Face To Face

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Sol wished that evening could go on forever. The words rained down on her like rain, and she drank them in. Trey had loved her... deep down he still did. But love's whisper, though strong, was so quiet compared to the clamoring of pride and fear. Trey said one word would be all it took, but would it really. It was so easy to say things you didn't mean.

It was easy to imagine yourself doing something, too. Sitting there, listening to the music, it was easy for Sol to imagine walking up to Trey and telling him she knew the whole story now. That she was sorry for being so quick to judge. That she wasn't angry anymore. That she was willing to give them another chance if he wanted to, too.

But reality was a different story. Outside her fantasies Sol was afraid to open her heart like that again. She was afraid of letting go of her own pride and being rejected. But what was her pride compared to her happiness? What if she did find Trey? Worst case scenario, he told her to get lost, that the songs were just songs. She wouldn't be any worse off than she was right then.

Yet again, she had been slowly putting the pieces of her heart back together for the past couple months. Wouldn't it be better to do the brave thing and just walk away now? Trey had loved her, and she loved him, but it was over now. But how could she just let that go without a fight?

The battle inside Solveigh's head was so fierce that Mrs. Carter had to say her name several times before she snapped back to the present. Applause was slowly fading away and Trey was thanking the crowd one last time. "I don't want to fight through this crowd with all three of you," Mrs. Carter said softly. "I'm going to pull the car up to the front door then I'll come get you all."

"Okay," Sol whispered back. Once Mrs. Carter was gone, she leaned over to Cat and said, "Hey, I've gotta use the bathroom. I'll be right back."

"Do you need me to go with you?" Cat asked.

Sol shook her head. "Nah, it's fine. It's just down the hall to the right?"

"Yep," Cat replied. "If you're not back in about ten minutes, though, I'm going to assume you got trampled, and I'm coming to look for you."

Sol laughed. "Give me a little credit, girl."

With that, she edged out of her seat and felt her way up the aisle. Thankfully, people seemed to notice her stick and gave her room. She made it to the bathroom with only one, small mishap, almost falling into the men's room as someone opened the door. Fortunately, she hadn't been leaning against the door very hard so she was able to catch her balance and continue on her way.

After triple-checking the sign by the door, Sol stepped into the women's room. It was a secret paranoia of hers, accidentally walking into the wrong bathroom and not even knowing it. Knowing her friends were waiting for her, Sol finished her business quickly and hurried, or as much as she dated hurry in a public place, back out.

Unfortunately, instead of hurrying into the hallway, she hurried straight into someone's chest. Sol was so surprised that she instinctively shrieked and tried to back up, only to trip over her cane. Just as she was about to crash to the ground, though, a strong pair of hands grabbed her by the wrists.

As soon as she regained her balance again, Sol pulled herself free, being more careful as she backed up this time. Knowing her face must be flaming, she stammered, "I am so, so sorry! I didn't know you were there!"

There was no response from the individual she had just plowed into. Swallowing nervously, Sol tried again, "I really am sorry. It was all my fault."

This time the other person responded. "It's fine, Sol. It was just an accidental."

Sol felt like she might actually fall this time. "T... Trey?" The name escaped from her lips more as a breath than a word.

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