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Two months later.

Solveigh's mother always said your senior year was the year your whole life would change, and that was definitely proving true. Her life had certainly been turned upside down by the whole Trey drama, but, as it turned out, fate wasn't quite done with her.

A couple weeks after Sol and Trey got back together, he took her to the studio to meet some of the executives. Jessica was there, which was kind of weird, but that wasn't the craziest thing that happened that day.

Even now, almost two months later, Sol still wasn't quite sure how it happened. Trey was explaining how recording a song worked, and Sol asked if she could go inside one of the recording booths. Being the mature adult that she was, Sol immediately started belting some Elvis. Because what else was one to do in a real recording booth?

Sol was just playing around, but, apparently, one of the studio executives was listening because, when Sol and Trey walked out, he asked if he could speak with her. Sol thought she was going to get in trouble for playing with the equipment, but the guy actually started complimenting her voice. Raving about it, actually.

Of course, Sol was flattered, but she didn't give it any more thought until Trey called her a couple days later asking if she could come to the studio again. Walking in, she had no idea what to expect, but when the studio people stared asking her if she had ever considered going into music, she was absolutely flabbergasted.

Ever since she was a kid, people had told her how now nice her voice was, but Sol had always planned on going into pro BMX. Ever since the accident, though, she hadn't been sure. She had thought about working as a therapist, like Mr. Shane, but this stopped her in her tracks.

Sol had never written a song in her life. Not even a poem. Actually, she had barely passed her school's poetry section in English class. Then again, a lot of famous singers didn't actually write their own music. They were all so talented, though. How could someone like her ever hope to make it? At least, that was what she was thinking during the meeting.

The studio people were actually very nice. They immediately agreed to give her some time to think. Of course, she could tell they were hoping she would agree to slap some kind of demo together. As they walked out of the studio, Trey was uncharacteristically excited, but Sol was too stunned to pay it much mind.

Of course, her parents completely lost it when they heard the news. It took Sol several hours to convince them she wasn't being offered a record deal. She was just being offered a chance to show that day in the studio wasn't just a fluke. And even if it wasn't, there was guarantee she would get any kind of deal. And, on top of that, she wasn't even sure she wanted it.

The truth of the matter was she was petrified at the thought of having to perform in front of people all by herself. Being in front of crowds at BMX competitions had never bothered her, but somehow this was different. Despite all the compliments she had received over the years, her voice wasn't something she was confident in.

But the more she thought about it, the more Sol began to wonder if this was what she was waiting for. She remembered the feeling hearing Trey perform for the first time. She had been proud of him, of course, but she had also felt inspired. Like, if he could do that despite everything standing in his way, what was stopping her from reaching her dreams? If she wanted to help kids like herself, who thought their disabilities meant they couldn't follow their dreams, what better way than to be an icon for them?

Still, Sol couldn't quite make herself take the leap. It was all just so big and frightening; how could she do it by herself? Then one day Trey showed up at her front door, so excited he could barely sit still.

His proposition was this: since he hadn't officially signed anything, it would be possible for Sol to join him as his costar. Instead of being two solo artists, they could put their talents together. With her voice and natural way with people, and his songwriting ability they would be a force to be reckoned with, he said.

For the second time in a week, Sol was speechless. Her first instinct was to say they would kill each other, but then she paused. They had already proved they could work through the rough times, and they knew they could work together from all those school projects. Anyway, hadn't Sol always dreamed of being famous. True, this wasn't quite what she had imagined, but, when you got down and gave it some thought, it was even better.

And so said she would give it a shot. That was how she found herself spending every minute she could spare working on the demo with Trey. And a small army of assistants who were there to make sure they didn't go completely crazy. It was actually a lot more fun that she thought is was going to be. Sol couldn't say she was completely convinced she was making the right choice yet, but she was quickly falling in love with the process of songwriting. Of course, getting to spend all that time with Trey didn't hurt.

And so, with her high school graduation only a week away, Solveigh's life was starting to fall into place. Sure, everything wasn't all settled and golden, but, for the first time since the accident, she had a dream and a direction. And she knew, through it all, she would have her friends and family right by her side. After all, in the end, wasn't that all anyone really needed?

The End.

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