Chapter 38

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Leliana finally put her pen down after hours of paperwork. She admit everything that has been going around in the shadow slowed her down. She finds herself thinking and worrying about things often.

The school administration sure is acting very suspicious recently. They kept increasing securities around the school. It is not really a problem to value safety. But the school even go as far as hiring guards. This decision has cut the student council monthly allowance.

Considering that the prince and his friends gone missing. A teacher being suspected of kidnapping them. The Emperor being mad at the school for letting all this to happen. Everything is a disaster.

The meetings and paperworks she did in a day is ridiculous. She even need to skips classes to do her all the works.

Why did she became a student council president, again? Even Leliana did not know. It just sorts of happen. She always remembers that she is different from other children. She is always... More mature. Always the leader in everything. She does not hate all that about her. She actually like it very much. People naturally rely and trust her. She is always caring and protective to others. Without realising, she opens her eyes one day and she was already a student council president at Sol Academy at such a young age. She was just a third-year student at the time, if she is not wrong.

Leliana was about to keep going on with  her thoughta but she managed to shook her head like she always noticed Yohanan does it. She smiles to herself when finding out that the method actually works to bring ones thought back to reality.

What time is it?

She turns to look at the clock on the wall of her office. Well, technically she shared the office with her vice-president. Everyone in the student council like to call it Leliana's office because she is the student council president.

5:30 PM

It's this late already? Leliana turns to look outside the window. The sky is darker as time goes by.

She wonder if Poppy and the others is doing well right now. She hopes their mission is going well. She wanted to be there with them, but her responsibility prevented her from doing that. She is glad everyone understand.

She shook her head from her thoughts. She needed to go home. She stack her paperworks neatly on the table and reached for her school bag. She walk out of her office and then the student council room. There's no need to worry about locks, the student council room is enchanted to be locked at exactly 6 PM everyday.

Her ride must be waiting for her already. She called them right before she finishes her last paperwork. She better hurry.

But then when she was about to go down the stairs. She heard a distant footsteps going up the stairs from floors above. Huh? Normal students are not allowed to stayed this late in the school. She sighs, she better go and give a talk to whoever is still lurking in the school. It's dangerous, too.

She switched her plans and continue up the stairs until she reach the top floor. Her heart starts beating faster. The top floor os strictly porhibited. No students are allowed to enter this area. This is where the school stored most of the dangerous and powerful magic artifacts and tools.

Her gut feeling suddenly hits her hard in the stomach. It might be paranoia or it might just be a pure moment of dots connecting instantly. The person she just followed to the top floor might be...

A squishy yet hard thing dropped to the floor beside her. She jerks her head towards the source of the sound.

And there stood... Gabriel Owens.

Covered in blood.

Leliana eyes darted towards the floor. Under Gabriel Owens is a body of a student council who she remembers just gone home before her. Then her eyes slowly trails to behind him. There is a bodies here and there.

Gabriel Owens suddenly moves at the corner of the eye of Leliana. She immediately reacted by conjuring protective ball around her. Despite that, Gabriel still attacks her with everything he got. What shocks her even more, instead of bright light... His magic is one of shadows. Light magic can be corrupted?

She pulls herself together as a crack began to show on her protective ball. She grinded her teeth as a respond to stress. She don't think she can win this fight alone. What to do?

The alarms.

No one knows about this other than the student council and the teachers. It is newly implemented along the guards. The top floor must have a lot of them. It is only logical to put more of them here.

Her eyes darted around, looking for the alarms. She can see one on the wall at the end of the hall.

If she wanted to increase the chances of her surviving. She need to make it as if she is not aiming for it. Gabriel Owens clearly looks like he doesn't know the school have alarms. He is not protecting it.

Right after her ball burst. She immediately used an amplifying spells to increase her speed and strength. The spell will only last for a few minute.

She never hurts anyone. But she knows it is not relevant to her current situation. She is protecting people. Gabriel has killed several students. She needs to stop him. It might not be by doing it herself but she still thinks it is a better choice to get help. She never know how strong and skilled Gabriel Owens might be.

She engages in a fight with Gabriel first. And then, slowly and purposely backs up  to the end of the hallway.

When she finally can feel the wall against her. She quickly summons a stone wall in between her and Gabriel. She then quickly press the alarm. It was loud. The whole school is filled with alarms sound. She can also hear footsteps going up to the top floor and the voices of the newly hired guards.

She removes the stone wall to join the fight. The guards already did a good job surrounding Gabriel.

Gabriel let out an annoyed sound before suddenly summoning a shadow dagger and slit his palm using it. The guards immediately jumped to grabbed him. But something bad happened. Gabriel flown far from the circle of the guards. But in the middle of the circle is not empty. A terrifying creature is standing there. It is enermous and looks like it thirst blood.

Gabriel ordered the creature to kill all the guards. In an instant, the creature mouths opens widely and consumes everyone around it. Magic and swords won't penetrate its body. Leliana stood and watch the guards being eaten with horror.

It was not long before the creature turns to look at Leliana. It did not do anything for a moment before Gabriel ordered the creature to finish every one off.

Leliana responded quickly by unleashing the strongest offensive spell she can do. What creature is she fighting? This is nothing like the creatures in the Fitness Test.

Blizzards overwhelms the top floor in an instant. She swear she even triggered another alarms for used of highly dangerous spell in the school. Sharp icicles penetrates everywhere but Leliana. With the intensity of her spell, it should have done something to the creature, right?

But her eyes widens to see the creature seems unaffected. Instead, it teleports right in front of her and opens its mouth wide.

Something bad is happening.

It is happening right now.

It has began.

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