Chapter 5

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    I drew a stickman on the ground using a stick I found nearby. After getting a little boost of confidence, I tried to draw faces. When I finish drawing one, I take a long look at it. Then, I immediately draw a big cross on top of the drawing I just made. I should keep in mind that I do not have any talent in drawing at all. 

    Not knowing what to do next, I stood up and stretched a little. Then, I look around me, observing everything to contain my boredom. After I already look at things long enough, boredom completely took over. I sigh.

    My gaze drifted onto the reason I am staying at the school field after school has ended for the day. It was Rohan and Chester training together. Practicing a one-on-one fight with their sword. At first, I was a little amazed seeing how skilled they are. Their sword instructor sure trained them well. Too bad, Rohan hurts his pride and the poor instructor vowed not to teach them anymore. 

     After seeing them training for a few days, I got bored. There is no improvement. Their growth is stagnant. They asked me to be a critique during their training. It seems like they know they might encounter this problem that is why they asked for my help to literally tell them that. I did my job and they say they will work on it.

     "I don't think this will work." I said to them.

     Both of them stopped, turns their focus on me. Rohan shrugged, "We don't have a choice." He said. Chester just nodded, probably feeling guilty for being the reason why they ended up in this situation. He did not cower with his feelings now, though. He embraced his feeling and trusted that Rohan did not blame him for what happpened.

     "Finding a new sword instructor should help?" I said.

     "That's not happening, my father is still cross with us." Rohan said.

     "How long will your father be mad? It has been two weeks already." I complained. 

     "The emperor is a very strict father." Chester said, chuckling uncomfortably.

      I just stayed silent, trying to find a way to fix all this without the emperor's help. My parents did not even hire any kind of tutor to teach me how to fight. I do not even have any network to find a good one. Plus, this incident must not be known to the public. It will ruin Rohan's image as the future heir of the throne. That means I cannot even ask my parents for help. 

     "I don't have any idea how to fix this too." I mumble in defeat.

     "Let's just take things slowly for now." Chester said. "Some idea might come as we train some more." He added.

       "I wish." I muttered before sighing again.

        Rohan and Chester then continued to train again.

        I stood still in silent for a long time before deciding to go to the toilet. A walk far away from these two boys might clear my head a little. A random idea might floated into my brain, too.  A miracle might happen. 

     "I'm going to the toilet." I told both of them before I am on my way to my destination. The boys just nodded at that.

     The toilet is at the back of the school which is really a big flaw in the school design. It is way too far, there might one or two students that might have peed in their pants before. Might as well take my time. I hummed while walking slowly. Taking everything in. The infrastructure, the design, the flora, and overall vibe of the school. Sol Academy really do have that rich and classy aura to them. It captures the essence of magic school perfectly, aside from our PE subject and clothes. 

     As I am walking past the gymnasium. I heard the sound of metal swishing around. I stopped in my track as soon as my brain registered that sound. My gut feelings begged me to check out what made that sound. I followed my instinct. A miracle might really hapen.

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