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Saturday I stood at the bus station awaiting my aunt with Logan and Hashton.
"So this is us back in elementary," I turned to Hashton who was showing pictures to Logan. That's when she came to a picture of me in a baseball Jersey and hat.
"Hash! I thought you said you deleted that!" I yelled. I was holding a baseball glove while catching the ball in a green jersey and white shorts. But the thing was my hair. It was back when I still had bleach blonde hair.
"Erased on my PC," she laughed.
"Delete it!" I screeched.
"Delete what?" I turned around meeting dark brown eyes and a tall tanned male in a blue jacket.
"Ray!" I jumped into his arms. He was at least five heads taller than me now. And four times more muscles.
"Don't we get a hug too," I looked behind him to my aunt and Martha. Martha had orange red hair a green long sleeve and black jeans. Aunt Gabriela or more known as aunt Gabri, had grey black hair a while shirt and a pair of grey trousers.
"Aunt Gabri, Martha!"I smiled jumping onto them. Don't blame me for being a child.
"Good to see you again," Martha muttered. She wasn't the type to yell or get made.
"Look at you all grown up! And oh! Who is this?" Aunt Gabriela asked turning to Logan. I smiled grabbing his arm.
"Aunt Gabriela, Martha, Ray this is Logan Milles my boyfriend!" I said happily. Martha gave Logan a smile.
"I hope she's not too much trouble," I huffed.
"Shut up!" Logan chuckled at me.
"Milles? As in Qiara Milles?" Logan nodded.
"That's my mother," Aunt Gabriela nodded.
"Then I'm guessing you're a fire bender too" she said. I felt my heart start pounding.
"Fire bender? As in pyro-monsters?" Martha asked. I froze. Had forgotten about that. Aunt Gabriela was a shaman anything having to do with paranormality was her thing. She could sense ghost five kilometers away. Martha had took a liking in her job so she had started her shaman formation ever since we were in kindergarten.
"Yeah," Logan said simply. Martha had a defensive look as she held onto her bag.
"Calm down, he isn't harm" Aunt Gabriela assured. She gave Logan a warm smile surprising even me. The first time she'd met Brandon she gave him the cold shoulder.
"Let's get back," Hashton offered. I almost forgot she was there.
By Monday Aunt Gabriela had Martha and Ray signed up in our school meaning I'd be able to spend more time with them.
"So Ray has half his classes with me and Martha you got my other half, our homeroom is down by the French classroom" they nodded to me understanding.
"Bowmen High, this place hasn't changed one bit," Ray muttered. I giggled.
"By the way what happened to your old fri-" Martha was interrupted as someone bumped into her.
"Watch where you're going," I turned to the person. Of course Anna and her crew.
"You could at least apologize," I sneered to her. She scoffed.
"Hey look its the freak siblings," I glared to Jeff.
"I thought you two had died seeing how worthless it is to keep you on earth" Calem added.
"Oh please they're so stupid they wouldn't," Johan added.
"What the hell?" I growled.
"Face it Mara, you're not a part of our group so don't be surprised to get your privileges cut!" Michelle laughed.
"Like hell I care, I can take down any of you right here" I clenched my lists smiling showing off my teeth.
"Right now~" I smirked. Some took a few steps back.
"Like hell, just because you're that freak's bitch doesn't mean-" I cut Calem off with a hit in the abdomen. There was at least a meter separating us from there group but I closed it in a second. I swung my baseball bat at Michelle next knocking her into Johan.
"Wh-What!?" Anna yelled. I smirked to her stabbing Sarah in the back then Jeff leaving her left.
"Mara, i-if you do that you'll regret it I-I swear y-you-" she didn't have time to finish as I rose my bat to her a sadistic glint in my blue eyes. She fell to her knees clutching her stomach.
"Take this as warning and tell your other people," I said lifting Calem's head. He groaned at me.
"Let's go, or we'll be late for class" I smiled. Ray gave me a ruffle.
"Didn't you say you would never use that side again" Martha asked.
"Well let's say I'm overcoming my traumas thanks to Logan" I hummed to myself the tune he usually sang.
"You seem to trust that guy but what makes you think he isn't using you?" Ray asked. I frowned.
"Why would you even say that, Logan would never-"
"Mara, remember your not like any of them, you went through too much to have it cut down by a guy you call a lover" I looked down. Now thinking back. Logan and I started liking each other quickly and our relationship went from simple strangers to lovers in just a few days, but. Then I remember the dinner with his family, meeting his mother, the Halloween party, my breakdown's, his caring face when I'd feel down. Yeah we've been only dating since August and we were almost reaching end of November, but I knew I was making a good choice.
