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One night, several weeks after Solveigh said yes to Elias, she was sitting in her dorm room, trying to relax. "Trying" being the key word. Several of Gracie's school friends had decided to drop by, and they were chattering up a storm on the other side of the room. Sol was feeling pretty miserable that night, and all she wanted to do was go to sleep, but that was pretty much impossible with all the racket.

She thought about asking Gracie and her friends to take it outside, but it wasn't even really that late. Besides, Gracie didn't deserve to be punished just because Solveigh felt like sulking. Even if she was getting on Sol's ever-loving last nerve. In the end, Sol just slipped outside to get some peace and quiet.

It was one of those rare nights where it was actually pretty cold, and Sol wished she'd brought a warmer jacket, but she didn't feel like going back inside to get one. Alternating which hand she had in her pocket, she wandered about the grounds. Occasionally, she heard voices, but most of the students were inside where it was warm.

She thought about going to visit Persephone in the kennels, but they were about to close. In fact, curfew wasn't that far away. At least Gracie's friends would have to go back to their own dorms for lights out. Still, Sol planned on staying outside as long as she could.

Slowly, Sol circumnavigated the courtyard until she found herself in front of the boy's dorm. Music was playing faintly somewhere, and she wondered how long it would take one of the wardens to barge in a tell the perpetrator to turn it off. Sighing, Sol started to walk on, but a voice stopped her in her tracks. Usually, it took her moment to place someone's voice, but she recognized this one immediately.

"I can't stay here long, Jess..." Trey sounded like he was only a few yards away. "It's almost curfew-." He was suddenly quiet and Sol held her breath, terrified that he would hear her.

Finally, Sol heard a muted crack as Trey knocked his cane against the wall. "I'm not being rude, I'm just-." He huffed as he was cut off again.

Sol felt for the wall and started to creep backwards, praying she wouldn't trip over anything. She had to get farther away, or Trey was bound to hear her. Really, she should just go back to her dorm right now, but her curiosity was too strong. When she judged she was a safe distance away, she crouched down and listened.

"...We've been over this before..." Trey's voice sounded annoyed. "I never wanted it to go this far, but you-." He stopped then raised his voice. "I never led you on, Jessica. I told you from the beginning I wasn't interested."

There was a long silence where Sol assumed Jessica was talking before Trey sighed heavily. "For that I do owe you an apology," he said quietly, and Sol had to strain to hear him. "I was..." He sighed again. "I was upset about... something else, and you were right there... and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to use you as a distraction. I never meant to hurt you... I hope you can believe that."

Sol's mind was racing, but Trey was speaking again. "What does that have to do with this?" There was an edge in his voice, but it quickly vanished and he sighed. "I guess I do... but it doesn't matter now; she's moved on. Have you heard she's got a new boyfriend?"

With a start, Sol realized he was talking about her, but she managed to stifle her surprise. After several moments, Trey said, his tone apologetic. "I wish I could... I really do, but I can't force myself to feel something that isn't there. Besides, it wouldn't be fair to you to try."

There was a pause before Trey gave a sad laugh. "You're welcome, I guess, and I really am sorry. I should have said this a long time ago." He chuckled again, sounding a little more genuine this time. "You're a wonderful girl, Jessica Hewlett. I'm certain there's some guy out there who actually deserves you." A pause, then, "Goodbye, and best of luck to you, too."

With that he hung up and, after heaving a loud sigh, walked back to the dorm. Sol didn't dare move until she heard the door slam shut behind him, but even after she was certain Trey was gone, she was frozen in place. Every instinct was screaming at her to run to him. She was wrong about Trey, so very, very wrong; he still loved her, but he thought that she had moved on. What would he do if he knew I felt the same way?

One thing kept Sol from flying after Trey: the knowledge that Elias was happily waiting for her. She couldn't do this to him... she couldn't! Sol had told him that she always said what she meant; how could she take that back now? How could she explain this to him without it sounding like she had been lying the whole time?

No... Sol had made her decision, and she had to stick to it. There were more than her feelings involved now. She had to keep walking this path, even if it broke her heart. With silent tears rolling down her frozen cheeks, Sol turned and started the slow walk back to her dorm.

A Light In The Darkness [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now