Trouble In Paradise

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Unfortunately, the weekend couldn't last forever and Sunday afternoon Mom dropped Sol, and Persephone, off at school again. Once she checked in, Sol decided to take a walk around the campus before she brought Persephone to the kennels. Sol smiled and closed her eyes, letting the dog guide her as she let the evening sun warm her face.

She could almost see the rosy, golden glow of the sky as the sun sank below the horizon. She could almost see the palm trees rustling in the gentle breeze. As time had passed, and her memory faded, the images weren't as clear. But Sol could still pictures glimpses of the world in her mind. She wished she could clearly remember what the world looked like, but she had learned there was more than one way to see.

At last the sun disappeared and Sol felt a shadow cross her face. Sighing, she signaled for Persephone to stop. She realized she hadn't been paying attention and now she didn't know where she was. "Great," she muttered to herself. Now she had to wander around until she found someone who could help her get her bearings.

It turned out she didn't have to wander that long because, almost as soon as she stopped, someone called her name. "Solveigh?" The voice was annoyingly familiar. "It is Solveigh, isn't it?"

"Yeah. And you are?"

Footsteps stopped in front of Sol. "It's Elias. I asked you for directions."

"I knew you sounded familiar!" Sol exclaimed, smiling. "Dropping your brother off?"

"Yeah," Elias said. "My parents have to work. Did you have a good weekend?"

"I did, actually. My boyfriend took me out for a picnic on the beach."

"That sounds like fun," Elias said. "If you don't mind me asking, how do you manage? Since you can't drive and all."

Sol smiled. "I don't mind. His brother drove us, and I had my faithful companion." Here she stroked Persephone's ears.

"And what is this little guy's name?"

"Actually...," Sol said, petting the dog's head again. "It's a little girl, and her name is Persephone."

"Oh, man..." Elias laughed. "I just can't seem to stop doing stupid things in front of you. I swear, I'm usually a lot cooler than this."

Sol laughed too. "I'm sure you're very cool, but I haven't seen much proof... literally."

Elias snorted. "Well, I'll have to remedy that." He paused and Sol imagined him rubbing his jaw thoughtfully. Finally, he said, "I have it. Persephone is named after the Greek goddess who was kidnapped by Hades and forced to marry him."

"Bingo!" Sol exclaimed. "You really do know your stuff."

"What can I say?" Elias replied smoothly. "I like to be well rounded."

"Well, you certainly are that," Sol said. "But can you help me with something practical?"

"What can I do for you m'lady?"

"I need you to tell me where the main administration building is," Sol replied. "I spaced while I was walking and I lost my bearings."

"Uh..." There was a scuffling noise as Elias turned around. "It is directly behind me, a little to the left. Your front right. We're right outside the boy's dorm."

"Sweet!" Sol said. "Thank you very much."

"It was my pleasure. Is there anything else I can do to assist you?"

Sol grinned at his playful tone. "I'm perfectly capable of finding the kennels... but I wouldn't mind the company if you've a mind."

"I wouldn't mind at all," Elias replied. "Lead the way, m'lady."

Solveigh could barely breathe as they entered the kennels because of Elias' stupid jokes. He had a collection of terrible dad jokes that would put any dad she knew to shame, her own included. As the door clicked shut behind them, Sol leaned against the wall and tried to catch her breath. "No more, please," she panted. "Or I'm going to die and you'll be charged with manslaughter, or something."

Elias chuckled. "Thank you for the compliment."

"What makes you think it was a compliment?" Sol asked teasingly.

"Because I am hilarious."

"And sooo humble, too."

"Sol?" Trey's voice came from Solveigh's right.

"Trey!" she exclaimed, turning to face the sound of his voice. "When did you get here? Why didn't you text me?"

"I just got here a few minutes ago," Trey answered. "We hit traffic. I was going to call, or whatever as soon as I dropped Jax off."

"Well, you're here now," Sol said, moving until she felt Trey's arm. "Anyway, do you remember Elias?"

"Yeah. Hi."

"Hey, Trey," Elias said, coming to stand behind Sol.

There was a long, rather awkward, silence then Elias cleared his throat and said, "Well, it's been lovely seeing you again, but I have to get home. Time, and homework, waits for no one, you know. See you around, Sol."

"See ya!" Sol said, waving in Elias's general direction.

With that Sol checked Persephone into the kennels and, giving the dog one last kiss on the head, left with Trey. As they walked slowly in silence Sol could feel a weird vibe coming off of him. Without being able to see people's body language it was hard to pick up on what they were feeling, but, somehow, with Trey she could just feel it. And right now he was annoyed.

"What's wrong, Trey?" Sol asked. "You're awfully quiet. More than usual, I mean."


Sol grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop. "Don't say it's nothing. I can tell something's wrong. What is it?"

Trey pulled his arm free. "Seriously, Solveigh. It's nothing."

Slightly taken aback by the snappish tone of his voice, Sol hesitated before asking, "Did I do something? Did I..." Suddenly, she trailed off as it clicked in her head. "Are you mad because I was talking with Elias?" she asked incredulously. "Is that what this is about?"

Trey's silence was enough of an answer. "Are you kidding me, Trey?" Sol exclaimed. "I was just talking to him."

"Flirting, more like...," Trey muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, Sol was getting really annoyed. She laughed caustically. "I was not flirting with him!"

"Really?" Trey snapped back. "Then I guess laughing and giggling with him wasn't flirting!"

"You're being ridiculous!" Sol was almost yelling now. "I talk to everyone like that. Why is it bothering you all of a sudden?"

"Maybe it bothered me before, but I didn't say anything!"

Sol opened her mouth, but then she stopped. Did Trey really think she was flirting with other guys when she joked around with them? And why did he wait until now to make his feelings known? Sol crossed her arms. Well, she wasn't about to tolerate his jealous, clingy behavior. She wasn't about to stop talking to people because Trey was a grump. She'd told him she wasn't flirting, and if he couldn't believe her... that was his problem.

"You know what, Trey?" Sol said tightly. "I don't fancy giving the gossips any more fodder. Talk to me when you wake up on the right side of the bed."

Then she brushed past him and walked away.

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