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I panted laying down beside Logan. His eyes were still red and soaked in lust but he didn't say anything just held me by him.
"Mara," he whispered. I looked up at him.
"What's on your back?" I didn't reply.
"Nothing" was what I had to say after a while.
"You're lying, you wouldn't tell me to not touch you when there's nothing," he said. His red eyes stared down in worry.
"I'm fine really," he shook his head.
"Please tell me, you know I'm here for you" at that moment I wanted to sob and tell him everything that happened. Even the things in Louisiana and what happened to Riley Colton.
"Mara? What's wrong?" I hadn't noticed like that tears were going down my eyes that my cheeks were red or that I was a sobbing mess. I was too focused on not letting the monster out. I wanted to tell him but would he still love me? Could he still hug me or whisper to me like before after hearing about what I had done. I didn't want us to change I was fine like this. Being Mara Donovan I didn't want to bring up the past ever. I shook my body trembled.
"Its okay you don't need to tell me" he assured. He took me into his arms holding me tightly while whispering little nothing's to me. I enjoyed this more than I ever had. I knew Logan was trustworthy I just didn't trust myself the only one who knew the truth was my aunt and two other people.
"Feeling better?" He asked. I hummed. Silence was settled as he hummed a small tune to me. I didn't recognise the song yet it was familiar.
"Logan," he nodded.
"If I tell you would you still love me?" He pulled away.
"What kind of question is that? I'd love you even without arms or legs, remember I'll always be with you" I smiled at him. I sighed taking off my dress shirt. I closed my eyes when I heard him gasp. I couldn't blame him. A set of scars alined my arms to my forearms with unspeakable gashes over my shoulders. On my back were even worse scars with a few stitches even going down to my rear.
"Mara," I wouldn't look at him, I couldn't.
"Things happen, things I can't mention and things I want to forget so please don't feel disgusted" I muttered. I was afraid. No one not even the doctors who were supposed to run tests on me even my aunt had seen these scars before. I was expecting anything but what came up.
"Its okay," I looked at him.
"This wasn't your fault its alright, you don't need to feel ashamed" he continue. His hand stretched out to me bringing me into a warm hug.
"I'm sorry, this must've hurt, I'm really sorry" he didn't know what happened. He wasn't there when it happened. He couldn't have known. Yet. That single apology from someone was enough to make me feel alive. I clutched to his shirt sobbing into it.
"Its fine, your safe with me" I cried. For hours straight I cried letting out years of emotions I could even explain. Hurt anger sorrow grief anger again sadness disappointment betrayal more anger and sadness rage and revenge envy even. I wanted to tear down who I was but Logan held me reminding me of how it was okay to be different. And for once for a moment. I had excepted that Riley Colton was alive.
The next day I came to school feeling great the sun felt brighter and the bird seemed to be singing to me. I hummed happily I didn't even mind when Anna sneered at me wishing her a happy morning. I could've passed off as insane for sure but I wouldn't give two flying fucks.
"What's with you?" Hashton giggled. I turned to her.
"I'm just feeling great again!" She giggled more.
"You seem to be back to the one you were in elementary," I raised a brow. Elementary. The years in elementary had me wanting to fly and sing. I was who I wanted and no one cared.
"Am I well I never noticed" I chuckled. Suddenly my phone buzzed. I looked down at the ID then almost fainted at the text.
From Aunt Gabri:
Hi honey, its just to say, I'm coming back in town this Saturday with Martha and Ray
I then let out the most high pitch squeal I and ever heard of. I'm pretty sure they heard me in Alaska.
"Woah, what's wrong?" Ty asked.
"Ray and Martha are coming back!" Hashton's eyes widened.
"Who the hell is Martha?" Mac asked.
"Who the hell is Ray?" Logan asked.
"My cousins, back in elementary I lived with them and my aunt then they had to move away," I explained. I quickly texted Aunt Gabriela back. Then I remembered Mrs. Milles's greetings.
"Well now you have to get your place cleaned," I huffed.
"My place is always clean!" Hashton snickered.
"Save for the paint on the walls" she whispered. I gave her a look.
"I'll see you in hell," she shrugged. The bell rang before I had time to kill her.
The rest of the day had me jumping around at the news of Ray and Martha coming back.

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