Chapter 18

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               Months have passed. Things have been going well. I am getting better at archery. I am also getting closer to Leliana and the boys. Life has been good. Real good. Well, not really good. My parents are getting busier by day and now I did not see them for months. The only way we communicate is by letters but I cannot reply to their letters since they kept moving from place to place. 

               "The tea is getting cold, Yohanan. Drink it up!" Leliana's voice snapped me back to reality. Today, me and the boys hang out at her place. I quickly take a sip from my cup of tea after coming back to reality. Leliana who has been watching me just chuckles, "You're really spacey. No wonder you're falling behind at school. You're not focused in class." She said. Ugh, yeah. The reason why me and the boys are here today is because Leliana volunteer to help teach us. Well, it is not really 'us'. It is more like 'me'. 

              Yeah, I am a little bit lacking academically. I manage to survive last year because it was a little bit easy. I barely passed the first semester this year. And for the second semester...I will absolutely fail. Thankfully, Leliana realised my problem and offer to tutor me. Rohan and Chester just like to tag along with me so that is why they are here. 

              "She does that A LOT!" Chester said after finishing his tea in just one gulp. "But that's just how she is. She is not Yohanan without spacing out!" He added and then laugh boisterously. That is not funny at all. 

              "You're athletic, though. I guess that's just how nature balances things..." Leliana muttered.

              Then we just talk for a little bit until Rohan reminded us that we need to study. Things went smoothly. It looks like, I am quite good at picking things up quickly. Could it be...I can also be as perfect as the heroine if I try hard enough? Like...If I study and train hard enough...Can I be an overpowered villainess? Ugh, Yohanan, stop thinking evil thoughts! Remember, this is what lead to your downfall. But I do need to improve myself when I think about it. I just need to approach it with pure thoughts. Yes, that is the answer!

              "Oi." I feel a nudge from my side. I turn to look beside me and see Rohan. He have the same cold face he always wore on his face. "It's time to go home." He said as he stood up. He already packs his things up. 

             "Ah! I forgot to call my coachman!" I said as I frantically pack my things up. As I was about to touch the magic button on my cape, Chester grabs my hand. He realise what he has done and quickly free my hand.

             "We can offer you a ride." He said with a warm smile as if he did not just do what he did.

              "Uh, yeah, thank you," I said. I turn to look at Rohan if he saw what just happen, Rohan has an indescribable expression on his face. That expression quickly went away though as Leliana shows up to lead us to the house entrance. 

              "Your parents are not home again?" Rohan said as I told them about it. "You're not scared being all alone?" He asked.

               "Well, I have my maid...and the butler is there too. Bunch of servants..." I muttered.

               "Well, you're still ALONE," Chester said, he clearly is not comfortable with the current subjects. Oh yeah, did I tell you about his backstory? He was the son of the greatest knight in this kingdom. One day, his father died during a mission out of the kingdom. Then a few months after that, his mother committed suicide. His other siblings die of starvation. He spent a few more months alone after that until the Emperor caught news of this and decided to bring up Chester with his prince together at the castle. The idea of being all alone sure bothered him a lot.

               "Hmm..." I thought audibly. " If I felt extremely lonely, I will tell both of you," I said.

                "That did not relieve me at all," Chester said with his mouth pouting. But then he just shook the tension off with a dry laugh. "You better keep your promise though."

                "What will we do anyway if she tells us if she felt lonely anyway," Rohan said. 

                "We can't do sleepover... the tutor at the castle say we cannot do that with people the opposite gender," Chester muttered. Wow, he finally decided to absorb what their tutor at the castle taught them about social norms. An improvement, I see. 

                 "What you two are doing is enough. I spent the majority of my time hanging out with you two, after all." I said.

                  "Well, because you have no other friends besides us." Rohan teased.

                  "Ah, the irony." I teased him back. " BUT. Leliana is my friend. I have other friend." I said.

                  "At it again," Chester said then chuckle.

                  After that, Rohan and I kept arguing until we arrive at my place. I just bid them an angry farewell before stomping off into my house. Alfred, the house butler quickly shows up to greet me. "Welcome home, milady. Your dinner will be ready after your bath." He said. I just nodded as an acknowledgement before tiredly walk to my room. 

                   After I bathe and on my way to the dining room, Poppy suddenly shows up beside me. "You're getting quite close with the prince." She said.

                   "Yeah, maybe," I said. "Why?"

                   Poppy did not bother answering to me. Instead, she moves to another topic, " What do you want to do tonight?" She asked.

                   Hmmm, well. Maybe, studying? I really should study more often now. I do not want to look inferior to the heroine when she finally came. It was only a year away now too. "Study, I guess," I answered.

                    "Need help?" 

                   "Yes," I said. "Thanks." 

                    "No need. I'm always here for you, milady."

                   Ugh, I guess I really feel the loneliness now. Poppy started taking care of me like a mother now, and when she acts like this.... the feelings hit hard. She may be emotionless and stoic but man, she is also nurturing somehow. I wish my parents will come back soon.





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