Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

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You moved silently in the dark forest, your bow readied in your hands in case you encountered some hostile folk. You were relatively close to the Shire even though you didn't often venture this far West. You had no home, no title, no boundaries. Not that you wanted to have any. You were one of those free spirits who couldn't be held down in one place for too long. You were a Dwarf, and a very strange one at that. Some say the line of Elves run deep in your family and it might hold some truth. Your weapon of choice was a bow, you preferred to keep your (h/c) hair long, your figure was slimmer, you lacked facial hair and you genuinely loved beauty and hated foul.

As you gracefully made your way through the forest you caught the scent of Orcs. Your face twisted into a disgusted grimace. After all those long years of hunting Orcs you could never get used to their stench. You stopped and sniffed some more - you were able to determine that the pack was too far away. Suddenly you could smell a different scent - a burning fire. You headed in that direction.

You were quite young and skilled in fighting for your age. You knew how to survive in the wild and rely on anyone but yourself. There was only one thing you had no idea about: the rumors. There were a handful of stories spread by the small folk about the legendary 'Swift Fox' who slew numerous Orcs. But you knew none of that and continued to save villages from attacks.

You felt the distant fire's heat on your face as you quietly approached it. The dancing flames cast gold onto the surrounding stone walls. You stood at a cliff, sheltered from everyone by the trees. You saw thirteen small figures sleeping (and some snoring awfully loudly) on their bedrolls, one of them keeping watch. And then you saw Gandalf. You smiled brightly at sight of your old friend. It had been a very long time since you last met him in Rivendell.

You were just about to walk up to him when you felt the coolness of a blade pressed into your neck.

"Take one more step and I'll slit your throat," sneered the owner of the blade.

You let your bow fall to your side and raised your hands.

"There's no need for that. I am a friend of the Grey Wizard," you said, keeping your voice steady. You weren't afraid, you had survived much worse situations than this before.

"Then prove it," he sneered.

"Hey! Wake up, everyone! It's time to greet our guest," he yelled.

The camp came to life, each of them circled you with axes and swords in hand as your captor pushed you further in. Once you were surrounded the blade disappeared only to soon be replaced by another.

"Who are you, Thief?" roared a dwarf with black hair who seemed to be their leader. "Show yourself."

He stepped forward and pushed your hood back. Surprised gasps escaped the Dwarves' mouths.

"What? Never seen a woman before?" you asked, frustrated by the unwanted attention.

"The Swift Fox," said a short black haired dwarf holding your white bow carved with intricate patterns.

You looked into his beautiful eyes and your (e/c) ones shone with confusion.

A blonde one with broad shoulders moved into your sight as well, staring at you in awe.

"It cannot be..." he whispered.

You gazed at the two dwarves back. You felt something move inside of you. A feeling you had never felt before then.

"Give her some space, you fools!" boomed Gandalf.

He pushed the dwarves aside.

"It's time you joined us, dear (Y/n)."

THE SWIFT FOX (Kili X Reader X Fili) (RE-WRITTEN & UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now