"Are you saying that because of what he is?" I asked.
"Mara just be careful pyro-monsters aren't a joke they're dangerous" Martha muttered.
"So? I won't back down because of that, and I know he wouldn't harm me" I replied.
"We'll see," Ray muttered. Oh shit. He had something in mind. When I started dating Brandon he had him tested on either he was a worthy boyfriend or not. And since Logan meant so much to me he'd get the hardest kind.
That evening I had them introduced to everyone.
"Wait, where's Logan and Mac?" I asked. I could feel Ray glance at me suspiciously.
"Well now that you mention," Ty nervously looked away.
"He's in the infirmary he got into a fight again" Sofiane blurted. Meg smacked him over the head. My eyes widened. I didn't waited a second more and ran out.
"Mara-!" I didn't listen to Meg's yelling as I was too caught in action.
Arriving in the infirmary I was met with the nurse.
"Mara? Honey what are you doing here?" She asked. I panted.
"I need to see Logan" she looked surprised.
"He's inside keep an eye on him for me by the way-" a crashing sound was heard from the inside. We both turned to each other then rushed in. Inside a bruised and busted Logan held a bandaged Brandon by the collar. Mac pulled them apart trying to hold Logan back.
"Logan calm down!" He didn't even listen his eyes full of rage.
"Let me kill that bastard!" Brandon laughed.
"Like hell, your sorry ass couldn't even touch me freak show!" Logan yelled in rage dodging Mac and jumping to Brandon fist up.
"Logan! Stop!" I yelled jumping in front of Brandon. He froze and his fist stopped only a few center meters from my face.
"Mara?" Brandon asked.
"Mara step aside I need to give him a lesson," I sighed.
"Leave the rest to me Ms" she nodded leaving.
"What if you get suspended?" I asked.
"Who cares as long as I get to remake that fuck's face!" He said attempting another punch but I stepped in between.
"I do you idiot! What do I do if you get suspended or even worse kicked out!?" I asked. He looked away.
"Please just let this time slide, for me" I asked taking his hand. He scoffed heading back to his bed. Mac gave me a thankful look.
"I'll be right there," she nodded following him.
I turned to Brandon.
"Brandon I-" before I could reply he hugged me.
"What are y-"
"Just, let me have this" I sighed then patted his back. We stayed like that for a good two minutes before he pulled away.
"Feeling better?" He nodded.
"Good, now sorry but I gotta go"
"Mara wait!" I turned around.
"Could we hang out? Sometime?" I smiled.
"Y'know I don't think your girlfriend would enjoy that" he sighed.
"Still mad?" I shrugged.
"I'm not, to be I'd need to still be I'm love" I said. His face twisted in hurt and anger.
"Could you give me another chance?" I didn't even hesitate.
"Nope!" I smiled.
"Mara, please I want to fix things" I sighed.
"Brandon, I'm not mad so there's nothing to fix," he growled.
"What do you even see in him?!" He asked.
"Someone that helped me find myself again," I stated. That wasn't a good idea as he got even angrier.
"I've known you for longer! How could you just leave me for that scumbag!?" He was throwing a tantrum. Brandon was born in a rich family getting everything he wanted whenever he wanted. Everything he wanted was served to him in a snap on a golden plate with a smile. His parents were blinded by his achievements never seeing what they made him into. Now here he was, someone who always had the first place and the things he wanted being stomped on by a rejection from his longtime crush.
"I can give you twice as much! Mara please let's ignore this story and start over" I shook my head.
"Then is it my style? Are you just into the creepy gothic shit? I can be like that too y'know!" I chuckled.
"You don't get it, Brandon we've been friends for years now yet you don't know me" he frowned.
"What do you mean of course I do!" I raised a brow.
"Then what's inside my mind right now?" He frowned. Of course he wouldn't know.
"How am I supposed to know?" He asked.
"Okay, then what's my favorite color?" He laughed.
"Black!" I chuckled.
"No, sorry its not that" I smiled. I turned around pointing at Logan's jacket I had on.
"Its red," I smiled.
"Seriously? You gotta be fucking joking" I shrugged then walked off.
"Mara! Hey! Don't ignore me! You'll be mine! Heard it!" I ignored the false threats walking to Logan's bed.
When I pulled the curtain I was met with an upset Logan.
"Oh you heard," I realised.
"Damn well I heard, why won't you pay attention to the threats y'know he's serious?" I smiled.
"You jealous," he scowled grabbing his bag.
"Like hell" he muttered but I clearly saw the red on his cheeks.

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