crying.
"I will be right back I need to talk to the doctor, jackson watch her please"
He nods as my mum rushes out quickly. Claire gets up and Gathers her jumper and things. She gives me a hug.
"Sorry leila. I hope you get better soon but I need to go now and see all the other ones. I wasn't supposed to leave them alone but this is an emergency and since your mum is here I need to go now good bye"
She gives me one last hug and leaves the room.
"Jack what about your stuff?"
"It's down there"
He points to the end of the bed and I just nod. I can't move my head up to look.

1482 words
Omgggg I love yous all and this is crazyyyyyy ahhhh Sorry this is all over the place at the moment and sorry if it all is unrealistic!! I've Berber been to hospital or gotten in a crash or injured so I don't know!!! Love yous and I hope yous luke the book!!

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