I Almost Do

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A week or so passed by. Solveigh didn't speak to Trey, even though they still had several classes together. She did go walking in the park with Elias again, though. Sol didn't know what to do about him. He really was nice, and funny, and sweet... but he wasn't Trey. Sol was irritated at herself for not being able to let go, but she wondered anyway. She wondered if, occasionally, Trey thought about her. Did he miss her? Did he regret walking away? Was it killing him like it was killing her?

It didn't matter, though. Sol knew, even if he did regret his decision, he was too proud to take it back. But she was proud too. She knew she couldn't go back and risk another rejection. She didn't want to face another goodbye. So here she was, going through her life like everything was okay, but, on the inside, she was dying.

One day, after a particularly miserable calculus class, Sol was walking towards the cafeteria when her phone rang. "Sol!" Lloyd's voice was excited when she picked up. "Where are you? Have you heard?"

"Heard what?" Sol asked, thoroughly confused.

Lloyd's voice became fainter. "Oh, my gosh! She hasn't heard, Tia!" His voice became loud again. "Get to the cafeteria right now!"

"I'm on my way," Sol said. "But serious-." Lloyd had already hung up. Sol stuffed her phone back into her pocket. "Rude," she muttered to herself.

She finally located her friends at a table in the back corner of the cafeteria. "Okay," she said as she sat down. "What is so urgent that I had to get over here 'right now'?"

Lloyd didn't waste any time. "Trey got a record deal."

Sol felt her mouth drop open. "Wait, wait, wait...," she stammered. "Like, to release an album?"

"What other kind of record deal is there?" Lloyd said.

"How did you hear about this?" Sol asked, still trying to wrap her head around the news.

"You know Masie Elton?" This time it was Tiana who spoke.

"Yeah," Sol said. "Mr. Elton's daughter?"

"Yep," Lloyd said before Tiana could go on. "Well, apparently she's, like, best friends with this girl, Jessica Hewlett, who's father just happens to be on the board of the biggest record label in Florida. Masie mentioned her father was tutoring this kid, and Jessica, according to Masie, asked if she, Masie, could get her in touch with Trey. I guess Masie snooped out Trey's email because a couple months ago Jessica sent him an email introducing herself and said she was interested in helping him."

"Hold up," Sol said. "Masie told you all of this?"

"No, Trey did."

Sol sat back and blinked. "He never mentioned any of this to me."

"He didn't?" Tiana asked.

"No. Did he tell you all about it, too?" Sol said, sounding more peevish than she intended to.

"I didn't know anything until Lloyd told me," Tiana replied.

"I didn't realize he never told you," Lloyd said after a moment. "He asked me not to say anything just in case nothing came from it. I figured he told you the same thing."

Sol could only shake her head. A moment later Tiana gave her hand a squeeze. "I'm sorry, Solveigh," she murmured.

Sol swallowed hard. "What happened after that? After she emailed him, I mean."

"Oh! Um...," Lloyd stuttered for a moment. "Apparently, they emailed back and forth for a while before Jessica asked to meet him in person. According to Masie she took a copy of Trey's CD back to her father and Mr. Hewlett asked to meet with Trey."

A cold feeling crept into Sol's chest. "When was this?"

"The meeting?" Lloyd asked. "I'm not sure, exactly. The beginning of October, I think. You'd have to ask Masie. I'm just repeating what she told me."

The beginning of October... Tears began to prick at Sol's eyes. Jessica must have been the girl she overheard Trey talking to. He hadn't been cheating... but then why had he gotten so defensive. Maybe because she had basically kicked his door down and started throwing accusations. If only she hadn't jumped to conclusions... if only she had given him a chance to explain himself.

Sol stood abruptly and hurried as fast as she could out of the cafeteria. She heard Lloyd about after her, but she ignored him. She made it out the door and around the corner of the building before the tears started to fall in earnest. Collapsing against the cold brick of the wall, she buried her face in her knees and sobbed quietly.

A few minutes later she heard footsteps and Tiana's voice softly calling her name. For a moment Sol was tempted to let her keep walking, but she called out hoarsely, "I'm here, Tia."

Moments later her friend was by her side. Sol felt Tiana's arms wrap around her shoulders. "I've been so, so, so stupid!" she sobbed. "I ruined everything!"

"What are you talking about?" Tiana asked gently.

"Oh, Tia...," Sol moaned. "Jessica was the girl who was at his house that time."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," Sol replied miserably. "Lloyd said it was the beginning of October. That's when I walked in on Trey."

"So he wasn't..." Tiana trailed off.

For a long time neither of them said anything then Sol sighed quietly. "I was horrible, Tia," she murmured. "I mean, so was he, I guess, but I started it. I came at him like a missile; no wonder he lashed out."

"Don't blame yourself, Sol," Tiana said. "All you knew was that some strange girl was at his house. It isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination to assume, you know..."

"But I didn't trust him, Tia. I should have trusted him; he's never given me any reason not to." Sol swiped angrily at her face. "He was already getting on my nerves, for an entirely different reason, and I... I was acting out. I was acting like a spoiled brat, trying to get the upper hand... the last word... and I ruined everything."

"Solveigh...," Tiana said after a long silence. "Stop blaming yourself. This isn't your fault, at least not completely. Us humans are fickle, jealous, hot-tempered creatures; fights are as natural as breathing. No one is ever going to get along all the time, no matter how much you may love the other person. Love is being willing to work through those rough spots."

"Are you saying I should apologize?" Sol asked.

"I'm not saying you should do anything," Tiana said. "But you and Trey... you guys have something special, and I would hate to see that disappear."

Sol bit her lip. "I can't, Tia. I can't say hello again, and risk another goodbye."

Tiana was quiet again. In the end, she simply hugged Sol and said, "Okay."

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