Cause I just do

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Back in school the next day, boring as ever. It was as boring as any other day save for Logan making the teachers angry by putting paint explosives in their chalks. Mind that nothing. I was through half the hallway when a cold chill ran down my spine. I turned around seeing a girl with brown hair and bright chocolate brown eyes. She wore a red shirt and a black skirt.
"Oh sorry did I bump into you?" I asked. I hadn't even seen her there.
"Its alright, I was the one rushing" she smiled. For some reason she didn't seem human to me.
"Um, sorry for asking but do you know Logan Miller?" She asked. I nodded. Her face contorted to a grim one.
"Then you must be Mara, I have to warn you" I frowned at her. Why warn me? Was she a creep too like Brandon?
"Logan is a very dangerous person, the moment he sees you start wanting to get away from him a little he'll end you" my eyes widened.
"That's not true! Logan's a nice person he-"
"Would never harm me because he loves me, yeah I know, he promised me the same thing yet watch" she held her shirt up showing a bite mark and... My eyes shone in horror. Her whole abdomen was burnt.
"You must've realised it already, he bites when he's defensively offended or if he thinks you'll get away from him, so you choose, want to finish heart broken and bruised? Stay, wanna survive, leave while you still can" I shook my head.
"That can't be, I can't, I love him!" I clenched my fists.
"How do I even know you're not lying!?" I asked. She smiled sadly.
"Then alright, go and ask him who Charlotte is, if he avoids the question you'll know," she said. I looked down.
"Why are you even helping then?" I asked.
"I don't want anyone to go through what I went through, and Mara you're special you've went through too much to be torn again" I snapped my head up to reply but the minute I did she was gone. I sighed walking back.
At the table, I didn't join in to any conversations. I felt like j was doubting him for something he never did but, that girl and the bruises she had on.
"Hey you okay?" I looked at Ray nodding. He looked at me in worry.
"No need to worry, I'm just feeling sick" I said. He raised a brow then got up.
"Let's go to the infirmary then" guess it'd be fine to lay down a bit.
We spent lunch over there talking and laughing. It felt good to not remember what that girl said.
"By the way," I started.
"Where are you with Hash?" He froze. The next second his face was beat red.
"W-Wha-I who!?" He was at loss of words.
"You should seriously confess, y'know she likes you too" he frowned.
"I doubt it," I huffed what a big baby.
"You know if you don't hurry she'll move on"
"You can't move on when you've never been in love in the first place," I groaned.
"You fucking kidding me! I really hate you right now!" I pouted.
"But you love me" he smirked. I giggled.
"Your so sappy" I chuckled. I felt a chill run down my spine again. I blinked a few times. A second I could've sworn I smelled Logan's scent.
"Is everything okay?" He asked. I nodded.
"Y-Yeah, just a lil dizzy" I chuckled. He frowned and got up putting a hand on my forehead.
"You're burning up," he said then turned to his bag pulling out his gloves.
"Don't move," he said placing his hands on my cheeks and his forehead on mine. Anyone who asked could think we were dating, that'd be funny but no. Ray had a mastered witchcraft with his past father before he died. He knew a few things still on sorceries and voudou. His hands were cold, he was using a freezing magic.
"By the way, Mara why is your temperature so high?" I bit my lip.
"I must've caught a cold heh" I shrugged. His brown eyes didn't open but his brows furrowed.
"You're lying, you know what happened" he stated. I sighed.
"I'll tell you just, not now" he finally opened his eyes. I saw grey in them before they went brown again.
"You promise?" He asked.
"I promise," I replied. He nodded giving me a bear hug. I saw the dark flash again but I didn't say a thing.
After lunch I had chemistry again with surprisingly no one except Logan. Sadly when I came into class he wasn't there. In fact he didn't show up during the whole time.
Did he skip? I thought to myself.
Maybe I should check on him later.
Which I did, after school I showed up to his house. Jayce was the one to open.
"Oh! Mara, you must be here for Logan?" I nodded.
"Well he returned this evening seeming funny and ever since he's been locked up in his room," I frowned. A wave a panic over took me.
"Where is he?" I asked.
"Like I said in his room, by the way no one's home so please control him, need anything then call the maids" he said passing right by me. I didn't pay attention to where he was headed and ran to Logan's room. Like Jayce said it was locked.
