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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Singularity ───────────────⚪────────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► 1:17 / 3:32 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Singularity ───────────────⚪────────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► 1:17 / 3:32 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀


Guests mingle; Some ladies enjoy their fruit pants at the bar gossiping and obviously flirting with Jin whereas others move their bodies at the dance floor.
Sometimes the fresh load of guests turns up before the previous groups leave and the chaos is indescribable. They all turn out to be the most extraordinary eccentrics I have ever met in my life and they actually appreciate our work -and the show as well- to the fullest.
We deal with diverse kinds of people like those who are asking for trouble, the party animals, the art lovers, the rats that never give back and so forth. Cabaret presents different challenges, but I love having the freedom to say anything I want-do anything I want, express myself in various ways. It’s a responsibility and if it works, you get all the kudos, and if not-all the blame.

It's quite crowded tonight. I strut into the ballroom wiggling my hips as I make my way to the bar. I stood there, carefully balancing in my black ankle strap heels and searching the crowd for a familiar face. I can feel gazes on me as two guys smile cheekily at me and I roll my eyes insensibly.

“You look gorgeous tonight!” I tossed my head to the left seeing Jungkook getting closer.

“Thank you, you look nice too” I returned the compliment as my eyes scanned his plain grey suit and his matching high-necked shirt. He bunny-smiled shoving a hand into his pocket casually. I plucked a glass of caramel vodka off a passing tray looking around the beautiful space.
There are multicolored flashing lights on the dance floor, but they are not bright enough to reach beyond that. The stage is adorned with lavender-purple curtains.

“That's a new dress, right?” Jungkook harked back to the previous topic as he braced a hand on a tall drink table.

“Um yes, how you know that?” I asked smoothing the edges of my silk claret dress with a free hand. Jungkook licked his lips standing close enough for me to breathe in his fruity scent.

“I don’t remember taking that thing off you…” I think the eyes flirt the most and god damn it the way he looks at me is almost painful. When he’s around my whole body knows it, but I won’t give in...

“AAAHHMYGODAYAYY” Hoseok cut in the conversation. Limbs moving according to the chaos theory that hardly any could explain. His words are running into one another and if I didn't know that Taehyung is about to perform tonight, I wouldn't have a clue what he's saying.

“Whoa bro, give that chest a rest!” Jungkook clutched Hoseok’s shoulder to hold him still.

“Sorry, I’m just too excited, Tae’s locked in the dressing room for hours” His doe-eyes reflect the enthusiasm that flows through them and his smile could light up any room, no matter how dark.

A blaze of lights filled the room, slowly fading into blackness. The stage instantly illumined by a dim hot pink limelight as the crowd moved like a multi-headed beast around the tables to have a nicer view. I went with the crowd feeling already electrified, awake; soaring to new heights of emotions yet a bit of agony boiled inside me.

The crowd cheered when a slow, entrancing melody echoed throughout the room. Then, sweet vocals followed as Taehyung appeared on stage, moving his body sensually to the rhythm. His hair changed into a dark brown color as if bitter chocolate was melting on his forehead. His voice was like nothing I've ever heard before. It sounded like a drum, but deeper. It was smooth, like butter, but it could be as rocky as rocky road ice cream. His tone was as deep as the sun at midnight sending chills through my body. I gulped when Taehyung’s gleaming eyes met mine as the chorus played on and the backup dancers snaked around him holding white theater masks. His naughty smile switches to an angelic one within seconds escorted by some jerky movements and pleasant vocals.

Some girls in the front row- clearly from the rich end of the town- jostled for a better position. If I close my eyes it feels like he’s next to me whispering into my ear and breathing against my lips. He glided from place to place, arms held in front, fingertips touching and stroking his flawless face then, go down between his legs.
The cheers erupt like an auditory volcano. It is all quiet one second and then deafening the next, rising to a crescendo and then falling to a trickle before the same ecstasy commands silence once more. Sadly, the song has already ended.

“Ladies and Gentleman, thank you so much for coming tonight I hope you all enjoyed this amazing performance by our new vocalist Kim Taehyung!” Namjoon exclaimed and the crowd applauded again as Taehyung bows softly in front of them.

“Whoa, that was crazy, bro!” Hoseok blurted in delight, patting Taehyung’s shoulder as he got down from the stage.

“You’re really talented!” Jungkook gave him thumbs up in agreement.

“I really liked your dance moves!” Jimin giggled mimicking the choreography.

“So, that means…” Yoongi paused as we all looked back at Namjoon.

Right! Welcome to our group, Taehyung”


I just need to step outside, get some fresh air and spend time with myself, that’s why I’m walking down the hallway heading to the dressing rooms to find my faux-fur jacket and leave.
Someone stands silhouetted against the open doorway and from his perfect outline I know it’s Jungkook. He gave me one of his soundless stares as I entered the room.

“If you’re not planning to kidnap me, then, don’t do that it’s creepy!” I scoffed.
He laughs, low and sexy.

“Do you want me to come with you? It’s pretty late” He proposed kindly; every step he takes is in a slow motion. His muscular upper-body stretches and his eyes are as direct as I expected, not even blinking as much as the average person. I waited for him to say something, but he just stood there with heavy awkwardness. He looks ethereal as his shaggy forelock covers his tanned skin stopping just above his eyelids.

“See you tomorrow then” I said.

“I’ll think about you…lovely dirty thoughts” He smirked and I swallowed a laugh.

“I swear Denise, I am not that horny, but damn it you drive me crazy!” He hissed and I felt every fiber of my being crumble.

“What do you want from me Jungkook?” I scowled and he filled the gap between us with his warm body. His hand touched my hair- how he loves the softness, watching it tumble as he releases it. I closed my eyes as his hand moved down my cheekbones to my lips.

“Give me one more chance, Noona” He whispered pressing his forehead on mine gently “forgive me, please”

I quiver as his hands grab hold of my hips, outlining my curves and landing on my bare thighs.

“I’ve already forgiven you Kook, but I need time, I can’t do it that fast” I breathed out.

He pulled away taking a deep breath before speaking.

“We are not lovers Denise, but definitely, we are not just friends…”


V.K ♥

Caramel ✐ 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐚𝐧 ffWhere stories live. Discover now