Chapter 30

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                 After a few weeks of planning, I finally am ready to execute it. Here is my very simple plan:

        1. Find a target to use for spreading rumour.

        2. Wait until the rumour got blown out of proportion.

        3. Casually goes, "Ohoho~ Do YoU KnOW wHaT ThEY Are TalKiNG AbOuT, RoHaN???" to Rohan.


                 But, first. I need to figure out what to write on this piece of paper that will be the start of all this. Should I make it sound simple and professional? Maybe the target will think it is some kind of spy's secret note. Yeah, I will settle with that one.

                 After I am done writing the rumour inducing sentence on a piece of small square paper, I slipped it into my pocket (Yes, my dress have pocket). And quickly got out from the public bathroom. I did not forget to fix my hat so I can hide my face a little. I do not want anyone to see me or recognise me stalking about in the middle of the city.

                 I walk towards the iconic palace gate where the public use to visit and see the palace. This is where the gossip-craze middle aged woman often hangs out. If I can bait even one of them, the success rate of my plan will shot up even higher.

                 I tried to find a shadowy place so I can hide a little while trying to find the right time to throw the paper randomly into the street and hopefully one of the middle aged woman sees it and read it and yeah spread it.

                I waited for a few minute there in the dark before hearing one of the well known 'Ohohoho~~~' and 'Fufufu~~~'  laugh coming near my hiding place.

                Yes, now is the time to throw it. And then I threw it. 

                And that is all.

                Yeah. Pretty anticlimatic...




                THE PAPER IS GONE. Someone took it while I was zoning out? I take a peek around my hiding place. It looks like, my target are nowhere to be seen. Geez, I hope they are the one who took it. Okay, with that. I guess, I just need to wait until tomorrow. 

                 "Saige, bring the books to my office." Mr. Berry said as the class ended.

                  Geez, just because we have some kind of relationship outside of school. Does not mean he can boss me around at school. Especially, in the last period at school! I just want to go to the treehouse and rest a little before training start.

                  I just sighed. "Wait for me at the treehouse, I guess." I said towards Chester and Rohan.

                    "No. We'll wait for you." Chester said with a small smile. But it looked forced. Hmm, what is up with him?

                      I just nodded before shaking off the thought away from my mind. I packed my things swiftly before going to the teacher's desk and pick up the books on the table. After picking it all up, I then slowly start making my way to Mr. Berry's office which is very far from our classroom.

                 It takes me almost two minutes to reach the door to his office. "Yohanan Saige." I paused. Brought the books." I continued after knocking the door with my shoes. What can I do? I have no other hand to use. I am carrying a heavy load of book right now, okay?

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