"Logan!" I yelled. No reply.
"Logan open up, its me Mara!" Still no reply.
"Please tell me whats wrong, I'll help you fix it!" Nothing.
"Babe, I love you so let me help plea- !" I stopped midway as his door opened up. I stared at him in confusion. His hair was messed up his eyes bloodshot red and puffy, he must've been crying. He only had his sweat pants on and half his hair covered his eyes only leaving a scary red gleam. But I wasn't scared.
"Logan? You okay," I reached a hand out to his face. He grabbed it pulling me inside. I was pushed against the bed.
"Logan? What's wrong?" I asked. I didn't reply crawling onto me. He started kissing my neck up my chin to my lips. I turned away. He was trying to avoid any kind of conversation.
"Stop it! Tell me what's wrong!" He gave me a stern face pinning my arms over my head. His other hand gripped my hair making me groan. At that occasion he slipped his tongue in. My head felt fuzzy and my body grew warm. He soon pulled away leaving a saliva string. He went down to my neck biting it roughly and sucking onto it. His hand then crawled up my shirt to my chest. I yelped feeling Hus cold hand on my breast.
"Logan! Stop it Logan! Sto-Ah~" he wouldn't listen he went down to my breast and sucked. I felt the warmth on my chest overtake my body. The world around me felt like space. It was finw until he trailed his hand over my back and I flinched. Hundreds of memories came to me like an avalanche. I hissed at him wriggling in his grip. He didn't stop now either just went on. I was between euphoria and nightmares of the past. From my back down to my rear his hand hadn't stopped and my body was shaking. Its when he slipped his hand in my underwear that I realised what he wanted to do. I writhed and kicked.
"Logan! This isn't funny stop! Stop it" his gaze turned back to me. He tried kissing me again but I turned my head.
"Stop it!" He growled at me his teeth sharp as knives. He bit my earlobe drawing some blood. I flinched feeling something inside me. He-!
"Logan!" I yelled. I was scared too scared to think and in panic I tried kicking him off but he got my legs in between his. Tears started forming in my eyes.
"Logan, stop it I'm begging you" he finally looked at me in the eyes.
"You never minded when, Brandon touched you in front of people, and you seemed just fine when Ray was close," my eyes widened. He was jealous.
"Logan I-"
"You promised to stay with me forever, so now love up to it," I bit my lip.
"Logan, I love you know I do, please just stop, we can try another time" I tried.
"Yeah right, I bet you've already done it with Brandon," I shook my head.
"I would never!" He chuckled coldly.
"You think I'll believe you?" I looked down.
"I just, I'll do anything to prove myself right" he smirked. He got off me to his cabinet.
"You will? Let's see," he held knife out to me. His eyes never changed color.
"You said you'd die for me, I want to test you," I looked down at my reflection in the cool metal.
"Slit your wrist to prove me how much you love me" he purred.
"W-What?! That's crazy why should I even-!"
"Its either a yes or a no" he cut me off sternly. My eyes widened. He was dead serious. What if I die? What happens.
"Worried about death? Then I guess the words you told my parents were just for fun," he shrugged.
"If I do you'll believe me?" I asked. He nodded. I clenched my jaw. I had nothing to lose anymore. With that thought I slashed through my wrist. I heard him chuckle.
"Would you do it again if I asked?" I nodded. My head felt dizzy but I didn't let it show.
He pulled up his knee to his chest leaning on it.
"Then go ahead, show me how far you can go to love me," he smirked deviously.
"..." I didn't reply and did as I was told slitting my wrists for more than an hour. Soon he spoke up.
"That's enough," I panted. Blood dripped onto the carpet. I took a step to him before my head turned. I knew I was gonna fall. I awaited the fall only to feel a cold hard surface.
"You really do love me," he smirked. He pulled up my arm to his mouth kissing it. I felt my wrist burn for a while before it stopped. I blinked a few times feeling the dizziness go away.
"Sleeping the night over?" I huffed. He chuckled kissing my cheek. What a psycho.
"You're completely sick," I muttered. He furrowed his brows. I sighed then grabbed his face into a kiss.
"But I'm sicker" I whispered.

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