Chapter 22

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                  The day has come, my birthday. I should have been happy since I would not just celebrate my birthday alone with my cousin and the servants at home. It must be the idea of trying to befriend the whole class that is making me anxious right now. Ugh, stop overthinking, everything is fine, Yohanan! Everyone willingly and happily accepts the invitation yesterday! Positive thinking, Yohanan! Positive thinking.

                 "Yohanan!"I can hear Marigold's voice approaching my empty classes. I can hear another footsteps other than her. It must be Monika. The door open which reveals happy-go-lucky Marigold. "Everything is ready! Let's go!" She said enthusiastically. She has been enjoying herself for these past few days. It is her first time planning a party. Good for her, I guess.

                   "Everything good?" Monika asked after noticing I have been playing around with my hands. 

                    I take a deep breath and then stood up from my sit. It is time to break out from the social anxiety shell! I followed both Marigold and Monika to the cafeteria. Everyone is waiting for me there. Everyone will accept me...Will they? "Hey, you two..." I asked. "Why are you two willingly become my friend?"

                   With that question, the three of us stopped walking. Marigold turn back to look at me. This is the first time I see her face with concern written all over her usually smiling face. But then, she and Monika turn to look at each other as if they are sending each other telepathy message. It seems like they really did that since they ended up smiling at each other.  "Just because." Both of them said.

                   What? That is kind of anti-climatic. "Just because...?" I said in confusion.

                  "You don't need a reason to be friend with someone, Yohanan. You just know it when you talk to them." Marigold said. She finally sounds a bit mature than usual. 

                   Monika walks closer towards me and puts one of her hands on my shoulder. She squeezed it a bit but instead of pain, I felt assured. "I know you're scared of what's coming but just go through it bravely." She said. "There's bound to be people who will not like you at all. But I don't think you'll find that kind of person in our class. Trust me, our classmates are a good bunch."

                  "Everyone just needs to get to know everyone," Marigold said. Her smiles felt warm.

                   I smiled back at them. "Thank you," I said. But then one question popped up inside my mind. "Will Kate Johnstone like me, though?" I asked.

                    Monika's eyes widen before it narrowed. She thinks about my question for a bit before saying, "Befriending her might be a bit challenging." But then she laughs it out with, "No worries though!" She said while patting my back.

                     Marigold and I just joined her laughing while we continue our way to the cafeteria. After a minute or two, We finally arrived at the cafeteria entrance door. The door was closed unlike how it is every day. The door seems pretty thick since I cannot even hear any sound from the other side. Or are they not making any sound at all?

                    I take a deep breath and then push the double door. It was heavy but I was strong enough to push it all the way. The hallway might be too dark because as soon as the door was open, I was blinded by the natural lights. But that is not what shocked me at that moment. It was loud. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOHANAN!" It took my eyes quite a moment to adjust to the light. But the wait is not for nothing, the sight I see is very amazing. Confetti flying everywhere and everyone was smiling and laughing.

                   Marigold grab me by the arms and dragged me towards everyone. "A speech?" She asked me.

                   I turn to look at some of my classmate's faces. All of them look excited. I do not know if it is because of the birthday party or just hearing me to finally talk to them. It is mixed, I guess. I cleared my throat. "Thank you, everyone, for coming to my birthday party. It's pointless least we can eat?" I said with an awkward laugh in the end. OH GOD, I need to take some public speaking classes. I really need to raise my charisma...I must have looked like a fool just now.

                    It was silent for a while before I heard a loud energetic voice laughing, "I CAN TOAST MY DRINK TO THAT!" It was one of the troublemaker twins, Jonah Faraday. 

                    Then John Faraday who stood beside him raise his cup of drink, "TO EATING!" He said.

                    "AND MISS SAIGE'S BIRTHDAY!" Jonah added. Everyone seems to like what both of them are saying and are raising their drinks. 

                    Marigolds passed me a drink. "To everlasting friendships!" Marigold suddenly added too. Everyone kind of not get what she meant but they still nodded to that.

                    "To completing the mission!" Monika also joins it. What she said just confused everyone even more.  

                    "To the adventure ahead!" Kate Johnstone said. Oh God, it is my turn now to be confused. Suddenly everyone started adding to the cheers. Each one gets weirder and weirder.

                    "To my...hard work!" Timothy said. 

                    "To our school?" Leliana said who must have run out of ideas of what to say since everyone already says everything that everyone has known.

                    "To Yohanan!" Chester said. Aww, he is so sweet!

                    "To peace and quiet," Rohan said. What the heck! After all the things he could have said, that is what he decided to settle on. He is the prince for God's sake.

                    Then, everyone turns to look at me. "To everything?" I guess I am as bad as Rohan at this then. 

                    Everyone does not care though. "WOOOOOOOOOOO!" All of them shouted as they toast their drinks together. It was an amazing sight. So this is what social life in high society is? Is this what Yohanan in the game sees in every party and balls? She must have like this sight too because I actually can appreciate this sight...a whole lot. I really missed out a lot, huh? 

                    I grinned. I am accepted. I feel included. I felt like I finally fit in. I am not scared anymore. I drink my juice in one gulp and said, "Let's enjoy the party, everyone!"

                  Everyone turns to look at me and all of them seem to have a grin on their faces, "YEAAAAAHHHHH!" they shouted before going wild with the foods. This class rules!



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