As a Heiress

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We stayed in that position talking. I told him about what happened after I killed our family. I was enslaved for over two years before Azrael found me with Isaac then they took me around the world from Jamaica to Madagascar where I met Ma and Jess then we went to Senegal and Ivory then to France and passed a few nights in Germany before ending here in Missouri. I told him about the Black Dogs and Cassey and the rest. I told him about how Isaac and his mother got shot but the jury didn't penalize the officer,who was Katherine's brother, and I ended up killing him. I then told him about how Aunt Gabriela found me and decided to force adoption by taking me away from the Black Dogs and how I hated her for it but got used to her. I spoke about Martha and Ray. I spoke about Brandon and Hashton. I spoke about Meg, Mac, Ty, Sofia and our adventures. Then he brought up the Milles.
"What?" I asked him.
"What about the Milles? Don't you have history with them too?" He asked me. I sighed.
"If I tell you will they be in danger?" He looks ahead.
"Only if they hurt you" he muttered. I him. I tell him about Qiara and how I ended being infected with a fire virus. I tell him about Ivan and Jayce. I tell him a little on Parker and that makes him laugh.
"Parker huh? Remember we had one," he stated. I turn to him.
"A dog?" He shakes his head.
"That little white panther you wanted but we couldn't afford to keep it since it refused to stay in the stables so the maids had to make an outside house for it" he chuckled. I giggle. Its the first time I laugh in his presence.
"Oh yeah! Imai, I couldn't take him when I left," I look down. I felt a swoon of sadness at the memory. My father smiled.
"What if I tell you he's here?" I snap my head up.
"No way," he nods sipping his tea.
"Oh yes, he's in the garden with the other spiritual beasts," he stated. I smile widely. Then I remember one thing.
"Oh and, I uh, I have a boyfriend" he starts violently choking while I just giggle. This was fine. It felt weird at first but. It was fun to spend time with him and see him react like a father.
"You what!?" I nod.
"Its Logan," his eyes narrow in slits.
"The pyromaniac" he spits. I nervously chuckle.
"You know him?" He sighs.
"He burned down literally half our industries and ten school in the Unknown World, not to mention the victims it made," he looks at me in worry.
"Dear, please please be careful, I won't hold you back from loving who you love but" he sighs.
"That boy is a cold blooded monster, I saw the things he did, he doesn't care either you're a child woman or man, even old people, if you're not careful-"
"He'll burn you to crisps" we both look at the door. Grandfather is standing there with his arms crossed. Beside him is the young prince who peeks over at me. Grandfather sighs at father while he smiles at me.
"Don't listen to him Riley, he's always had issues with fire and the gods know he still does" he says and walks to us. He looks at me with a nostalgic smile.
"I'm glad you're alive, now you understand what's going to happen" I nod.
"You're a heiress so your place is here with us at the Unknown Kingdom, you'll be having a dailey training and education, you'll have time for yourself but right now I want you to-"
"Father," I look over at my father who'd cut grandfather off.
"Riley had a life before we found her, she's living it fine so unless you'd want to loose her again, I advise we let her make a choice of either she wants to be a heiress" my eyes widen at him. He was giving me a choice. Usually I didn't have that right. I looked down at my palms.
"Daniel, I understand she's your daughter and you want the best for her but, responsibilities are responsibilities," my grandfather stated.
"But would she be happy?" He asked him. I looked down thinking.
"I, its not about her happiness its about her people, and you know it" I look at them.
"What if I do both," I asked. They both turned there heads.
"What?" Grandfather asks.
"What if, I go to school then take care of my responsibilities, doing both in a steady way" grandfather nods approvingly.
"No, you'd get overwhelmed by your work, the heiress job isn't something to take as a joke and will most likely take most of your time" I turn to him.
"But I can do it, let me try for a month or so," they turn to each other. Grandfather looks at me with a conflicted and worried gaze.
"If you can hold up the role for this month, I guess you'll be able to for the rest of your life" I smile.
"I only have a year of highschool then university so I'm okay" I nod.
As a heiress this was my job.

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